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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. not enough people talk about #2. If you raise children as a single parent, the data spanning all ethnicities shows it is a statistically poor outcome with a coin toss of ending up in poverty and involvement in crime is likely. I wish conservatives would stop worrying about the gender, race, religion, sexuality, gender preference etc, and get behind the value of family no matter it’s make up. Single parents have the deck stacked against them in a litany of ways as the outcomes show. I’ve argued this with tons of conservatives.. The family unit message has a lot of value, but the caveat on who is allowed to participate and how makes zero sense. If you’re the party of individualism, then promoted general ubiquitous values, and ‘let individuals be individuals!!’
  2. sure but my thought is different. I just want to know which cronies are getting lobbed free federal money as a political favor so I can try to hit the stock right for a quick gain off of the rampant corruption. I wouldn’t bet against any technology, other than it’s unlikely to be developed here as Asia is hungry and focusing on STEM in school while my kids are busy reflecting on their privilege and watching the ascent of people to stardom for putting gorilla glue in their hair on tictoc.
  3. Everyone should listen to his town hall recap of that while conversation or read the transcript. He essentially said paraphrasing’I’m bringing up the human rights stuff because ya know they expect me to.’ the other thing he said verbatim was “if China wants to be the world leader, their going to have to... “ I heard a lot of people comment on how soft he is on China, those sound bytes certainly didn’t refute that.
  4. I have been thinking I need to figure out which donors companies are going to get propped up with pack back money so I can try to get a good stock play. Is so well hidden though. I guess most big banks and Wall Street firms... but I’d love to get in early on the next solyndra early and sell it off before bankruptcy.
  5. DW really does deliver some awesome sound bytes. Great actor, director, performer speaker... devout husband and father, strong morals, kids all have gone on to their own impressive achievements... I need to drill some of messages into my kids head. Awesome stuff.
  6. categorizing internet aptitude by demographic seems like a lie... and sort of racist Joe.
  7. The article suggests he just said he would as a threat over SCOTUS nominee? What a scumbag
  8. while I’m sure it’s exciting for some that they can keep thinking and talking about this excrement... “if there were not a there there” means?
  9. He’s just digging the hole deeper. What a fool. “When you’re home for two days without power and you kids say, let’s go to Cancun” 🤦‍♂️
  10. I can’t explain why they do it. They have multinational rosters, a Canadian franchise and make money all over the world. Same for all the other sports. They’re entertainment not patriotic of government sponsored events.
  11. I am citing AP for omitting his claim. Lie or no lie. I know it’s hard to grasp nuance
  12. You’re entitled to your opinion the only other benchmark I know is Niagara Mohawk and growing up in buffalo our power was always out, brownouts on hot days, transformers were always blowing, trucks took days to respond... and then my grandfather in Albany currently goes days without power multiple times per year every time a thunderstorm goes through. I’m not sure what their ownership is, but it’s a total disaster. Pepco has been awesome they even come to your home free of charge and prescribe efficiency improvement. They have a proactive ongoing tree limb removal effort I’m positive no government agency would ever effectively even come close to competing with them. They really know how to run a service, something the government is clueless about. I just got a holiday card last week that was mailed in December, but Amazon can get me anything on the planet in two days. There at least need to be a mix of public and private as the private keeps them competing. Canada is a mix of public and private. Frances state owned Areva recently went bankrupt. People simply don’t understand the tyranny of monopolistic corrupt government agencies, mostly because of general naivety and the media long since abandoned any sort of real investigative journalism.
  13. omitted: issued a statement explaining that he was not on a vacation himself, but was accompanying his daughters, ages 12 and 10, on a flight to theirs. headline: cruz confirms vacation my personal opinion is he’s a fool for doing it, he’s a super sleazy politician and I’m sure he’s lying about the chaperone bit. But he said that he escorted them there and left. They omitted that narrative completely and intentionally. Yeah I almost didn’t post that when I saw the last bit. either way I have no interest in government owned businesses, if I want that I can move to China. I’m for deregulation, competition and environmental accountability when it comes to power.
  14. No Im charging the job of the news is to report the facts, not spin the story. facts are what he said he was doing. Facts are people probably think he is lying, speculation is he is lying. the reader has the option to buy it or not buy it.
  15. Pepco is awesome reliable and proactive for me. But I also prefer fedex ups and Amazon over the us post office . So I’m probably not the right one to try and convince that bloated inefficient government monopolies are good for anything. oh and don’t forget corruption http://voices.washingtonpost.com/federal-eye/2009/03/tva.html https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/fed-official-who-earned-8-million-last-year-faces-big-coronavirus-pay-cut/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app including an 8 million dollar ‘government’ salary
  16. This Cruz triggering is hilarious.. I’m no fan of his but wow. Also while he is directly quoted as saying his daughters had a planned get away with friends and he just traveled with them and then returned working the whole time, the stories don’t mention that... see AP headline and they only quoted the ‘took them down there’ out of context. Man AP really disappoints me... I really once believed they were reputable news source and not a the enquirer https://apnews.com/article/b0cdc326db95bf25d93de9e877e05862
  17. whut? Isn't CNN headline of this sound byte ‘Biden Hammers inherent systemic prejudice’ ? I totally agree with the psych profiles for cops btw. I’ve run into a few that had no business having authority of any kind.
  18. i love that. Same thing happened with a phenomenal member of my team at work. “I’m Panamanian” she would say, and she’ll likely be my boss someday soon because she works hard and is brilliant, rising star.
  19. Kneel downs don’t stretch the last 90 seconds into 20 minutes.
  20. Absolutely. For the most part in my experience, and while a generalization informed by personal experience; immigrants, first and second generation Americans value work hard and education and contribute more than not, and also are a key contributor to entrepreneurial small business growth. I wish it would motivate those that take opportunity for granted or sit around waiting for everything to be handed to them.
  21. I agree with the benefit closure would bring. Since cut by the government means it would need to come from somewhere, I suggest it should come from those descendants whom by the same logic implies must have financially benefitted. the total costs I’ve seen in a brief look are around 10 trillion. Bankrupting wealthy estates built upon a legacy of oppression seems like a just outcome as I think about it especially to your point of closure is reached.
  22. My children are actually direct decedents from these two (Irish chained to factory machines, religious and ethnic cleansingin Europe; one branch from each side) but they would now be classified as privileged so I don’t think any of those categories are relevant. unfortunately your response is sort of like saying all lives matter in response to BLM. the concept I grew up with of inclusion and blindness apparently has been judged to not be working. It’s crazy how the r word used to be used so carefully and now it’s a constant.
  23. what are the learning objectives? I don’t blame Texas for isolating. This country is a shocking disaster.
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