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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Yeah Same. And I think this speaks to the point there are cultural issue that drive these thing. STEM isn’t cool in American culture, hence the demographics at tech companies are overwhelmingly immigrants or first generation Americans. It’s not some systemic conspiracy, it’s a cultural phenomenon.
  2. I must be behind... what is the Elon hate about? Because he mainstreamed the electric car
  3. Yeah.... I detested the Rex hire, in retrospect maybe I should have hated it even more.
  4. Yep count me in on wrong Josh bad take
  5. I voted trees because everyone they drafted is 6ft 19.... tall monsters. They clearly prioritized winning in the trenches with size and athleticism
  6. I don’t see the posts you are replying to but I assume I know the source. There is a troubling segment of society that believe all the worst about those they are told to oppose but it doesn’t dawn on them their side employs the same manipulative tactics in the opposite direction. I’ve educated my pre teens to understand this, and they’ve started pointing it out in places I didn’t see at first. but the sheep are like moths. The need big light to tell them where to go even if they get zapped when they get there. it might be a good idea to do an outreach and find out how to bolster the intellect of the participating liberals to add value to the conversation here. I’d love it. Conservatives are represented well, and I do not see many right extremists or trump diehards. As far as intelligent liberals ... huge gap... There are one or two, but most of them sound like this deranged rhino guy I hear about.
  7. Are you sure they didn’t say ‘misremembered’ or ‘offered a different perspective’.
  8. I like the top gear. We’ve got some other 4.4-4.5 guys but I look as them as more quick than fast.
  9. Sanders isn’t a sure thing either. They are so deep at wr. If he’s lost a step and this kid has Potential who knows. Gabe, Diggs, Beasley, Isaiah, Emmanuel, this kid, who knows about hudgens, etc
  10. I know right? They are going to have to modify the facility at this rate. Are we fielding a basketball team?
  11. Draft is a crapshoot, so who knows how this guy turns out, but Maybin was closer to Gabe Davis than Rousseau in size.
  12. The only thing bigger than this dude is the smile on Leslie Frazier’s face you can see through his mask.
  13. CNN blames the pandemic. 🤔
  14. It’s almost the only thing that makes sense, almost like what he suggested in picking Fromm last year, just couldn’t pass it up. Is it possible they Rousseau plays one end and basham plays the other?
  15. I’m surprised billiards and references to it haven’t been canceled yet.
  16. Way more athletic than Shaq. after watching his YouTube clip, I’m not sure why folks want him inside. Guy is just the kind of athletic freak you want on the edge. Both guys could start
  17. Like Tommy T. Would’ve liked that, these super angry guys are rare
  18. Phins building around Tua doesn’t concern me. Just don’t think he’s the guy.
  19. Exactly. It was always a police brutality case narratively weaponized to manifest control.
  20. Extremely. And it’s not like there is athleticism to overcome the size deficit either. Love Jerry but he’s an overachiever. and physicality matters. id rather risk an underachieving Tremaine Edmunds than risk an overachieving London Fletcher if I’m in the gm/selection biz.
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