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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. I’m sure that they have agents for that. We all know which side all the people are on. I can’t pretend to be surprised or outraged at standard operating procedure in Washington
  2. This happens constantly. I can not remember a recent press secretary that wasn’t on one of these “infotainment” network’s dime right afterward.
  3. aside from the attempt to brand his own people speaking out about his crude behavior and covering up some bad covid decisions as ‘political attacks’; at minimum isn’t a politician who loses to political attacks bad at being a politician?
  4. as a Raw athlete, yeah incredible. Trying not to be too much of a homer on the works hard bit. He’s put in the work on mechanics but it’s hard to know how unique it is or if it was more publicized because of social media transparency and how late in life it happened or his technique was just so bad that the improvement was astonishing. I’m still thinking his presnap reads have opportunity- still misses some blitzes and layup throws. I’m also positive Brady and Brees were working mechanics just as much and perhaps even more nuanced and maniacal. Brady had his own qb coach too, but he didn’t share, then later his own Personal Trainer/nutritionist, etc. You don’t hear much about what mahomes does, but his mechanics are almost irrelevant.
  5. I think Brady and Manning have raised the bar. Actually not so sure Josh is an much of a gym rat, workout maniac or health food nut. Strong work ethic for sure, but there are lots of those at that level. Guys like Derek Henry do insane things like special sleep chambers. Jerry Rice was a maniac
  6. so they think they have enough at this point to impeach and acquit him again?
  7. At least we know where the money came from. brilliant. They can make it a covid testing center. Help get past the 9 days a year problem
  8. i know right? You check all the boxes, yet here you are
  9. it’s incredible really. A swath of the sheep were so programmed they can’t deal with the vacuum. Could be a verifiable psychosis
  10. Used to see things that way too. Travel the world, see real suffering… then come back and explain why YOU are so deserving of your superior lifestyle. You think you work harder than an 11 year old in a sweatshop with a starving family? Or maybe you are just ‘smarter’ … the despairty between the top and the bottom is too far
  11. Not bitter and have no problem with people getting rich, but how much is enough?? I don’t like the control elites have, and I have zero faith anyone is going to fix govt spending problem. It is sad that there are good people that work their ass off 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet while elites drink a bottle of wine worth more than the food that person’s family eats for a year. Where is the humanity in that? The wealth distribution is out of whack. It’s broken. I used to be hard core conservative… eff everyone else, everyone for themselves, if your poor it’s because you’re lazy. I guess as I moved on in my life and career I started empathizing more with people that have it harder. At the same time I started seeing first hand that the wealthy and getting wealthier don’t alway work so hard, maybe they did once… maybe they are good at schmoozing and partying with other richies, maybe they can sell ice to Eskimos, maybe they can see a way to generate money out of thin air. And even for myself, I put in the time, but I don’t grind like i did fresh out of school 20 years ago. But the annual jumps now are bigger that my paycheck was back then.
  12. Always the extremes with you. I will not pass on generational wealth to them, even if I get there, no.
  13. Who’s vilifying anyone. You yourself make the very distinction I am speaking of. THEY worked hard (although I promise the non billionaire local landscaping guy works pretty hard too) their kids just happened to ride the right sperm or egg and for that a lifelong windfall of wealth. Where’s the merit in that?? That’s how monarchies worked. I want my children to be achieve their own success not have it handed to them, by me or anyone else. and it’s ridiculous that tax payers pay hundreds of millions of dollars for a new stadium that won’t be much different than the current one and be used less than 10 times a year, to support a business that’s making insane money already. Stop spending???? Who’s going to do that? Every new administration has outspent the last since Truman.
  14. I’m not sure exactly what I am ok with, but there are two fundamental problems I’d like to solve: - republicans and democrats can’t seem to stop stealing and spending our money - the elites in control that allow this to continue seem to be underpinned by the generationally wealthy who pass money and power down generation to generation if syphoning off that wealth transfer won’t address the situation I’m certainly receptive to what will.
  15. Government Vultures swoop in every pay day. So you have zero issue with wealthy parents=wealthy kids? Ok some are simply for aristocracy as a societal norm. That’s your prerogative, but it leads for the wrong people maintaining control over the levers of power.
  16. If you know any financial planners or tax advisors ask them this question as you will get an explanation if they are half way decent at their job. 😂
  17. What is it 1953? If you don’t think the long standing republicans talking point family farm scenario can be distinguished and accommodated for in tax code then you’re right it most likely just impossible to prevent billionaires from skirting taxes and enriching generations to come… oh well. God save the queen I want to isolate their success to them and themselves. Obviously trust fund kids lined up for substantial inheritance hate the idea, because heyyou earned it, by being conceived by someone who was willing to do some work.
  18. Then someone else will. Their are plenty of risk takers who are motivated by more than just what they directly pass on. Buffet and Gates are examples. od love to advocate for rational spending and fiscal control, but no such political faction exists in the United States. somehow these wealthy elites need to be hindered from sustained power. See the 4 families that have run California for decades. It’s a vicious circle.
  19. the thought is to put an end to the scenario where some billionaire like Rockefeller spawns hundreds of years of wealthy descendants. The mechanics of how to achieve that are a welcome Conversation That illiquid asset argument doesn’t do it for me. Gramps keeled over so I now own his 5000 acre farm? Poor me.. it’s still an asset I didn’t earn myself. Why is everyone so afraid to stand on their own two feet?
  20. All for the second one, to the first, your thinking is someone making 30k per year should pay rhe same portion of their income to taxes like someone who makes several million?
  21. So set a floor and rapid escalating rate of taxation…. I mean a little exercise in constructive thinking maybe… 🙄 So where should the tax money come from? I personally fund a small neighborhood of households every year. But they tell me it’s not enough.
  22. Got it, you are for wealthy elites ruling the roost for generations then correct? Deek the first was rewarded for his risk by generating vast wealth for himself. It certainly wasn’t a risk shared by Deek the third who received the hand down after Deek unfortunately and eventually passed on.
  23. I don’t want it- I’m a net payer by a whole lot. But why should Deek the third be wealthy just because you were? Todays Plutocracy is a thinly veiled monarchy of yesteryear.
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