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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Really good kicker. FO did great there.
  2. Wasn’t that was the other one from Georgia ? Why is the Colorado one a crackpot? I thought it was the Georgia one saying all the ridiculous stuff. With this one, There is the over the top gun advocacy (which I don’t agree with support). But I hadn’t seen her promoting conspiracies like the Georgia Greene one.
  3. Yep, Grew up in poverty with parents on welfare... If she had different demographics and political party (actually was dem for several years) she’d be upheld as a national hero. I see examples of these double standards in both directions constantly. hypocritical sheep. You should be ashamed of yourself for your elitist sneering at someone who grew up through a tough socio-economic status to make something of themselves just because you disagree with their opinions no matter how irrational they may seem.
  4. He gets a lot of air time because of his all In stances and on camera belligerence. It’s more a sad testament to what passes for entertainment than anything else. Has a tabloid level of understanding of the actual game.
  5. It’s true he gets a lot of time, his guys are usually schemed wide open and there are a lot of plays designed by Ried that maximize talents and mismatches.
  6. Maybe, but, if history acts as any predictor, your parties radicals are going to try and take advantage of the margins by trying to push for most extreme agenda the moderate Democrats oppose causing self inflicted gridlock..
  7. interesting paradox statement. Not sure what it means. https://www.clintonfoundation.org/contributors?category=%24100%2C001 to %24250%2C000&page=8 third name down. 😂 https://www.thethings.com/15-facts-about-donald-trumps-relationship-with-the-clintons/ Clintons encouraged trump to run? Oh that’s so ironic. That’s like OBL being trained by the CIA.
  8. I love hearing about people disassociating themselves with parties... not sure if they know just because they leave one sheep herd doesn’t necessitate joining another. btw, Trump was a registered Democrat less than 15 years prior to taking office.
  9. Some of the responses in the thread are hilarious. This clearly is a strategic video presentation advocating FOR the Davos agenda driven by the WEC, which is absolutely an organization of the wealthiest and most powerful that meets every year in Switzerland. (Except this year due to covid) To those bizzaro world trumpies above calling it a hoax, even your favorite cnn hero will probably mention it as a thing come May. I guess I don’t see the video message as entirely draconian, but usually when the powerful and wealthy get together to advocate for change they don’t lose those things. Stakeholder capitalism is an interesting idea. It’s probably the way most well meaning people wished the world worked. But tough to systemically motivate or measure it.
  10. Tough year for a good but kinda average player to be looking for top dollar.
  11. I wish you brainwashed uneducated right and left wing extremist sycophants would all just go away so we could have a country here. I despise your two parties and your childish, naive binary comprehension of the universe
  12. Let it go and look forward... the sheep herder that instructs your thoughts has beaten the the incumbent sheepherder. Embrace your winning herd 🐑 Dude is literally the diametrical opposite of a trump fanatic. Just opposite. Same everything else.
  13. Not angry at all.. just pointing out they are all cut from the same disgusting cloth. Your hero’s and the crazy Trum’pup’ets. You are all the same people, just mastered by different chiefs.
  14. Id accept moving on without all but Jerry and Micah. Would hate to lose either of them.
  15. The man is wearing shorts in the snow!!! Re-sign! On that kick return vs Miami he made several guys miss
  16. Unless it’s a 10x leveraged margin play I have to agree
  17. Sorry may have had inferred too much there. My point literally was, don’t let a desire to not call more running plays be the reason not to consider investing in an upgrade at RB, because even if you want to pass, let them be a threat.
  18. That’s his 20 yard split time The coaching staff, front office and owners are all faster than Lee Smith
  19. Morse is a key reason the pass pro is good. albeit also a reason the inside run is not good. That’s a whole lotta beard flying around
  20. His highlights looked a lot like Singletarys
  21. That’s cute, but health care has costs, so if you want to be more honest you might say you want someone else to pay for your healthcare.
  22. he also needs to run routes like Beasley Just because they are competitive in that commercial??
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