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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. ok splitting hairs a little, but marriage is a good thing. Im just not sure why they Dont revise the narrative. Are they trying to insinuate same sex attraction wasn’t gods plan but the almighty effed it up? Just seems like they’d promote ubiquity of the very positive institution of marriage, of individuals committing well being to eachother along with family and inclusion over some poorly concluded, many times over translated and transcribed conflicting Old Testament stuff.
  2. Why any institution committed to faith, love and doing good for one another would cast out any individuals for wanting to commit themselves to another person based on attraction and love is; beyond me. Marriage is great for society. If they got over pork and lobster tail you’d think they could accept maybe people that love eachother with similar genitals that are willing to practice all of their other rules wouldn’t be the end of the world.
  3. it’s surreal that our National choice is between a lot of sexual assault or just a little bit of sexual assault. God bless this dumpster fire, my home sweet home.
  4. Off the field stuff is going be judged how it will by those with the facts. But his talent as compared to what is present there now is undeniable
  5. Ok so you are for shooting unarmed people under the right circumstances. Got it.
  6. Yikes. Glad everything worked out in the end man. Scary stuff.
  7. If there is any irony here it’s this rally seems to have brought together the gun nut anarchists with the BLM crowd. the Duncan Lemp guy they are referring to was killed by a swat team serving a no knock warrant on gun charges. But since he didn’t fit the msm narrative on the cause of police brutality you’ve likely never heard of him.
  8. If you want to find out how empty the rhetoric about helping other is, ask what they are actually doing to put their time and/or money where there mouth is. I guarantee you have done more yourself in all fronts... even if it’s just paying your taxes.
  9. i applaud GS for calling out hypocrisy. He’s one of the better journalists out there. NP is such a corrupt pos. $140 million dollar PNW ‘salt of the earth’ 😉 elite. searched AP and was unable to find this story.
  10. I wouldn’t blame every police officer in the country for resigning from this line of work. this is fine example of a no win situation for that police office. If he had defended him self it would have been a racist hate crime. the only acceptable woke outcome was for him to either walk away and shrug or get shot. Everything comes back to agenda for the cults. Everything. Hope the guy recovers and finds an occupation where folks like one ones above aren’t rooting for his death or using him to rationalize 1.5 guns per capita.
  11. sport trac projects him as 12.4 AAV. That might be a non starter.
  12. Well that’s just being honest. But the passengers certainly wouldn’t want to hear it.
  13. Under commit and over deliver ... good practice in business
  14. Got it. You’re in for Markle ‘24. Sticker for your razor scooter helmet is in the mail. stay woke and don’t worry, the government is going to save you from yourself.
  15. Why wouldn’t she. She’s no dummy. She’s figured out how this whole political elite thing works. She would be an iconic figurehead. cant think of a better icon of current America than a second rate actress that failed civil service exams, and rebelled against unwoke commercials only to marry her way into wealth and power to destroy the family she took it from, that’s famous for being famous. It’s really the only American dream that’s left.
  16. Seems like it’s all about getting the band back together again
  17. good take. I’m sure there a lot of personal truths on why people dislike book banning and censorship or maybe they do fear losing this fictitious white power the woke convinced them they have. There is also a double standard from both sides when it comes to free speech, see anti war or filthy language censorship as a fine historical example for the Rs. It is true the liberal thesis in a nutshell is: Americans that are racist are so because the poorly regulated American culture made it happen not just because they are deplorable aholes. And Washington must rescue us from ourselves. Surrounding oneself and subsequently your children with people from diverse backgrounds, is pretty much the only real solution. My children have have extremely diverse social groups and didn’t think of anyone as different until the woke started telling them so and exacerbating racial divide. Which let’s face it, is the real goal. The entire BS game is about tweaking the message aimed at winning a narrow majority to maintain power. The more Vitriol in the chasm between the two sides, the better for them.
  18. I get he’s popular with the fans. I’m not sure what value he expects, but his very last game vs kc he might have been the team LVP.
  19. Sure but it’s also a fact, that a very large group of people were fed a lie by individuals in very powerful positions, which to be honest is quite normal in my view. But it’s really damaging that they continue to believe it and a unifying agenda would seek to repair that misunderstanding and maybe even mea culpa their own rhetoric from elections past where they not nearly as vigorously spewed some of the same.
  20. DoJ should have plenty of investigation cycles freed up now that government isn’t divided.
  21. Fair enough... why attempt to extend an olive branch? Just keep shouting at them that they are idiots. I’m sure that will convince them. That’s the issue with bipartisan party line sheep. Trying to have a conversation and understand and address differences just boils down to shouting at each other “are not, are too.” At least appreciate the irony that all these politicians on one hand are either asserting there was fruad or wasn’t fraud and at the same time both parties are racing to push conflicting new state level and federal level election laws respectively. 😂
  22. To me, this is the best reason I could think of to do the independent commission. you can yell the truth at someone who has been conned all day long, but exposing the liar is the best way to un-sow the seeds of descent. I’m sort of agnostic on the topic because the two parties we have to choose from are a lot bigger problem in this process than any election malfeasance. I just don’t see what there is to lose. bonus is, all the tens of thousands of man hours investigators spent the last 4 years trying to overturn that election are freed up now And with one party across the board, it’s not like R’s they can try the same with Biden. They are beyond impotent, weak and may be the minority party for a long time.
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