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Everything posted by #89

  1. He has been my favorite current Bill since he came to the team. This guy is a wonderful person. His rookie year in the preseason games he had a few brillant plays and I had taped the games and gave him a copy to keep and show his children some day. He never forgot me. At a game he was walking in street clothes an hour before kick off. I was heading in the Van Miller suite to sit with Jack. He smiled and said hello mame. I just had a puzzled look I guess. Jabarri ? I couldn't figure out why he wasn't in the locker room. So I asked if he was hurt and he replied I'm not suiting up today. To go on with how caring this guy is. Some of us from TBD went to Indy for a game and stayed in the same hotel as the players. A very close friend of mine has a daughter who loves Coy Wire so he asked me if I could get a jersey signed for her Christmas present. I said I would try in Indy. The TBD'ers went to a bar for ribs or something like that and I sat in the lobby with the jersey in a bag just hoping that Coy might walk by. I felt like a kid again. (when I was 10-18 my Dad would take us to Cleveland and my sister and I would sit in the lobby trying to get our Yankee Yearbook signed by the players) I was not having any luck. Jabarri came in and asked what I was doing in the lobby and when he hear it was Coy's autograph that had me all alone in the lobby he called him on his cell and Coy promptly came down not knowing who was sitting there. I had been a volunteer for Coy's charity so he was very sweet about the request and they sat there with me for a little while. At training camp I use to pick on Spikes and Lawyer Milloy during thier stretching warm ups after they left I told Jabarri he was next. I just could not do it. He is too sweet of a guy.
  2. Of course I think he should be in but even Steve thinks it will never happen. We talked about this several times. I wanted to start a letter writing campaign, he said NO.
  3. Tons of all types of food. Each item is color coded and each player is told what they are to eat BUT boys being boys they all have their own stash of sneaked snack food in their rooms. I think it was Robert Royal who had a closet shelf full of little Debbies and Nacho chips. Rusty Jones started them on a color coded system years ago - I think the new guy does it the same way. For some players you have to use the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid.
  4. I too will not be in Rochester Friday and need one ticket. I am a Verizon customer but Olean doesn't carry the tickets
  5. probably would have signed unless there was a crowd
  6. joe picone. I think you mean Lou Picone. I've met every Bill since 1989 including the draft picks and first year players with the current team. Tasker, Burris and Van Pelt are my favorite former players and current is Jabari Greer. I think the classiest player is Kevin Everett. He is truly amazing.
  7. I still need Relentless II but Amazon wants $75 used.
  8. I think it's ticketmaster for the out of towners http://www.ticketmaster.com/browse?categor...&root=10004
  9. you dirty old man order your shirt - xxx and you can swim in it
  10. Did you water my flowers?
  11. Check out story #4 on http://www.buffalobills.com you can see Butch, Kelly Alex VP and Kevin
  12. The shirt is gray property of twobills drive.com logo 9th annual tailgate seahawks vs bills date full frontal (which means not just the pocket crest -get your heads out of the gutter)
  13. We got the mock up of this years shirt and it is very nice. Any Bills fan or TBD poster would be proud to wear it. At $10 it's a bargain. Sizes s-m-l-xl-xxl-xxxl and ladies cuts available Order on the tailgate east board and pm me if you have questions Jack will take paypal orders I will take checks
  14. Well I must confess that seeing Kevin walking in person brought me to tears. He is one of the nicest men you could ever meet. (Kind generous and giving) He signed a mini helmet for our tailgate fundraiser. The first event I went to was out under tents at the Brierwood Country Club. There were three 32 ft tables of auction items. Some items had buy it now options and in the first 15 minutes from the start a $900 signed Michael Jordan jersey was gone. The tailgate was attended by several guest and celebrities. The rocket was on hand both days, Butch Rolles really had me fooled with his dreads and sun glasses he looked like he was 25 years old. It wasn't until he took them off that I knew who he was. Kevin's whole family was in attendance including his lovely new wife. I believe they raised over $100,000 Sunday Monday I had the duty of overseeing the 11th hole on the course with my sister. It was my first time on a golf course. The hole was the official foursome picture hole and their chance to win a brand new Caddy with $5000(for gas) if they got a hole in one. We got to meet all the golfers and the celebrities. Butch, Rocket, Kelly and the BUS from football the Bus came the closest to the car. He drove it to 3 yds from the pin. It had a huge water hole and two large sand traps. It was a par 3 - 175 he used a 8 iron.( for you golfers) There were several Sabres golfing but I'm not a hockey fan so all I remember is one was from the French connection(Renne Robar ?) and a current player nice looking dirty blonde his last name was like Pette and I think he was on the news rencently because of a contract that has to be signed. I wish I had a list but all the golfers had a wonderful time. Several Jills and Jills alumni. We did not stay for the Dinner, speeches, awards and auction. Paille was the Sabre
  15. At first I thought it entirely possible for him to have hit her and not known. They play their music so loud how could he hear a thump. Maybe he thought it was a pothole that was rain covered. Then he said he saw her dancing and spinning in the street. He probably went home because he had a few drinks. I don't think we will ever know what really happened but the woman will get some $ in the civil suit. Those attorneys could smell a settlement as soon as it happened.
