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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. The way he arcs it into a spot right?
  2. Quinten Spain… that rings a bell 🤔
  3. Fortunately the stress of journalism died with actual journalism. Their just a bunch of activists and party cheer leaders now that just repackage what already out there. zero stress.
  4. I mean like like watching pro football, but this matchup is a real test. Like a XFL game or something
  5. the guy that blew up the airport was let go during the withdrawal.. job well done. I wonder if the joint chiefs forgot to suggest we don’t do that too… https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tbsnews.net/world/south-asia/kabul-airport-bomber-was-freed-prison-government-collapsed-isis-297295%3famp
  6. Today’s socialists and Marxists try really hard to gloss over this fact that oppressive authoritarian regimes grow from the populous naively subscribing to socialist idealism and subjugating themselves to government control. Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Mao Zedong, Lenin, Chavez, Castro, the Kims in NK, all autocratic “socialists”… Funny that most self proclaimed socialist tend to be extremely selfish as are most humans to some degree, which is incompatible with socialism. They also tend to be the ones who think they will be handed more, not have to give more. of course it never work that way…
  7. That looks like an Uber eats guy just trying to make a delivery
  8. I’m not sure which part of this all is most delusional. But if they don’t increase the debt ceiling Armageddon will come before the Super Bowl 🙈 😰 😱
  9. How can you not watch the commission investigating the DEADLY INSURRECTION….. the greatest attack on our county since Pearl Harbor. How will we ever know what really happened that day?
  10. Because CNN told you, of course. Btw- Is winning the kicking and screaming in the other thread about a key provision in the dem budget proposal? not wanting pay your fair share to help underserved kids get educated? The democrats would kick you out if they knew this.
  11. Phew… you’re back. For a day or two there I thought you got hacked
  12. Can’t stand it. hundreds of extremely over compensated bureaucrats and politicians nonsensically bloviating over nothing on our dime. We are idiots for letting them steal our money for this.
  13. Right now, we the people, are paying a bunch of bureaucrats to testify to a bunch of politicians we are paying that if we don’t raise the debt ceiling and default on all our debt the world will end. Duh… total dog and pony show Ironic that we that we need to keep borrowing all this money so we can continue to waste all this money…
  14. For one the answer is excess liquidity, for 2 it’s sure as hell not “transient”. So inflation deniers is a thing now?
  15. I’m pretty sure he’s done everything left
  16. instead of wasting money on tax cuts?? Man these jerkoffs really think they own all our money and we are lucky they let us keep any of it.
  17. It’s there. They rarely throw behind or over him. Mahommes and KC did because he and Kelce are incredibly good.
  18. Politicians telling the truth 😂 Silly tibs… it was a calculated political risk. We do not yet know how it will pan out for long term political career..
  19. That local organic market that was coming in the new development across the street balked with the pandemic. I was bummed because it would’ve probably bumped us into the next walk ability tier. You’re area has poor education 😆
  20. you’re not kidding… I keep losing junior to mid level folks on my team to Google and Amazon and they are tripling their six figure salaries. We’ve been looking at private schools. Our public ones are very good which is why we picked our overpriced deferred maintenance fixer upper house, but private schools around here are incredible… You smoke $30k per month?
  21. It’s all a legitimate problem right? of all this stuff, maybe corporate farm subsidies has merit because production of food is worth propping up. but you are hitting on numerous fine examples of why big federal government is bad.
  22. Fair there have been some but their voices are drowned out by the party liners. I guess it’s a microcosm of our reality on both sides of the aisle. just like no true independent minded person with legitimately conservative values really looks a DJT and says - yeah he stands for everything I believe. He was more of an grudging toleration that used his pathological self promotion capability to become some sort of savior to a sub group. Hell the guy was a registered democrat at one point.
  23. There aren’t any intelligent liberals on the board. That is why there is no discussion you’ve just got the homeless and the trolls that’s it right
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