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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. some of them had been bid up to over $1000 Please don’t use that phrase any more. 😂 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/06/us/racism-words-phrases-slavery-trnd/index.html
  2. This is such a dumb comment. Farmers tend to not be democrats and are the hardest working people on the planet. Go ahead and explain what sort of jobs those democrats got without an ID. You need a SSC and ID for just about any legal job in the country. People don’t want to admit it, but this is the game... go to homeless shelters and offer food or money cigarettes or booze to get them to vote and often they have pre-populated ballets they just ask them to sign. This is a population which tends not to have ID and will favor the party of welfare, universal healthcare and social safety net of course. Sure they have a right to vote assuming they are citizens, but that’s what this ID topic is about and everyone on both sides knows it.
  3. Seems like a fair take. I attempted to read HR1. The two things I really didn’t like was (1) a federal campaign fund match, but that matches individual donations 6 times with federal dollars (2)exposing individuals by name and contact info in a federal database for whom you donate to for all to know see and potentially influence, intimidate etc. there’s also an item about a path to DC statehood, allowing convicted felons to vote and this policy that if you appear in any state program or database you are registered to vote automatically unless you opt out. On its face it’s convenient. The opposition would say this may result in non-citizens being registered. It does oddly mandate paper ballots as well. And restructuring the bipartisan federal election committee. These topics I’ve not completely thought through yet. As for the fraud stuff, while I think every citizen should be able to vote, if that’s being willfully abused by just one party, it just means the other party is dumb not to do the same. Republicans Shouting from their high horse about fraud need to get dirty and let’s face it, mobilize turn out and votes from the apathetic, which is what all these ID and suppression ideas are really all about. Democrats put in the work to get these votes and do a much better job.
  4. 45? I do believe voting laws should be decentralized because the federal government is less representative of its constituents that the state government and so on down the line. That is the essence of a federal republic and representative democracy. I really do not understand why it’s so objectionable to democrats to suggest one identify themselves to have their vote tallied. Can you explain it? but on the same token, Republicans being so concerned about voter fraud infers they are too dumb to figure out how to commit voter fraud and ballot harvesting. it’s not hard, you just find a bunch of people and feed them lunch and bus them to a voting booth. Works best with homeless shelters and elderly homes. You can even fill it out for them and just have them sign it. They are opposed I guess to the come vote for this guy and get a free lunch drives which I guess could be inferred as bribery. But again, I don’t know why the other party is too dumb to just do the same thing. But seriously who are these voters that don’t have IDs. I’d love to live life without needing one and carrying the stupid thing around all the time.
  5. if I were a conservative, a Republican, a moderate, or even just an individual that believes a representative democracy only works if there is a balance of power, what I’d really be worried about is HR1... any time you have a unilateral bill that changes the voting process, you can be sure it’s to enhance their own ability to win more elections and further the consolidation of federal power. Even some democrats felt it to be wrong to federalize aspects of voting. it’s going to be interesting how this plays out. I dislike both parties for differing reasons but when there is a balance at least they keep each other in check.
  6. the flip side is I’d rather the one with their mental faculties intact doing it behind the scenes than the alternative. But I firmly believe people think that branch of govt has a lot more power than they actually do anyway. All the agency appointees mater but are vetted pretty thoroughly by Congress and thus must have broader political allegiances. executive orders are often more for show than actually have teeth.
  7. Just need to interrupt this helpless whine to announce Samsung (a Korean company) announced they are dropping 18 billion on a chip MANUFACTURING fab in the United States, most likely Texas. Maybe government does help a little after all. How does Texas fit your narrative? grow up kid. Time to take a little ownership in your own destiny. It’s funny, the Uber religious right believe god determines their destiny... the Uber liberal left believes government determines their destiny. And there’s another group that believes they determine their own destiny. I don’t disparage either extreme, but would rather believe my own actions matter. Maybe that’s the naive perspective
  8. Was just listen to Bloomberg Asia recap on Bloomberg radio and They reported a paraphrased report out of Beijing that the PRC is very pleased with the new administrations soft tone and stance on trade and human rights. That’s coming from them, not some right wing outlet. take it for what you will.
