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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Trump is more your boy than mine. The reality is you should look in the mirror and understand how your parties’ welfare state policies are so horrid and oppressive that people actually voted for that clown instead. I mean a reality TV detestable corrupt pos. Have you actually met a good moral person with republican views? They had to hold their nose voting for that schittshow. My position is that both political parties are morally bankrupt, corrupt and are both perpetuating the downfall. Party liners and ‘non independent’ thinkers are the problem who buy msm narrative hook line and sinker. I staunchly oppose overarching federal governments bent on consolidating control and power. also, got it, non sequiturs = line item from covid relief bill that can’t be defended as anything other than corruption/waste.
  2. That’s the nutshell. Politicizing caring for the environment is evil and transparent . I teach my family to recycle, minimize waste, don’t pollute or litter, never throw out unspoiled food; (children are starving in the world), realize the excess of wealth and good fortune around them, that clean water and clean air are important and what they can do to support that, that energy is a precious commodity, to empathize with those that are less fortunate. But then, when the corrupt social engineering party and their sheep step in and steals ever more of our money, leis and pretends to uphold hold any of these values, then literally practice and personally support none, it’s pretty darned annoying at best.
  3. This is one of the more profound, well put and deeply troubling sentiments I’ve seen here. The word ‘Earn’ is offensive and detestable to more people every day.
  4. Fair. I respect a lot of your points and more importantly your amicable style so I will reflect on this one. Hypocrisy is a hot button issue for me for sure. It’s the top of the list item why both major political parties are deplorable to me. And yes, “the tax everyone else more, save the earth, help the poor, get covid relief to those who need it” crowd really show their true colors when using government emergency aid money to buy motorized chain saw and subsidize a recreational boat.
  5. ha ‘Learn’ I do enjoy the novelty the token board spellchecker person. While we’re at it, your user name is improperly punctuated 👍 Not worried about weight, and pointing to hypocrisy is a observation of facts, not an insult. But fair, it is annoying the government steals my money to give to subsidize Tibs boat, while he goes on about all these values he preaches but doesn’t practice.
  6. spent two decades around sailboats. They spend a lot of time acting as slow motorboats. But recreational vehicles with motors on them are sure not green. and saws and axes don’t use any oil based products. again I’ve got no problem with owning those things, but don’t pretend to be on the side that climate change is the biggest crisis to humanity the world has ever seen.
  7. Nice smoke screen attempt... your are fortunate being unethical, dishonest and hypocritical are not crimes. Your in great luck. Being a deadbeat is government approved!
  8. What a fraud. Stealing your children’s money to cut down trees and pollute the air and water. typical ‘democrat’ living up to their soapbox values.
  9. then you hear about guy like Tibs who talk green then buy chain saws, aweful for the environment with 2 cycle fuel and of course cutting down trees and a boat which significant water and air polluters on the list. It’s just a flock of theifs, liars, hypocrites and grandstanders.
  10. avoid what? You rationalized a bunch of money getting arbitrarily heaped on some cherry picked and already funded existing wasteful chronically failing government programs. we all know who you’re ‘taking it from’ 🐑 Enjoy your covid bonus on top of your thousands in stimulus money and the 5000x return your union got on the election campaign finance kickback (260 billion dollars - grotesquely corrupt and right in broad daylight.) Couldn’t have made it through without defrauding taxpayers for all that ‘emergency’ money you and your reps are stealing, right?
  11. So that’s what they meant when suggesting the prior administration needed to better help the Mexican economy.
  12. 😂 you silly person... that’s not how the liberal mind works. The government should: - make other people and companies pay more taxes, not them - make other people and companies live more green, have a smaller carbon footprint eat vegan, not them my sister in law is a great example of this. Card carrying liberal environmentalist. Staunch democrat. Constantly judges people for doing things unwoke or anything they do that is bad for the environment. Also, drives a jeep, the 4 door suv sized one, sends my nephew to elite rich kid private school, has a summer beach house and Boston suburb (the least diverse place I’ve ever seen) house and whose husband is a partner in HR law firm that represents corporations against employees. textbook
  13. seems like the protesters have add. Remember when Target was the target. They’ll move on, unless it’s the Portland courthouse. They should level that place and relocate to the distant suburbs
  14. Fair enough, thanks for correcting me.
  15. part of this issue in the states is there are already soooooo many guns out there.
  16. I read this particular scumbag was previously actually convicted of assault. That combined with the family references of paranoia... the guy shouldn’t have been able to purchase firearms of any kind much less an assault rifle.
  17. it really all depends. Can you describe the race of the driver and the victim, and then the political parties that the two respective companies support? Those are all required to help form the narrative.
  18. Too bad there isn’t constitutional language mandating that it’s as easy or difficult to own or possess a gun as it is to vote, but they MUST be the same. At least something would get fixed.
  19. Or if you paid taxes and didn’t meet eligibility criteria it’s the government benevolently giving your money to someone else. Which I’m sure even then would be fine if those people actually needed it.
  20. The irony of both sides of this argument is fascinating. So republicans defund planned parenthood resulting in more un supported children being born that need to go on Democratic welfare programs. it’s kind of crazy right? Freakonomics does a great job of analysis on this topic if one can set religion aside momentarily
  21. This is an interesting write up from a professor who happens to be African American: https://assets.ctfassets.net/qnesrjodfi80/6bQdKPLDjyo2s0I8c60gA2/aec7a4feb53cdd469d9c59bc3dd5cc64/swain-the_inconvenient_truth_about_the_democratic_party-transcript.pdf
  22. The mug shot of racist Atlanta white supremacist was plastered everywhere. This one is nowhere to be found. if this doesn’t wake everyone up to the msm narrative and twist nothing will. in a similar fashion, this prior Colorado story came up when searching. Don’t remember hearing about this killer being supremacist... https://nypost.com/2019/05/08/colorado-shooting-suspect-shared-anti-trump-post-on-facebook/
  23. Trump signing those check was just his standard self over all douschyness
  24. you know, you’re probably right. Same with the 260billion to teachers unions. see I can be persuaded.
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