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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. It has always fascinated me that the liberals were unable to realize that they had enough ammunition with the actual bad stuff that they didn’t need to smear, lie about and spin the occasional good or correct thing that was done. Every single administration in history ever did a few things right, even if they did most of it wrong. But the worst ism seems to percolate on both sides ... absolutism. it was the same with Obama. Republicans had to vilify everything the guy did, even the things that somewhat aligned with their own ideals. I truly admire your levity @Tenhigh if there were more like you here it might actually be a good place to engage in conversation with some smart open minded folks and learn things.
  2. The more things change... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/i-will-destroy-you-biden-aide-threatened-a-politico-reporter-pursuing-a-story-on-his-relationship/amp
  3. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/11/biden-pressure-saudi-arabia-arms-sales-yemen-haiti/ non pay wall account of the move. Fairly apolitical
  4. 11 billion dollar a year government agency with Disease Control in their name and almost 11,000 employees. Tax dollars well spent. Sounds like the presidential appointee agency leader was a doormat too.
  5. They were actually able to run the ball vs patsies with him at least.
  6. What the hell were people doing?? Everything was closed and most of us locked in our homes!!
  7. her joke was something like just because he named his son Barron, doesn’t mean he himself can be one. it’s not even close to classy but on a scumbag politician scale it’s pretty benign. but then I’m not in the easily offended or triggered crowd... so I’m probably the wrong one to ask
  8. It was like a bad old Grandpa/grandma joke.. I mean I get picking on kids is bush league but... oh the outrage The most surprising thing in her Wikipedia page under political views was that she advocated the US should help Ukraine fight Russia to avoid conflict with them on our own soil. That and there was not much under political views.
  9. I don’t need to love or hate someone to call out a liar. You’re a typical Trumper / never Trumper so blinded by your internal narratives facts aren’t relevant. I defend facts, not you your party or any other. You’re part of the problem. Idiots like you paved the road to that vile pos getting elected 🐑 stop destroying my kids future with your intolerance
  10. that game went horribly wrong for them. Isaiah McKenzie had the fluke game of his life. I hear this to some degree but they aren’t as bad as that game, and RW is better than anything they’ve trotted out at QB since Danny.
  11. Demo’Q’rat equal and opposite to MAGA I don’t support him in any way. I’m an anti liar. When I see frauds making things up I call them on it. you and your two party ignorance propaganda and lie ware ware are destroying my society. Sitting in your parents basement trading jabs of bs with your trumpie buddies.
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/world/asia/china-trump-hong-kong.amp.html it’s the times so maybe you’ll believe it, good god, educate yourself. There are plenty plenty of abhorrent things to point at, you don’t need to lie or be ignorant too. Demo’Q’rat equal and opposite to MAGA
  13. I literally just did the dishes and cleaned up after lunch because wife was on a call. Now I’ve gotta go break this news to her about me?
  14. part of what makes it work is he’s doing whatever he wants on the route. Stevie Johnson like... lot of ocs can’t do that
  15. on what planet is MM on par with Hitchens, McKinney, Kendricks, Hightower, jaylen smith, Hicks, Littleton, Trevathen... if the market bears anything more than AJ Klein money I’m shocked.
  16. When the metrics don’t seem to match the results, it makes it hard to believe it actually means anything
  17. Colts? San Fran? He’d make Miami a contender too imo.
  18. I think it’s absolutely self inflicted. I’ve always believed as these artificial barriers were removed the us was in for a rude awakening. I’m fine with globalization, but people need to understand what that means. Minimum wage in China is $1.50/hr. We want to raise it to $15? Well you better be 10 times better than your competitor in China, otherwise you’re losing your job. the other part is this is very close to a zero sum game. Since our standard of living is so high, as we equalize, we’ve already got the top of the pyramid, so the only thing that is likely to move at this point is the floor. in simple terms in American kids need to focus on producing as opposed to consuming.
  19. I’m not old enough to be a boomer but in my 23 years of working I have supervised in combination hundreds of interns, college hires, older millennials, first generation Americans, second generation Americans, multiple generation Americans, h1b visa holders, naturalized citizens in the southeast and mid Atlantic us. The opinion I’ve formed is more often than not, multigenerational Americans as a generalization don’t take school very seriously and aren’t interested in working very hard or earning their way to success through hard work, whereas those motivated to uproot their lives to move to a different country, or not far removed from those relatives that did, tend to be the opposite.
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