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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Yes. Remember asking for identification is a violation of your rights and oppression. I’ll hang up and listen.
  2. The other thing, touting a stat line about lifting half of all children out of poverty to gain favor means you’ll need one of these perpetually quarterly or annually to avoid returning them to poverty. Or they know it’s a short term prop up. But we should all know this was a snapshot talking point. Not a solution. it’s sad watching politicians do mind game spin commercials with real people’s lives. They are all so sleazy.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/11/asia/china-hong-kong-election-reform-intl-hnk/index.html pay attention. PRC just unanimously ‘reformed’ Hong Kong’s election process. Interesting PRC waited until after the new administration to make the move. What must they know?
  4. Add getting a vaccine against a fatal pandemic to the list of things you need ID for. Oppressive Racists.
  5. Yeah .. they alway do that stuff to some degree, but a unifier would have tossed a little kudo out. We know this isn’t about unifying.
  6. You dirty nasty super spreader 😆
  7. 💰 💰 electrician- great career to pursue without incurring college debt. good luck bud. Wish for you to be enjoying hydrotherapy while watching the season opener!
  8. it just dawned on me that would be a horrible nickname for a person.
  9. I was joking about necessary expenditures.. and taking check. im not one of the cool kids that get a stimulus check though... so it ok. Congrats.. I ended up convincing them to let me take floor model, other wise as you said... may or June at least or worse.
  10. The guy has an avatar of nuclear Holocaust, loves Adolf and celebrates his oppositions death. Don’t waste your time. It’s all vitriol, no substance.
  11. you can tell these Twitter idiots and ‘commentators’ suck at math. Pop quiz, what is $1400 * 330 million people?
  12. i just bought a hot tub... I felt I needed it.
  13. I counted no flubs. I chuckled when he talked about big things hard things important things.. but didn’t get lost once by my count. A little disingenuous kind of owning the record development of vaccine in less that a year, but that that standard Washington. All in all he did a decent job even thought it’s past his bed time.
  14. Why by July fourth ‘might’ we be able to have ‘small’ gatherings?
  15. It’s still a business. I genuinely believe this front office really loathes making moves like this. It’s just the tough decision reality that comes with the business.
  16. Wow, like the kid but they gave him that top dollar he wanted, which I hoped not to see.
  17. exactly... just keeps getting worse each cycle.
  18. Someone needs to do a Weekend at Bernies spoof.
  19. I really wish they’d stop harping on the point that we should not expect any more of Biden than the previous bum. Such a sad low bar.
  20. Yes! I pay the most to the fed, the third most to the state, second to county and least to city. The last two I see a lot more value, with schools parks police fire and utilities. The Fed gives me 7000 ballistic missiles that will never be used and a decent highway and the opportunity to subsidize Pelosi’s private jet, which she obviously needs the government to help her with given her paltry salt of the earth 114 million net worth or god help us Trumps presidential library ?? I know a number of people with fed jobs as I live here. I hear stories about part time job full time six figure pay, people working full time jobs on the side... then there’s all these pet project federal grants like this “In November 2008, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health awarded a 5-year, $2.6 million grant to Wayne State University in Detroit to allow Dr. Xiaoming Li, professor and director of the university's Prevention Research Center, to "establish and evaluate whether an alcohol and HIV intervention center can assist in reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in China," according to a university press release announcing the grant.” now it was spun to say it was a grant to teach Chinese hookers to drink responsibly which was embellished, But none the less politifact confirmed it was almost three million to study if Chinese hookers did drink more responsibly would it reduce disease transmission. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2011/jul/29/judson-phillips/founder-tea-party-nation-claims-us-government-has-/
  21. I saw that one. I’ve been thinking there might be a good reason for this. I just haven’t come up with it yet.
  22. The middle class isn't paying more than ten grand in state and local income tax per year unless they are living way beyond their means. This just shows how distorted the view of middle class wealth is. it just disproportionately impacted the coast states because their own wealth doesn’t go as far due to high costs and tax rates. AMT starts at almost 2x median hh, or average income. So don’t give me that nonsense. Above middle Democrats that think they need to raise taxes on other people, just not them, because they think they are middle class with their half a million dollar home, twice the National average. Republicans favor flat taxes, or tax reductions on themselves and flavor hiding capital gains, but that’s flawed as well. I do like the idea of not giving the fed 1/5th of the gdp. It’s gotten waaay out of control. I once saw a job opening on usajobs.gov in the 150k gl scale range. The job was urban dumpster beautification manager. also; Year after tax law change; Top 1% of earners still paid about 38% of the tax revenue and the top half still paid about 97% of all the taxes collected. It’s absolutely a tax increase on wealth and the above average. 10% revenue increase YoY from 18 to 19 from what I see. another interesting take.. says the biggest real tax increase on the middle is ongoing healthcare cost crisis. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/12/10/middle-class-taxes/
  23. At some point can we just conclude he’s a predator scumbag and start glossing over it like ‘another ied in Iraq today’? he’s consuming to many headlines. He’s obviously a sacrificial lamb smoke and mirror show for the communist manifesto relief bill.
  24. he is correct though. Tax cuts tend to benefit those with higher income. Since the bottom 50% barely have any tax liability, it’s hard to reduce a tax burden of zero. I looked it up today as I was curious though, while the rates moved down, revenues went up despite the tax cuts. I suspect because of the SALT cap and there were some amnesty provisions that forced offshore corporations to bring revenue on shore for taxation as a one time ‘opportunity’. I knew a guy who offshored an IT business that was grappling with the financial decision. SALT cap helped because it stopped NY and CA residents from hiding behind property taxes on their massively expensive homes with huge federal tax deductions. Ironically it was a tax increase on the rich, But in typical fashion all the democrats I know were inflamed. “I meant raise taxes on other people, not me. I’m not rich in my $900,000 3 BR ranch house.” But the good, this unfunded dem laundry list can get republicans to resume lying about caring about fiscal responsibility, and it’ll probably help froth the market for a few more months. I plan on continuing to read the bill and try to guess where some of the green energy money (ya know because Covid) will funnel to in case there is a short term stock play.
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