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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. I see you governor... Titans are just bigger and stronger at every position... even head coach. If they fix their secondary it’s not a good match up
  2. If people had to grow farm and harvest their own vegetables and protect that farmland themselves, more people would just eat meat.
  3. Piece on Tutu Atwell during the draft just exemplified what unification is. I wish this got a fraction of the publicity/attention of a dirty felon cop murdering a felon drug addict. https://www.wave3.com/2019/12/24/nick-rodmans-son-uofls-tutu-atwell-become-best-friends/
  4. I too was wondering how menthol cigarette bans made it past all the lobbies.
  5. I keep trying to convince myself to listen to you and your ilk because it’s important to understand all perspectives. But you’re a pathological liar, there is no value or integrity left to harvest here. You’re dead to me.
  6. But fine just keep screaming with your fingers in your ears. Thanks for your time and effort.
  7. ^Here’s one that took 5 seconds that contradicts this:
  8. That’s a fair point. There should be a better term to categorize the mentality that an entire racial demographic is less capable than ones own. i think they mean well and want to help, it’s just misguided. There it is.
  9. Another cop out from a racist that can’t admit their own racism is racist low expectations Keep dodging and hiding At last we found the systemic problem.
  10. I want to.. what will it take to get you to agree that skin color shouldn’t dictate ability or opportunity. You are so opposed to the concept
  11. You’re a flat out racist. You think other demographics aren’t up to your elite status so you think you need to be an an ambassador but you’re sort of ... not so bright too, so you convince yourself you need to help. Hint, while you oppose poc out achieving you they are easily beating you.
  12. No need. ID requirement. Racist or not? Go
  13. Also, how did your friend of African American decent appreciate your view point they were too incompetent to figure out how to vote?
  14. I do equate Backpedaling to progress. I’m optimistic you are reconsidering your positions.
  15. Fair. Since there are so many, perhaps I’ll ask the mods to add a racist emoji to help processing for all the times you inferred other demographics aren’t able to function at the amazing high level you elite guy does.
  16. Don’t have to. You’re exposed. I immerse myself in diversity. I’ve never looked at someone and assumed capability based on appearance. You have. Shall I collect quotes?
  17. Fully expected a silent dodge. This one is actually overt. 😂 You are a legitimate racist because you believe certain demographics can’t function in society at the level you do. Your post history is very adamant about this.
  18. As soon as you start calling simple basic things like obtaining ID racist you expose yourself. and yes my independence burns you. I bet you regret all those posts of mine you liked or agreed with on other topics. you seem to have some cognitive ability, but you need to see how inherently owned your mind is. I’ve explained thrice what these election laws are about to you. But you refuse to see this as an arms race, instead continuing to believe in the childish good guy, bad guy narrative.
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