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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. So I watched that spike Lee movie about this recently (great movie btw) and my impression was they put them on at night. But Im sure you have more insight than I ever would.
  2. Really seems like someone who want the world to be a better place doesn’t it?
  3. I just looked it up and suffered through it. Yeah this Luntz McCarthy connection sounds pretty sleazy. Wonder if old Dick has any sway with Rupert.
  4. No, but I did earn my dues as I diligently split my time between Ingraham Angle and Don Lemon last night. yeah ... masochist
  5. I remember they stopping talking about it as a crisis. I am all for environmental regulatory agencies but they should be apolitical
  6. So if she invites him to go foul hunting as part of family tradition he may want to pass ?
  7. She need to hide a little bit right now too for her own good.. it’s Too early and the orange troll is unfortunately good at PR wars.
  8. Interesting.. there is a corruption cycle where the unions donate to politicians and then politicians pass packages that pay money to unions. So think of it as an investment 😉
  9. If it were $6,000,000,000,000.01 it might be a problem, but it should be fine.
  10. That’s the problem; government has no clue what it is doing or it doesn’t care because it has big donors to appease. To summarize, the thing they mandated everyone switch to, to address the ozone crisis, accelerated the climate crisis. 👍 Obviously it’s too easy to produce new chemicals without knowing the impact. Meanwhile just another example of unintended consequences from the fed.
  11. Assuming this privilege thing means a good life? The Freudian slip shows subconscious awareness. So that’s the good news. Sweat=Work hard 👏 Also try and make good decisions learn from the bad ones. Also mental toughness helps That’s it, No magic breakfast beverage.
  12. this statement says it all doesn’t it.
  13. This also brings up the other part, which is how do they calculate it? Poverty threshold in Manhattan is a lot different than rural Arkansas
  14. How could you not out your boss to HR for that type of comment? It’s not only unconscionable it’s illegal. Most companies have whistleblower mechanisms nowadays. also I don’t think anyone is saying people don’t irrationally group together and hate other people. Im a norther and experienced hate in the south, of me, because i was a yankee.. or Catholics probably hate me, because I don’t subscribe to their beliefs.... people of all different skin colors hate others of the same. It’s disappointing that one specific type of bigotry is the excuse for everything. That’s why diversity and integration has always been the best answer. But it seems to have done a 180
  15. Exactly. It’s a disgrace how both parties handled everything about that.
  16. I don’t disagree, but extremists in general are the problem and the way the two parties use them for divisive politics is really damaging to what is a most moderate populous.
  17. That’s already been happening for years. It’s called R vs D
  18. Now do single parent households
  19. it would be a little more genuine if they mentioned the prior felony tax fraud conviction, or contrasted the different laws and sentencing options but that’s not as outrageous amirite?
  20. I’m not sure how you can associate with such people and look yourself in the mirror.
  21. Umm, they realize rates are determined by a lot more than, driving record right? It’s is the most mathematically derived pricing structure there is. The models include Likelihood of vandalism, theft, crime, of encountering uninsured drivers, commute distance, likelihood of accident based on population density? Geico doesn’t ask what your neighbors look like when giving a quote. I see this behavior pattern all the time; here is what I believe so how can I manipulate data to prove it. This isn’t science.
  22. What is generational wealth? The only thing I own that is inherited as of yet is a plastic model of my Grammys 57 Chevy. A very small segment of the population receives generational wealth and even if they do, it’s not transferred from your elders until you’re already in your 50’s or 60’s. Mortgage practices were reformed 40 or 50 years ago. Plenty of immigrants come here with nothing except a good work ethic and family values and they succeed. Many even more disadvantaged due to language skills or education gaps. Why is it their cultures drive them to succeed? The culture of acceptability around single parent households, having all kinds of kids you can’t support, welfare dependency is today’s problem and it is a fundamental problem across all demographics. It’s the number 1 indicator of poverty no matter what you look like. Family, hard work. Everything else is an excuse at this point.
  23. Didn’t realize Pelosi’s laptop was stolen. I’m sure they Don’t want anyone seeing what’s on that. Password: skeletor
  24. The ‘system’ benefits people who work hard and make good choices. As it should. Home ownership is a reasonably wise investment, thus a good choice. Having a partner in any way shape or form, to help raise a family so you aren’t on your own is a good choice. if there were more effort spent on trying to raise the values of disadvantaged SES as opposed to vilify those values that have proven to lead to success repeatedly, we’d actually be seeing real ‘progress’, Instead of this train wreck rolling downhill towards a cliff we have now.
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