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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. Biden was the safe swing state choice because the beauty of accomplishing nothing is you can market them however you need to. You give the voters way too much credit for reading past the headline and digging into details. All he had to be was not Trump without appearing threatening to moderates.
  2. I was going to ask if this poll data was from Congress but then I caught the word adults…
  3. The entire role of this administration is to bolster government power and battle this figurative arms race with Republicans to manipulate the next elections outcome in their favor…. That’s it. They’ve done little different on covid than what was already happening anyway other than dump more borrowed money on top of an already heating economy. I wonder what the spin is going to be when the Biden covid death toll surpasses the 400k number of his predecessor. What is the new narrative going to be?
  4. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/health/2021/10/06/u-s--covid-deaths-in-2021-top-2020-total 2021 has now been deadlier for covid than 2020 with two months still to go. crazy to think the guy who replaced the guy who mishandled covid out-mishandled covid.
  5. Another interesting red vs blue state break down. look at unemployment by state from top to bottom and see if there is any discernible pattern https://www.bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm
  6. Not joking, I think they are prepping to be able to CGI him
  7. It’s pervasive overarching mentality Among the extremists… “don’t you dare hold the guy with same opinions as mine to the same standard as the guy who has different opinions.”
  8. Ah yes the old comforting “this poison is way less salty than that other poison”
  9. I’ve got no problem with this
  10. Hahaha typical hypocritical nonsense.. we should give the irs every dollar they can get while simultaneously advocating for wealthy bankers P&L through a lobby. The IRS is a bloated incompetent corrupt government organization with 75 thousand employees and an 11 billion dollar budget. They steal enough of my money and data already… they don’t need to waste more of my time while I justify why I transferred my money between my accounts. This is targeting the local landscaper and small business that operate partially under the table to stay afloat and may also impact non citizens living here that are trying to do something to make a living. The wealthy will dodge this like every thing else… they’ve bought these politicians. A 10k balance isn’t indicative of wealth, but it at least its a step in the right direction.
  11. maybe.. but if so that makes two of us. My reason is simply because I don’t want an authoritarian omnipotent federal government autocracy ruling my life. your trust in these “altruistic” policies to expose everything about you and everyone else to these bureaucratic government institutions exemplifies NOT….getting….how….it… would ….work…
  12. So that means you need to get ahead of it if you want to avoid being seen right?
  13. Even if the intent is well meaning in this case, it’s just another step on the slippery slope to authoritarianism. Where did the real liberals who oppose tyranny go?
  14. That and there is a segment of that discipline that would rather prescribe you Zestril, Lipitor and Ambien then suggest any lifestyle improvements
  15. I wonder if He’ll stop answering like that when he loses a game and he media thought he threw too much. They’ll bring this up and say why didn’t you follow your own philosophy?? I feel like the press pushes these guys into their shell with the approach of trying to generate sensationalism…
  16. I’m guessing they think knocking on doors is their best shot at making the cut?
  17. I guess building back better means more government invasion into your personal information. Will it accelerate flight to cash or crypto although they are trying to ban that too. I cant wait for average Joe’s to start having to defend all their transactions to the state… the proposal give irs transactional data on any bank account with more than $600. Does that seem like they are targeting the wealthy??
  18. I’m pretty good at science and those articles sounded a like more like “dunno” than “disagree” but if you want to call Mohammed Ali a dummy u go for it 😉
  19. They want all the pent up tension spent on the field
  20. I miss the democrats and liberals that used to revolt against government control and stand for real social issues. Now they’re mostly a bunch of wanna be socialists whining for their nanny state to protect their safe spaces and their delicate feelings. “Hey!, Stop teaching my kids your political nonsense instead of educating them on my dime” is now domestic terrorism… 😂
  21. “You’ll” being the operative word. He’ll do whatever he feels like doing.
  22. Very sad… why you continue to support and blindly follow them is also sad
  23. Two Catholic presidents in the United States ever. John F Kennedy Democrat. Joseph R Biden, Democrat. The Catholics in the us have been predominantly democrats up until recently that it’s become more evenly divided. It’s now 50/50. Now the ultra progressive are trying to rebrand pedophilia as a new preference. You people are sick
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