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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. What’s the crux of your argument besides… no stop saying things I can not deal with? I’ll help you, socialism is a fictitious unsustainable unrealistic utopian ideology that power mongers use to fool stupid people into ceding control over their lives which often morphs into fascism, evident by scores of 20th century brutal dictators.
  2. 13 ***** pages? You still can’t grasp this? I finally understand elementary school teacher frustration.
  3. you’ve actually gotten to the point where you start off making the actual point, then follow it up by saying something so stupid you don’t even realize you made the point. this is beyond fascinating Do you honestly not understand that centralization vs division of power is the entire ball game?
  4. 🧐 no that’s dumb…. But I’m glad your paying attention now.. pop quiz- Name a decentralized government country that became facist? None? Not one? Ok name 7 centralized government socialist countries that became fascist. ok extr credit, 5 more?
  5. Omfg… hallelujah …. You are soooo close to getting the ***** point. I’ve never witnessed a breakthrough like this on ppp…. 🤯 Special thanks @Orlando Tim
  6. You’re hilarious …. the counter argument is- no it’s not true because it’s not true. 😩 ive now brought 4 examples… Hitler Mussolini Stalin Maduro ready for more? Or are you caught up. Are you Religious blind in denial or hopelessly stupid ? Both maybe?
  7. To educate you. I know. But i won’t quit. Did you do your Mousilini homework ? Another socialist to fascist ‘surprise’ i was going to do Stalin tomorrow, but Maduro is a more recent one. Feel free to check out either.
  8. Oh Haley gave me an idea, maybe tomorrows example of socialism to fascism should be Maduro.
  9. I can see you haven’t read any of the assigned reading. Socialism is the consolidation of power achieved by manipulating the idiots with the utopian sales pitch. the most stupid of the stupid, inexperienced or naive buy and sell it. And promote the snake oil. once the consolidation of power has occurred fascism is just a slightly more left step of even broader government power. that’s what socialism inland communism is. not the fairy tale version you morons subscribe to. How can some adults be so unfathomably dumb and naïve??
  10. Yeah they have issues too. But it’s true that more power in the fewer hands is always wrought with risk. Genius of founders, lost on todays morons. it’s not weird if you are paying attention. the dems however have got a great strategy now, have sone welfare, drugs, sex, and let the fed control the rest. Oh if if you can’t figure out ID or too lazy to vote… we got you. hook line and sinker for the low iq electorate. They win preying on the stupid. I guess it works. Seems to have won you over Yeah the abortion topic is antithetical It’s to placate the religious component of the base obviously. Who by the way tend to be better contributors to society than the irresponsible sex and lots of drugs segment.
  11. Pure free market capitalists or libertarians are closest I think. Did you not know this?
  12. This is true… target the dumbest voter block with consequence free sex, drugs and free money… whatever it takes to get the power. They’ve done a good job finding the dumbest masses they need to win. And pot heads on welfare with STDs arent worried about a better future for the next generation. It’s a solid formula.
  13. care free sex and dope top their base’s priory list. Tells you all you need to know. Not serious people. not responsible people. effectively the dregs of society
  14. Haha Vivek is funny. Calling out the press !
  15. In high school maybe. With his arm that’s nfl open. they must average in the plays he run blocks 😉
  16. He is exhibit A that great QBs don’t allow themselves to be held back by lousy coaching.
  17. It’s stupid that it’s a penalty but it’s a penalty.. boring
  18. Probably semi automatic weapons…. You know lefty media doesn’t report the details when it’s their side.
  19. Your girl Talibs pro Hamas genocides tried to storm the White House, vandalized it. Looked pretty insurrection-y
  20. You got real specific there… but I think something pretty close happened at the White House just last night. Speaking of change, I’m sure trump wishes he just stayed a democrat. He’d probably have no lawsuits to deal with if he jus stayed buddies with Willy and hilly and ran on their legacy
  21. Can we just do both and get some solid sleep?
  22. pure capitalism exists outside of either political party, because they regulate and pick winners and losers they are elsewhere on the spectrum. but as you can see I the spectrum of control of its people and production, fascism is left of communism and socialism, both also rooted In the same ideals of many of the Democratic Party. there are several compelling books and articles on the topic. Naturally liberals that consider communism nirvana are threatened by this analysis, so they work really hard to drive a narrative that fanaticism is extreme right, when there are far more examples that it is far left. tomorrow we can get into Stalin ….
  23. kincade, knox, cook, and even Gabe and Diggs have shown if you get them the ball quick in space they can move chains. I wish they’d just make this easy.
  24. This is going to be harder that getting the kids over Santa I can see. try this one: rank in order the parties or ideologies From most centralized government control over its citizens to the least… fascism communism Socialism US Democratic Party US Republican Party capitalism libertarianism
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