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    St. Louis, MO

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  1. If you support this crap why should you expect for them to try and do better? They've already got your money!
  2. No way. That is a terrible idea.
  3. Good point. If I was a QB coming out of college, the last place I would want to play is Bullafo. Your career would be over before it even starts.
  4. I agree as long as by temporarily you mean permanently. He's done.
  5. It's not a "conspiracy," it's just a bad economy and a small market. The Bills are most likely gone from Buffalo. I'm sad to say that but it's true. The NFL will be nice and let the city keep the Bills name but an expansion team will NEVER EVER be put there.
  6. I don't think Trent has regressed as much as we are now seeing the type of player he really is: AWFUL
  7. Online petitions are worthless and a waste of time. The only voice the fan has is his money. Stop paying for games, stop paying for merchandise, pray the team doesn't move.
  8. You can't be serious with this. Marshawn was a big reason why this joke of a team was even in the game in the first place. It's not Marshawn's fault that Edwards is so terrible they called three straight dives up the gut before the kick. He was doing his best to try and gain yards. Lindell missed the kick because it was windy and far away. That's it.
  9. You can't live in the past. I love Jim but he's been out of the league too long and probably doesn't have the knowledge of the league that current players & coaches have. That being said, our coaching staff is a joke.
  10. He really isn't. It took five games but we're seeing the real Trent Edwards right now. He's terrible.
  11. Trent Edwards has gone from good to f-ing terrible. At this point he's no better than JP but with a worse arm. I'm not saying JP needs to be back in or anything but they need a new VETERAN QB next season. Garcia is awful so he's not the answer and Warner is pushing 80 so he's not the answer. Leftwich might not be a bad fit; we'll need someone who can take a hit behind that crappy O-line. Van Pelt is obviously not a good QB coach, probably because he was never a good QB, so we need a vet who already knows how to play and won't be influenced into being crappy under Van Pelt's watch. Of all the Bills teams over the past 10 years, I probably hate the performance of this one the most.
  12. Kiffin is a good coach, Davis is a bad owner. Not too hard to see why it went this way.
  13. Uh, Peter King called Trent Edwards his first quarter of the season MVP. So there's that.
  14. One thing that I think many of you are forgetting, most WRs are nuts (you kind of have to be to play that position) so you have to consider the source. Furthermore, Carter gets paid to voice his opinions and predictions not on the accuracy of them. Finally, I guarantee that we care a lot more about him being wrong about the Bills than he does so it’s really nothing for anyone to get worked up about.
  15. I thought the MCM was just revenge for the 41-38 come from behind win with Frank Reich when the Titans were the Oilers. So now we're even?
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