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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. The Republic was set up to avoid the tyranny of the majority. balance of power is the only way to keep your loony party and it’s opponent from doing whatever they want and rigging the system for control. PS harvesting is the democratic way bro. The Blue wave was crafted from the welfare rolls and the homeless and pandemic mail in policy. Knocking on doors collecting signatures on preprinted ballots. Why else would they be pissing and whining about IDs, Dropboxes and signatures. Lazy loves some democratic redistribution man!!! Republicans are stuck in the Stone Age on social issues, but they get off their ass to do things they consider important. you seriously can’t be this naive.
  2. Welfare pays better- I’ll just make s’more babies for my raise 😉
  3. So is IQ But if minimums are ok, maximums should be on the table too I’m fine with that for iq too because no one has been in danger of hitting any kind of ceiling
  4. Anyone who is 80 years old probably isn’t fit for office either.
  5. He’s clearly an extremely intelligent guy, but he doesn’t report the news, he acts the news... it’s drama class... I’ve not known of him until just the past few years. and tucker is the same. The outrage histrionics are so transparent and revolting to me.
  6. I watch all of them because the closest to you’re getting to the truth is to synthesize all the liars. Laura Ingraham or chuck Todd top my list of toughest watches. Chris Wallace and George Stephanopolis are the probably the least insufferable. I listen to Shapiro to get non mainstream fact rants... And while I don’t agree with her politics I’m absolutely smitten with Candice Owens.
  7. People dislike him because he’s just another human op Ed machine masquerading as a journalist “journalist”. He and Don Lemon are bizarro world images of each other.
  8. The arms race for democrats to federalize and control future outcomes, vs republicans to obstruct vote harvesting to control future outcomes rages under the false narrative of racism vs fraud.
  9. That defense attorney is going to be a target either way.
  10. Maxine... the 80+ year old 40+ year politician and multimillionaire. Another fine example of the need for drastic term limit reform.
  11. Democrats have always been the more racist party. They just disguise it better with their condescending ‘you need my help to make it’ facade. https://pjmedia.com/columns/vinceeverettellison/2020/06/12/truth-democrats-feed-racism-to-control-our-black-community-n521750
  12. Bet they released it today in the hope the Floyd trial buries it. They must have know this when they charged those guys with assault instead of manslaughter. So now the DEADLY INSURRECTION is 5 people falling victim to natural causes and one homocide by cop that nobody’s cares about because it was a white Trump supporter. All lies all the time...
  13. Even he’s gotta look at his client with disgust despite his oath. If nothing else a “WTF is going through your head at this point in the video dude?”
  14. This is pretty much it imo. All the other discussion points are a side show. On which type of murder charges that results in I don’t know, but he needs to be a convicted criminal.
  15. And that’s why woke is a joke.
  16. In the case of the fedex killer I believe there is liability. The Feds knew this kids was so disturbed his weapon was confiscated. His mother knew he was suicidal. Then he allegedly purchased the guns used afterwards. in this case the families should absolutely have the right and I hope they do sue the federal and local government agency that allowed this to happen. If there were negligent acts along the way that allowed this to happen, there should be firings and perhaps charges brought.
  17. hypocritical post ‘My side good, your side bad.’ “bad thing your side did, justified when my side did.” here a fundamentalist extremist problem to democracy. Blindly loyal an brainwashed, no way to see they are pawns. Same as the trumpets, just sycophants to different minstrels
  18. These a$$holes are trying to ignite a civil war. Reprehensible scum.
  19. No we already agreed there is no fix and The only path is mitigation. Your background check idea may be helpful, as may reducing lethality of the weapons available.
  20. Only the ones made count though right?
  21. Hence why that weapon was chosen. More damage. More lethal. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/what-i-saw-treating-the-victims-from-parkland-should-change-the-debate-on-guns/553937/
  22. Simple; The less damaging firearms these killers have access to, the less damage they can do.
  23. Sure, but as you point out, neither will background checks. So absent a fix, the objective should be a rational reduction in ability to inflict death. So as a thought experiment if you had to have a gun fight against someone else, out in public, would you rather a 9mm std magazine pistol or an AR15 with a 30 round clip. assume you have had ample time to practice with either.
  24. Don’t know, was wondering same. Apparently they heard enough to confiscate a weapon. If he was able to legally buy another that’s a big problem.
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