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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. the biggest lie is working people equal middle class. They consider anyone that works someone who owes the middle class but the middle class they say is middle class. Be wary .
  2. It’s the problem @B-Man The MSM media- democrat consortium is growing their power and mindshare. I feel for my children and need to find them an escape hatch to a country with a better future. The race war being driven by the radical left is abhorrent and there is no reason to let them steal a quarter of our families income every year or more just to tell us how to live our lives.
  3. CJ Spiller, love how he used that incredible speed to hit that .... pulling guard in the back.
  4. That Houston playoff game.. never again
  5. He’s just back to remind people to get back to ya lil jobs... as a PSA to keep people motivated. id take him back as a 5 and PR
  6. I thought you were joking. He really said it. probably better for us all if she grabs the wheel at this point.
  7. Geeze Iowa. That’s a double standard.
  8. Biden handled this topic presidentially. He said no conclusion yet that this was racially motivated. And it only matters because agenda and narrative are about control,
  9. It’s not Biden’s fault, he is just the nail in the coffin of the last 20 years of increasing civil discord and the loss of a prevailing sense of mental toughness, hard work, virtue, family achievement and resilience that used to underpin our culture. As far as I can tell our most celebrated contribution to society these days is WAP (such an amazing lyrically brilliant and insightful piece on secretions!! I hope the remix gets a Grammy next year it’s so ground breaking ) USA USA
  10. Thank you for elaborating as to why it is a garbage policy vote from the dinosaur minority clinging to their don’t take my guns scare tactics and LGBTQ denial.
  11. Vegan seems like a pretty healthy lifestyle tbh. I’m not sure how one could undertake that lifestyle then eat these science project mega processed synthetic foods that look and taste like beef. How much chemistry must that take?
  12. I didn’t say I agreed with it altleftbot. I don’t think abusers shoulda ever gun rights, but at least frame the conversation Oh yes AOC tweeted you to say this. 😂
  13. Bad news for the Sabres.
  14. This is an fine example of why you’re just a bot. You don’t have a clue why Rs opposed it do you? They opposed a very specific piece of language. (Which is a crappy hill to die on imo) But it would be much more factual to say R oppose act because they don’t want to stop unmarried individuals involved in domestic violence from buying more guns. Because DV needs more guns!!! So it’s second amendment BS, not they just love violence against womxn. why not just try a little?
  15. 😂 Trump might be the only other person who thinks about Trump as much as you. Fixedontrumpbot State one of your conservative perspectives and let’s see. Oh wait programming does. Not. Alllow....
  16. This is the American way of life: https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2021/03/18/teen-vogue-editor-steps-down-alexi-mccammond-tweets/ Tweet something dumb in high school. Go on to be rising star and have incredible success based on own accolades. Have the issue raised about the dumb insensitive tweet, but see it to be dismissed by prospective employer. Then have woke culture event in mainstream mead is occur. Then lose job for that thing from that sane prospective employer.
  17. Silly bot... humans can have opinions, independent just means think for themselves and not told what to think by tweets.
  18. Been there Done that. Taxes are going to go up for every household deemed unworthy of the stimulus check and pretty much every household earning over 100k. They’ll put in breaks for their ultra wealthy friends and family, and basically squeeze the white collar and small business owners dry while doling out cash hand over fist to the bottom half. Crooks.
  19. AltLeftBot What’s Twitter tell you to do now?
  20. Guy gets passed around like a hot potato
  21. I’m probably late to this realization but is it common knowledge Mark Zuckerberg donated over $400 million dollars to a handful of “election fairness” independent organizations who in turn took grant applications from electoral districts to determine who would get the funds?
  22. Not the wealthy elite though. Millionaires and billionaires don’t count. This tax policy will be about severing the ladder to upper middle class mobility. You’re either one of them, or everyone else. Democrat tax policy is about taxing the wealthy about as much as republican spending policy is about fiscal conservatism. and of course all partisan tax policy is crafted to attack the groups, states, institutions and industries that don’t funnel your party money or just disagree with you.
  23. Sorry your daughter has to feel that way. She is victimized by some former stupid politician’s rhetoric, a handful of disgusting humans and a media that just needs to keep hammering fear into everyone and everything. i hope she sees through all of the shams, and mass media attempts to cultivate fear and stays safe from the scumbags out there that are excrement. im sure this will be accused as racist, but I believe the Asian American community is our countries best chance at salvation. I share more common values with the Indian, Chinese and Korean American families I know, live and work with than most other demographics, particularly the partisan political operatives.
  24. You’re more of a trumper than I could ever be. your schtick though- sort upchuck Twitter content you don’t even read, don’t actually debat or argue topics because you can’t. Just regurgitate why they tell you to. AltLeftBot. That’s you
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