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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Build back bloat er.. What a disaster. The economy is getting worse as we get more vaccinated. Sitting here Incredulous that the leadership actually got even more incompetent than the last. I thought that was impossible.
  2. I was just talking about john Kerry... im all for solving water shortage and co2 in the atmosphere with technology
  3. He’s Another fine example of why generational wealth is bad for society
  4. As opposed to tightening?? Is that monetary policy quip? Yeah loose spending sure does that. That was the Cuba guys whole point. if not trusting politicians or political parties is wacky... I’m extremely so
  5. Also just saying you are supporting the guy who is saying we heard alll these things in Cuba by mentioning some more things they heard in Cuba. Except the bit about a second party. But I’m pretty sure you’d be all for one party rule... Viva Fidel!!!
  6. I think you mean and not but. You’re both saying the same thing.. democratic elections, easier to vote.. yep all checks out. they heard all the same things in Cuba. Viva la revolución!!! Amirite?!?! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Cuba
  7. While This is correct. intelligent people who want to solve problems attempt to study, prove and disprove theories and use fact to identify true root cause of statistical variation. unintelligent people look at similar disparities and jump to, or allow power seekers to ingrain in them, vague generalized and unfounded conclusions which even the less intelligent uphold as fact.
  8. Was anyone else surprised the DOD had jurisdiction over parking permits? Imagine staying clean and studying hard to get that cool sounding pentagon gig only to be put in the department that authorizes parking permits... 😂
  9. Can we find one that is good at business because of leadership, principles and execution as opposed to marketing, sociopathy and self promotion? I’d listen
  10. Meant single parent households. That is far from a cherry pick. Single parent household is the biggest predictor of poverty and crime. More than race, education, etc.
  11. I’m pretty sure the RATE of households in poverty of single family homes was the same or similar across all races. Happy to be corrected
  12. Ha Hilly and Billy were aborting full term adults like Vince Foster lol
  13. For me you’re talking past the sale But I don’t celebrate abortion as a good thing. To be considerate of others I consider it an acceptable tragedy.
  14. There is no worse way to start off in this world than that the only two people that are most likely to unconditionally love you don’t. After that turning out as an occasional felon is probably the median. PSA Chuck Todd is a sniveling doosche. Tim Russert would never would have approved of this.
  15. Consider Reading a book named freakanomics @B-Man provided a perspective on the topic I’d never considered. Two stat professors that were just looking at social data. also helpful for other real like exercises like home sales.
  16. I’m fine with it. You do know the oil market is the only jenga block holding this US economy’s world standing up? not exports, but trade of oil in the global currency... dollars. It might be good to rip off the band aid, but how different is Armageddon from succumbing to Chinese and Russian world dominance? I suppose it’s inevitable too and there might be some class mobility in Asia too.
  17. While I agree left is in control across the board right now across the board, I really need someone to explain to me why two people screw and science happens that then a mother that doesn’t want her kid should bear it anyway. Do we think that child has a great future in this overpopulated world of already neglected children? Parents are literally tossing their kids over a fence right now
  18. Yes And an aristocratic elite Control. It’s really a pretty impressive construct in retrospect along with the idea that compromise was not important but critical.
  19. I’ve been paying attention in a lot of places for several months. I’ve not heard much of anything from DT other than dems trying to keep propping him up and keeping him relevant reminding us he existed. our founders were terrified of government. How else could you explain the stupidity of the Second amendment that citizens need to be able to arm themselves so they can revolt if the government is too oppressive. And it was the second one!
  20. They were terrified of extremists, one party control and mob rule bud. They saw all of this coming. It took a whole 250 years to break completely so I guess not bad. I just don’t understand the Ignorance of any of you that think this is a one sided problem
  21. There is nothing she wants to do more than keep Jan 6 and DT front and center, every day, all the time. I’d love to see 60 senators switch to independent moderates and then vote their constituents will and values... hey we can all dream
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