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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. my old man alway used to say Republicans are stupid and democrats are crooks. Lots of grey area and the ones that lived on both sides of the the aisle are probably both. but as a generalization it’s not bad
  2. Wow!!! Racist much? Is that what you like about Joe?
  3. No maga would ever use ‘like’ that much… and there aren’t any comments about second amendment rights. So - This is clearly a hoax by a basement dwelling genZ er.
  4. Gilliam is part of a 5 wide alignment??
  5. And don’t forget MAGAs are also a mirror image of leftist sheep. Equal but opposite. Same malleable minds just serving a different master. Both problematic
  6. Reality? Facts? Ok (1) Not mine (2) a lot of people want Trump time to be over, Democrats can’t stop talking about him. Like you; why does an old has been RB with questionable character that you would definitely worship if he toed your party gods’ line make you have to mention fired orange man?
  7. the authoritarian left is winning. Just look at the people on this board alone programed to hate, not just disagree with but hate anyone with different views. did you ever imagine a day in your life where the self identifying liberals would be the censors, the once aligned with the billionaires and big business moguls, the ones rooting for the elites and policy that benefits elites? things are moving fast.
  8. Straight out of a Quinten Tarantino Movie Nazi speech scene...
  9. omfg- is that real?
  10. i can’t stand trump and and sick of hearing about him every day. He was fired two years ago already
  11. If everyone just agrees to this THEN will you just do it and the stop talking about him every single day??? The fixation is pathological
  12. Ah come on man!! Watching him speak is priceless ironic comedy!
  13. Let’s be clear, he absolutely would be if he ran as a D all else being equal. The hypocrisy is irrefutable
  14. but at the same time if you are one of the fools buying this existential crisis schtick you better be be at least carbon neutral otherwise you’re a total scumbag contributing to the demise of humanity according to your own beliefs. So what is your personal sacrifice?
  15. I’m not denying climate change, I’m not even suggesting it’s not worth doing some about… but this hand wringing panic and existential crisis nonsense is beyond stupid. What about the 40s to the 70s when global cooling was the consensus global climate crisis? The ice age was coming because pollution something…. I suppose Co2 emissions were ramping down during that period and vegetation had its dominant period in history?? Phew dodged a bullet there. since you’re such a believer in this existential threat bedboy, how have you zeroed your footprint? What kind of bicycle do you ride to work? When did you go vegan? Do you live in a tent or eco friendly zero emission tiny house. How many tree did you plant today. I assume in such a state of panic you must be doing anything you can to avoid the oncoming catastrophe, right?? Don’t even tell me you have a water heater or ac anywhere. That’s criminal
  16. Right on queue 🐑 living in fear right where they expect you to be! Oh my god the world will end next year if one more cow farts… 👻 😂 exactly…. Nobody stands to make billions from all these green energy fantasies . say it out loud! ‘Let’s colonize mars… also let’s live in fear of co2, a gas humans exhale btw, and a degree hotter in 96 years!
  17. Hey it’s not like he didn’t help anyone out.. he helped enrich himself his family his friends all while in political office. That’s not easy. He worked hard with those billion dollar corporations to make it happen.
  18. Actually the idiots are the one who think humans can’t adapt to a degree hotter in 78 years, so we all must go vegan and ride bicycles… and at the same time let’s go colonize mars 😂 or that the earth is so delicate that one more ice cube sized glacier in the ocean and New York will be underwater. 😂 or that China or India give a ***** about carbon emissions 😂 😂 or that all these western austerity measures will do anything whatsoever to reduce co2 in the atmosphere, by front loading the massive initial carbon footprint of lithium ion Evs. Hint whats already up there will be for 500 years… 😂 the idiots are the ones who have zero fundamental science and business knowledge but buy tons of plastic because it’s tossed into a green container with a heartwarming symbol on it, only to go to a landfill. the idiots are the ones that believe these politicians have the people interests at heart, and want you to reduce your carbon foot print, while driving their porches, living in mansions and jetting around the country… 🐑
  19. great analogy… having lived through the demise of the Soviet era, it’s really fascinating how the liberal media has been gushing over him. Is it their loving of communism or their loathing of the conservative western politicians that opposed him into submission?
  20. We all know what’s really going on.. trump made the code to the White House kitchen ice cream swirl machine top secret and Biden initiated the raid to get it back. power games.
  21. if you think of the people in love with as much abortion as possible.. they are also likely to have them as a sacramental ritual, and given their likely values and the crappy self loathing useless for society kids they are likely to raise maybe it’s worth reconsidering. It’s not like the planet is running out of people
  22. Wait whut??? All these decades of easy federal money lobbed into the student loan machine had unintended consequences????? 🤯
  23. No surprise how the devout communists celebrate the life of a devout communist.. Viva Fidel too amirite?
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