  16. Poor Billy losing by 3% He is a nice guy in a silly suit. I met him carrying his head so the secret was out.
  17. to place your orders The are always great
  18. As always they will be great The color this year is Gray with a secret logo Cost is $10 each s-m-l-xl-xxl-xxxl- baby doll or ladies small cut All orders must be paid for by August 15th Jack will take paypal payments or you can pm me for an address and send me a check jwheeler01@yahoo.com For the out of towners not attending I will mail them to you but you pay the mailing fee PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS HERE ONLY SO WE HAVE A RUNNING TOTAL US mail priority is $4.65 and I can fit 2-3 shirts in the envelope
  19. http://buffalobills.com/team/TrainingCamp.jsp
  20. I hope some of you got to see the clip when Tim spoke about meeting Scott Norwood in an airport. Scott went up to Tim and introduced himself - Tim said You don't have to tell me who you are Scott. I think of you every day. Wide right
  21. It gave me the chance to watch his funeral services. Friday I was driving down to PA to visit my boyfriend when Jack called and told me of Tim's passing. My sister Mary cried all weekend over the loss. I was heart sick. Funny thing is we both never even met him. I hate politics but would watch Meet the press sometimes ( especially during the season.) Just to hear him say GO BILLS - go Buffalo. He was so good for the Western NY area. I watched his son Luke on the today show and marveled at what a great kid he was. I'm so sorry to say that it is rare to witness young people, polite with such high values. You could see the way he shook everyone's hand at the visitation. He was truly remarkable. I didn't hold up that well when I lost my father. The Tim stories told by the people at the service showed what a kind man he was. I bought his books today on the TBD link I wish I was more like Tim. He was a wonderful HUMAN. Such kindness and love of family, friend and country. Can you imagine a world with more like him. He sent a thank you card or gift to people who just gave him a cup of coffee before going on air, always asked about the person and their family. After the service a storm poured down the rain of tears from heaven. It didn't last long and then a rainbow over the NBC offices that Tim worked at. A sign from heaven? I hope and pray so. I also hope that the Bills invite Luke and his mother to the opening day game and honor Tim with a few words. A beautiful man and Bills fans who will be missed by millions of people. Keith Oberman signed off his program last night with GO BILLS The team needs all the help they can get.
  22. This is just sad. I remember the year he went to Seattle Their camp started after the Bills. Mitch came to Fredonia to say Hi to the Bills and Bye. I visited with him and Glenn Parker. I had that football card with the motorcycle and they signed it. Nice guy. It's just a shame. I hope many of his team mates go to the funeral Monday.
  23. Thanks Lori Can you make it? Mary and I are going to the tailgate then I'm volunteering at the golf thing.
  24. I think $2500 but it includes lots of stuff. I'll post more after luch. The flyer is home.
  25. The Golf tournament is Monday the 7th $2500 for a foursome (exceptional giftbags) dinner etc
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