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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Democratic majorities exist in The low end and the top 1/2 percent who exploit them by paying them off to control the power. Everyone in between is who finances it. this is the brand of authoritarian socialism that used to be considered unAmerican but is todays Democratic Party.
  2. I didn’t omit anything- I posted the survey. then I posted a corroborating election survey. There’s about ten more. And the stuff you plagiarized selectively had support too. you are exposed a little for how you operate
  3. mph the only demographic that supported my argument was the group I was talking about? You’re such a treat. Here is you in the thread. it’s not true, here’s a snippet copied while omitting the link because the overall data set corroborates the assertion in the op heres another one here’s another one and another heres some tangential irrelevant straw man thing another one ok you’re right, its true but it’s societies fault.
  4. Excellent flip flop, now you agree with me and are on to the excuses and blaming society hoping bigger government can fix it. 😂 😂 😂 No that’s not it. You’re kind of a wannabe loser and it’s really sad. I know people like you, so empty inside you try to gloss it over by trying to look better than you know you are. Start a go fund me and I’ll send you a couple bucks so you can try to fill that void. 😂
  5. Bragging to a sub-forum chat about wasting money because your acquaintances do doesn’t paint the picture of you you think it does. You bring it upon yourself. I bet you also do everything you can to minimize your own taxes while bloviating about what the government should do with other peoples money. I honestly don’t know of a single MAGA Trump lover here. Is there one?
  6. That’s as close a concession as I’ve ever seen from you. I’ll take it.
  7. You’re not one of the elites pal. I bet I’ve spoken with more politicians and kingmakers than you have, and in not elite. Honestly you are just somebody without a family so you don’t care about the future. also Robert Kraft wears Jordan’s. And Charlie Ergan wears tevas and socks. and Johnston and Murphy $100 old man shoes aren’t impressing anyone.
  8. The place where he cherry picked the stats probably stated so, just like one of the others had 80 data points matching what I’m arguing and one that is neutral. He plucked the neutral data ping and didn’t link. Also one of the other data sets was copied from an unlinked quora post entitled why are republicans higher income than democrats 😂 he edited out the despite the fact that and the conclusion lol.
  9. neither do these… what’s your point ?? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/02/us/politics/joe-biden-women-me-too.html
  10. none of this refutes anything I have said. I know average income of elite democrats is higher, they are better at rigging the system and pushing tax burden to the working families and fooling you.
  11. How is that a game set match that over a decade ago the thing im saying is fact now and supporting with recent election data and a pew study may not have always been true. But since you’re doing 2012, here’s Obama Romney https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/11/does-your-wage-predict-your-vote/264541/ And majority independent? What the hell can anyone conclude from that nonsense keep trying . Even as flawed as your attempts are I admire the effort. Keep it up and you might get into one of these income brackets where you don’t want to donate more to the federal government and starting voting differently also, did you deliberately omit the text of that 2012 npr study and the graph from the low income group or the other ten years of data in the graph…. No that’s probably why you didn’t link it 😂
  12. Dud ?? You are plugging your ears screaming not true then rambling about some irrelevant nonsense. Find on me study where the 100K+ income bracket lean D. I mean maybe if Biden wins again and we get more hyperinflation such that 100k is the new 30k deadbeat group. Take away deadbeat votes and Republicans win elections like 60/40.
  13. blah blah blah. Deadbeats vote more democrat and people earning 100k vote more Republican. You can hand wring, whine, obfuscate and try to rationalize a different reality all you want. I can find studies and election polls all day long showing voter tendency by income and how it shifts as you climb the brackets into more successful people, at least until you reach the top half percent elites that influence the government.
  14. Here’s another one.. you trust universities right? https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020
  15. Ah yes the data shatters your myth, move the goalposts. The under 30k deadbeats is your party… you’ve got to be extremely lazy or barely working at all to not clear 30k. and in the 100k split your saying 47% vs 44% isn’t a majority? Now look at the Biden trump election. By in one bracket. Enjoy!
  16. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/
  17. Look it up. Votes by income. There are dozens of studies that confirm this. under 30k overwhelmingly democrat over 100k overwhelmingly republican You missed link in the initial post? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/
  18. Anybody who needs to brag to a bills fan political sub forum about vacationing somewhere probably isn’t really doing that… 😂
  19. I’m laughing at the naive stupidity this post presents. you don’t see the intention of these very deliberate demarcation lines? Now do under 30k and between 100-500k. this deliberate obfuscation and split exactly makes my point. just because the extremely wealthy top 0.5 % elites tend to start to lean back towards democratic agenda because they’re part of the power agenda. you people are so easily fooled.
  20. Biden dominated under 30k, trump dominated over 100k. It’s very simple. Is this hard to comprehend?
  21. I’m not. Find a single study that shows R vs D by income bracket. it’s irrefutable. The better you do the more Likely you lean R. Until you get to the elites<1%.
  22. Yeah it’s the liberal degrees that make money 😂 😂 😂
  23. Democrats are the ones that made me stay home for two years, try indoctrination of our kids into liberal extreme ideology, forced me and my kids to take an unproven vaccine, try to steal more of my money than they already steal and try to usurp my local governments power under their own control, have instituted law enforcement policy that has resulted in crime encroaching into our formally safe neighborhoods. why does anyone stand for this? the only answer is you don’t have anything to lose because you’ve already lost, or you don’t have any responsibility in life or a family to protect.
  24. yes you are presenting alternative facts as usual . this graph doesn’t prove anything it’s obfuscation gif average to paint an alternative reality. simply look us any data set you want of voting tendency by income. the losers vote dem, the achievers vote republican.
  25. exactly, the majority of people who are smart and motivated to earn a recent living don’t want the government stealing from them. Or telling them how to live their life. Also people doing the most important work for society, raising children. I rarely meet people who are successful family people that lean towards these socialist ideologues
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