  9. oldest trick in the book. If you add a decimal it makes your calculation sound more credible, even if it’s bs
  10. it’s a rhetorical question to express disbelief. a lovely tool in the literary tool box.
  11. For a country that has long worked to devise methods of population control, and limiting kids per family, I’m not sure they thought this through.
  12. Sure pal. I can stop my company from outsourcing my job by delivering results ... until I can’t ... then I will have to find a new job, even if I need to move to where I can find one. That’s how life actually works. The world doesn’t owe you a favor and free ride just for existing. Naive is sitting in your parents basement waiting for the government to save you. And ironically that was your orange fantasies platform to throw up trade barriers to protect steel and other industries. I guess your a closet fanboy insurrectionist eh? outsourcing is hardly new.
  13. Can any of the people offended by these books that happen to have them send them to me? I’ll pay for any in good condition 😊
  14. i thought you were anti propaganda? don’t you see how this is propaganda including an out of context sound byte ‘quote’? what the guy was actually saying if you read the Article was he supported the rally/protest itself (which I can understand being opposed to if you disagree with their views), BUT as he went on he said there were militant extremists that used the rally as a stage to infiltrate, organize and lead the capital invasion and it’s a good thing they weren’t suicidal and armed like other extreme terrorists groups around the the world like al quieda. What’s so disagreeable about that? I’m glad the extremists there weren’t armed and suicidal. He also acknowledged the assertion some made it was an antifa riot to be false in the article. All in all support the debunking of a conspiracy theory. Stop allowing extremists to brand each respective half the country. Just like all Biden voters aren’t ok with torching urban America and killing cops.
  15. here here on the last sentence and that’s the world We should all want to live in. I would suggest deleting the F word you used so you don’t get fired from your job though... 😞 One of the values of keeping old offensive stuff around is one can actually educate kids on what is wrong and offensive to others.
  16. and yet we’ve seen near full employment several times in the past two decades and average household income keeps growing and immigration continues. it’s so silly to me that the liberals feel like we need to evolve socially and not in terms technological sophistication or means of production. Why would the same standard apply for both? It’s a growth mind set. Follow the process!
  17. I can remember some loony toon cartoons that depicted Asians in derogatory way. There was also a bunch of stuff that depicted Germans similarly. I guess you make a good point, that what was considered ok 70 years ago is detrimental to the melting pot now. I’ve been surrounded by diversity my whole life and I guess I’ve just not run into individuals who were offended by things. Now it almost seems like an objective, to find offensive content somewhere no one else has yet I just hope Dr Seuss isn't branded a racist. I just don’t think he was that kind of person and as others mention sneetches is a moral story advocating anti racism
  18. The business of politics is almost as gross as 63 year old governor running around acting like a drunk frat boy. Knives are out. Also they’d rather bury him with this to avoid more nursing home conversations.
  19. I just hope they don’t attempt to cancel all the guys books. He was a great author, had a lot of great messages and if he knew any of his books were considered racist he’d probably be mortified based on what I’ve known about him
  20. I’m willing to do whatever I have to to feed my family. I spent summers pushing lawnmowers 70/80 hours a week for minimum wage and no OT and living like a pauper to pay for my own education. I create jobs and work for a company that competes globally, including Mexico and India. I do blame weak minded whiners for sitting around expecting any politician, who doesn’t care a whit about them, to hand you your life, standard of living and then b!tch and complain it’s too hard to compete, because the worlds a tough place. There are plenty of jobs to go around, and they are being taken by people who immigrated here because they know it’s easy to eat lazy American kids lunch because they don’t particularly like to work too hard and think STEM is a waste of time. this is what our future sounds like 👎 save me government save me! Give me give me. It’s not fair because Jeff Bezos and Mark Z have all the money. and I know you keep wanting to talk about your sociopathic orange lunatic heart throb. But I could care less about him or your pandering binary politics.
  21. The entitled loser mentality in a nutshell. ..Isn’t going to bring back... ...,no answer for it... ....never be able to... typical mindset... let me sit home, suck my thumb and complain until I get my handouts. This right here is THE problem. Elon Musk called it out very aptly.
  22. Fair enough. Substantiates the thread title then. Based on the results in that district seems like a dumb place to attempt it.
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