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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Here’s one; democratic congressman attempting to influence FCC to block radio station sale because they don’t like the buyers politics. https://www.dailywire.com/news/democrats-want-feds-to-block-miami-latinos-from-hearing-conservative-radio
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/live/2021/04/16/us/indianapolis-fedex-shooting.amp.html%3f0p19G=0232
  3. here are some more to add to your archives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_and_controversies_during_the_George_Floyd_protests#Deaths It is. What happened on Jan 6th was a stupid act by a few hundred stupid people egged on by a stupid guy. It was not the greatest terrorist event since Pearl Harbor or this other nonsense they are spewing. And while I’m generally not into the whole protest thing, I see little difference between those idiots and the one in Minnesota Portland and elsewhere doing the same damn thing. They just happen to have different opinions. protesting election outcomes is hardly new. remember #notmypresident ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_Donald_Trump
  4. So watching CNN right now As they are recapping the “deadly insurrection”, and it’s funny how they show as one of the stock footage examples of this deadly insurrection people climbing the courtyard wall from a crowd of protesters to jump over the railing to get with a different group of protesters... And Don Lemon just looks pained and exasperated...
  5. Gotta say, I’m watching Andrew Cs bro grilling Pramila Jayapal on immigration and I’m kind of surprised.... I mean still a douche but I think they are realizing with everything under democratic control they need something new to attack for ratings. But after watching his message it is NOT LIBERAL ENOUGH!!
  6. Just watched that tool Hanity interview him. of course he was just stroking him the whole time, but gotta say, smart guy. Love his idea of legislation that says if local government stands down and allows protesters to loot your property in a riot you can sue that local government for damages. Great idea.
  7. Just checking in, assuming the facts are still on hold 😂
  8. It reminds me of a Leodis McKelvin kick return feeling. His arm is THE talent. Spread out some quick hands catch radius guys and start slinging it into smaller and smaller windows.
  9. probably 100%. But what percent of the population is anti gun control right wing?
  10. Very similar in Europe. License/permit requires demonstration of completed safety training. Gun violence is much better. anyone want to bet this sort of policy would not only be rejected the the seconders and but called the R word too?
  11. Not buying it, unless they think it would give away their agenda and unravel their moderate support. there is no way the don’t desperately want it. The flipping the courts would prevent some of their federalization initiatives...
  12. No pictures yet. I smell a narrative misfit.
  13. Meanwhile the righteous movement leadership build one heckuva of a capitalist empire for a Marxist.... https://www.dailywire.com/news/blm-sent-legal-threats-to-ny-activist-who-called-for-audit-of-cofounders-3-2-million-home-buying-spree
  14. no I’m not a member of Russian intelligence, apparently Donald Trump is though 😂 😂 imagine Trump being a spy and not being able to brag about it... thanks man... every once in a while it’s good to reminded what kind of wild thinking is out there Do me a favor, google Russian troops Ukraine border, read some things, then google Putin Response to Biden, read some stuff.
  15. Is that one of the Q things- the Don was a secret Russian spy... 😂 im not sure where people come up with this stuff.
  16. Any chance violent crime is part of the ‘systematic’ problem in policing?
  17. Thank you. I knew the second part and thought about making it. You made it better. The demographic distribution of cop killers is almost the same rate as killed by cops(shocking right?). Also there is a data set that if you look at total police contact rates, whites are more likely to be killed per contact. Like many here, I’m growing tired of this everything is racist narrative crammed down our throats daily. And yeah find the dash cam video of an officer in New Mexico pull over a guy which starts out pleasant and ends with a dead officer on the roadside. Why isn’t this getting reported the same way?
  18. That’s not the point at all. Where are the outrageous videos of these same interactions occurring when the situation doesn’t fit the racial narrative. There are twice as many to chose from.
  19. Oh is that what results in riots and outrage, a statistical conclusion? I didn’t realize there was an algorithm. im fascinated to hear what confidence interval is required to confirm if media outcry and outrage are warranted or not.
  20. https://nypost.com/2021/04/15/mom-of-four-killed-when-neighbors-gun-accidentally-goes-off/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app what kind of moron cleans a loaded gun?
  21. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9463851/Black-reporter-LOCKED-Twitter-criticizing-BLM-says-company-gone-far.html wonder what else they are doing that we aren’t hearing about.
  22. I just can’t believe the prosecution had the judges threaten a mistrial. What an effing disaster that would have been.
  23. https://www.dailywire.com/news/judge-threatens-mistrial-in-chauvin-case-after-prosecutors-attempt-to-present-last-minute-evidence 🤦
  24. No way Putin has vastly superior intelligence
  25. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Crimea_by_the_Russian_Federation
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