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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. https://apnews.com/article/e3c045ece4d0e0eae393a18a09a4a37e “The goal here is restoration. Where would we as a people be if it were not for 246 years of stolen labor and accompanying horrors, if not for the multiple periods of multibillion-dollar plunder post-enslavement?” Howard said. “We must be made whole.” in thinking about this I could support this sort of wealth transfer provided the money comes from those who are decedents from the evil side of it. It would also have to somehow be confirmed as a means to end systemic oppression.
  2. Much more civil here... I disliked him for the vitriol but my deceased father listened to him every day when I was a kid growing up and liked him. And through osmosis I credit him with educating me to the idea media was corrupt, dishonest and pandering and that there was no one source of truth. He gave the other side a voice and relevance even if he sometimes went too far. I hope history is not allowed to revise the narrative on him from representing a viewpoint, to being labeled as sinister and evil.
  3. That’s pretty poor. I understand how the wind turbines and supporting batteries being hit much worse proportionately would lead to thinking if it was all wind it might have been a worse situation, but green new deal is irrelevant to the current grid. Too bad that was the message. Garbage. the feds don’t restore my power when it goes out, pepco does. Do people really not understand where their utility payments go? I cannot believe we live in a world where there are so many people so disconnected with reality they think the federal government provides or would actually be capable of providing their water, power, internet probably cell phone coverage. Please for the love of god... verify where you send your utility payments then look up those companies. Understand they do not all work directly for the president of the us. 😳
  4. I’d love to turn this into a poll to gauge the general surprise that Tibs made this statement above.. Government! Please help me! I can’t do anything without you telling me what to do or doing it for me! I’m incapable of doing anything myself! fortunately in many parts of the country, state, local, citizen organizations and even.., wait for it, businesses serving their customers make things happen, every day.
  5. I’ve certainly done a lot of business over drinks, after hours at meetings conferences and dinners.. long time ago. Some of the best sales poeple I knew were professional partiers that won the deal at the bar late into rounds. That said I’m too old for that stuff now.
  6. This thread is a fine example of the current state of affairs; A controversial and ideologically polarized, political commentator dies, and the opposition party rejoices dancing on his grave. America...
  7. No! But I’m on the right side of 50 and ready to learn!
  8. For those that missed town hall; Biden Said “It's one thing about the vaccine – which we didn't have when we came into office – but a vaccinator, you need the needle, you need the mechanisms to be able to get it in," the president said. "Now, we have made significant strides increasing the number of vaccinators." It was reported he himself received his first vaccine shot in December ‘20.
  9. I think this point is a little tough for people to appreciate. there are certainly people who are republican merely because they they give more than they take, and people that are democrats merely because they take more than they give. conversely democrats also can be found in those that have more but are willing to give more, while republicans that have more and give less. these are all rational human perspectives.
  10. Good catch I got it from this AP one, where they outed that manipulator with the helicopter clip art. https://apnews.com/article/f9e24976e9723021bec21f9a68afe927 “On top of that, while Texas has ramped up wind energy in recent years, the state still relies on wind power for only about 25% of its total electricity, according to ERCOT data.” i appreciate the guy on CNBC just called out both political oppositions for trying to finger point and said can we just get these people their heat back on and worry about who to blame later?
  11. seems simple right? Or replace what you remove... or spend research on replicating the process artificially. That seems like something that could be compromised upon. But the issue is democrats want to kill the oil industry because of how significant it is to republican power (if they are environmentalists they wouldn’t consume what they do). The republicans disagree for the same reason. (They don’t hate the environment nearly as much as they would hate losing their power base) If they actually wanted to solve the problem collaboratively it would have already been figured out.
  12. Absolutely this will be politicized. If that cnn article is correct though, that 20% of power is from those sources, that kind of incremental loss isn’t handled well by large grids. Of course trees or ice taking out power lines and bat gas pipelines going down will be omitted in the pro oil reporting crowd. Just like the anti oil crowd will go out of their way to call out Texas leadership, because California has been on the other side as the whipping boy for third world power grid issues for some time. its all a little information with a lot of editorializing. No one is blaming her. She’s still hiding under her desk a quater mile from the Capital worried Ted Cruz is trying to get her. Their just using the freak weather events to take a political shot at green energy because “there’s a narrative to capitalize on.”
  13. wireless power transmission is sort of like the flying car popular science said I’d have 15 years ago.
  14. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/15/us/power-outages-texas-monday/index.html i guess it’s in my head based on this story and I’ll admit CNN tends to mislead so it’s probably poorly fact checked and unconfirmed. But it still strikes me as ironic. I’m sorry is that not allowed?
  15. I cannot think of a more ironic image than a iced over frozen inoperable wind turbine in Texas. speaking of ironic, this whole climate change topic in simple terms; we are creating too much CO2, which is resulting in too much sunlight being retained as heat. so while sitting on a planet which is 70% water, I’m reminded that plants use co2, sunlight and water to create food. 🤔
  16. Ok, but he’s only allowed to use the machines, no free weights!!
  17. So this 1.9 trillion dollar covid relief bill amounts to about $16,000 per us household... where’s all this money coming from and where is it going? not sure how that turns into $2000 checks. I smell election favor paybacks
  18. this is a hard core fact. There is an egregious double standard at work. I had no idea how bad it was until I starting paying more attention and looking at both. Even AP which I thought was the most neutral add op-Ed like spin into some reporting and omits or buried other. They seem to me equal opposites to maybe the WSJ. Then there are the hardcore extreme ones like daily wire. Bloomberg I can’t quite peg. USA Today I don’t know. MSNBC, CNN are as biased as Fox it seems in opposite direction. Always going out of their way to vilify the opposition, rationalize their own. I hate to say I wish I still had cable and CSPAN . It was incredible what you heard when it was just the direct press conferences, testimony’s, debate or hearings before the media got to tamper with it.
  19. Nice write up thanks for taking the time to clarify and educate here Wide...
  20. Even the almighty Fauci corrected a reporter saying “we’re not starting from scratch” regarding vaccine program. other than not saying and tweeting dumb moronic things which we know was commonplace, I’m not sure what people even expect the fed to do to prevent infection. Biden mandated masks the only place he can, federal property. The travel bans look similar to the prior admin and lock downs imposed by the fed wouldn’t hold up, in fact Coumo and Hogan both asserted like a year ago that a federally imposed lockdown would be taken to court and unconstitutional... so that’s a state a county call. as far as testing, we’ve now had 330 million tests, more that any country in the world by 50%. after that the extent of the feds power was I guess accelerating vaccines through regulatory agency, and finding someway to get more ventilators.. which happened for the most part albeit slowly and the of course there are cdc guidelines which are not enforceable but they seemed to be incoherent along the way, probably for political reasons... remember first it was no mask, then cloth mask, then n95 mask, now double mask. I keep looking for this inspiring grand plan to combat covid from the new guy wondering what else they could even do... but it looks like the old one without the accompanying nonsensical noise factory pretty much.
  21. I’m just sitting here thinking Watt, Ed, Star, Jerry, and then get lucky in draft at olb, nickel or CB2 and we re looking at a solid D with solid front four depth.
  22. not sure that’s the case. Combine data tells the opposite story it looks like.
  23. So why wasn’t he doing his voodoo before or during those games instead of after??
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