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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. It would be interesting to see how his temperament worked in policing. I suspect he’d be cited for brutality more than once...
  2. They should really change their name to black lives that fit the narrative matter. So let’s see BLTFTNM
  3. Anyone who subscribes to and believes anything any political party tells them just isn’t very smart.
  4. way it seems to me, its: 1) need Levi brand to seem more woke, maybe data shows they aren’t performing well in that group 2) great way to rationalize new line of higher priced (long lasting jeans) i promise you every decision right or wrong was made with profit and revenue front and center. athlesure must be hurting them.
  5. A predominately liberal progressive state like California would get behind the idea of an LGBTQ governor, right?
  6. People that have the mobility and wherewithal to flea states for economic reasons aren’t going to be suppressed from voting because they need to have some form of ID. 🙄
  7. I’ll settle for baseball or football if NBA is too narrow to accommodate everyone
  8. freakanomics solidified my viewpoint. We are fed to this ideology that human life is so uniquely precious, but then send thousands off to die for meaningless political squabbles. there’s like 6 billion humans. A lot of them disgusting lazy unsophisticated at that. it’s a point I won’t argue because I understand the other side, but I’m firmly in the if you’re going to be a deadbeat garbage parent, then please abort. How can I pay you to do so?
  9. I think the idea is to make it more psychologically impacting. Im a big believer in the family unit. As draconian as it sounds, if your own mother doesn’t want you, what chance can you really have in this world... for that reason I support choice.
  10. Journalists are doing their ‘job’ all right... their job just isn’t what it is supposed to be.
  11. as if the rivers and mountains didn’t already make it appealing enough.
  12. as per norm media is nowhere to be found
  13. nobody has figured out how to stop running awful candidates. Almost seems like a prerequisite.
  14. I’d never heard Babylon bee, it’s funny. Thanks for introducing me to it.
  15. The higher education resolution is clearly grandstanding, but still telling of just how bad things are.
  16. You can’t deliberately hold people back because there isn’t ubiquity. Life isn’t fair. Some kids are born into millionaire families some into poverty. Some people are brilliant with high IQ, some not. today’s virtual construct solves access. No one can win unless everyone can win is a false narrative.
  17. Property value in suburban Maryland is already skyrocketing. This just ups the ante even more.
  18. Such a shame. Just handing over the keys without even trying. Why not just declare even having a job racist and get it over with.
  19. If you can learn anything from this clown, it’s marry money.
  20. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/politico-forbids-crisis-when-describing-border-surge-despite-bidens-own-use
  21. Geeze don’t be stingy Diggs buy some run flats.
  22. Fair but if you can get buy in from the others or commit to shared sacrifice it helps things, in my view. I also think the whole climate change argument is misguided anyway because it’s complicated science and just allows the puppet masters to create more division. It should really just boil down to what do you want to breath?, what do you want to drink? What do you want to eat? I’m pretty sure an overwhelming majority would not say ‘the polluted stuff’
  23. Global agreements on pollution are pragmatic because you’re generally collaborating on disadvantaging yourselves economically in the short term.
  24. Aweful. Just another example of how political parties obtain cult like control over people’s minds, especially extreme ones.
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