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Everything posted by #89

  1. Come on you guys for years have gone ga-ga over cheerleaders, models and movie stars. Mostly on the off topic boards but I just love my Bills. Don't you remember babe of the week or other such things. We girls sat quietly by and let you have your fun. Oh and film -- I don't have to blow up the shots. That's what the zoom is for. OR field glasses OR just call the player over a oh my don't get me started. Sometime I'll tell you what I did to Kent Hull.
  2. oh my, JUST GOT THE PIX FROM CAMP OUT OF THE ONE HOUR...$80. This is why you never hear about me going on a vacation. Bills Camp is my vacation. It cost me $500-$800 a season but I LOVE my Bills. Some of the poses are so cute. Others you can almost read their expressions. "who is this old lady anyway" I have several pix of Greer's butt. I was using up the end of a roll of film. I'm going to ask him to sign a few. Cablelady I'll get one for you. I'm going to camp again Monday night to give the players their copies.
  3. Thanks to the D & C newspaper printing that autographs were after the practice it was perfect because they signed BEFORE as usual. The airhorn signaled the players to the autograph fence at 6:30. You would have thought they were all out of shape and 80 years old as they dragged themselves over to the CHAIRS set up for them. Yes, last year they started giving the chairs for that long 15-20 mins of signing for the fans. But GOD I love the full session autograph night. My mission as always was to get all the players pictures for the 2008 season and I only missed out on one. Josh Reed was not there last night. I guess he was in treatment for his back. JP was late getting to the session so I skipped him and went back after I reached my goal #99. Trent's line was the longest followed by Poz, Lynch and Evans then lines were extremely short for the rest. A co-worker took 4 8x10's to hopefully get signed and he managed to get 3 of the 4 in the 20 min time limit. Jack stood in line to get JP on a small jersey for the tailgate. You never know he might start games for us this year. As the saying goes you are only one injury away from playing. When the gun sounded to close the autograph the team looked like the fountain of youth was discovered and they were 12 years old. The sharpies were quickly tossed and they sprinted to the practice field. You gotta love it. Boys will be boys. Prior to the session I finally got to catch up with Jeff Burris. He still makes my heart flutter with excitement when I see him. I wish one could bottle that feeling. He is doing great, still has his business and loves coaching the defensive backs at a high school in Indy. OH, it did NOT rain as predicted either. For the newbies - my reports never give the X's & O's I would much rather tell about my ode to spandex. Yes, white and tight on the guys you can see if they have cheek dimples when they bend over. Oh training camp - there's nothing like it. This one was worth every penny of the $48 in gas for the trip. Balls were caught, tipped and dropped. Well footballs that is GO BILLS - it's only a day away
  4. Besides a great time with your favorite wallers. We have a tent set up with tables a few chairs. There is a place to sign in pay our small tailgate fee and get a wrist band, name tag, name in the special drawing for an autographed item. Participants also drop off food items which the wristband entitles you to plus water and gatorade. Several wallers have grills going and beer flowing. We also have raffles, a 50/50 and silent auctions for great items( autographed Thurman Thomas jersey, footballs, mini helmets etc) After all tailgate expenses are met the rest of the $ goes to a charity. This year it will be the food kitchen in NYC that is named for the son of our wallers Jan and Bob. Their son lost his life in a biking accident last year. He was a wonderful, kind giving young man and his story was very inspiring to us. He will be missed but his work goes on. Party starts at 7:00 for the early birds --raffles are at 11:30 so we all get to the stadium for kick off. Come early and stop back after the game. GO BILLS I MUST MENTION THERE WILL BE 3 LOVELY TICKET GIRLS SELLING THE RAFFLE TICKETS(THANK YOU ROCKPILE FOR LETTING US BORROW THESE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS)
  5. I think because the tall men with Cleats on an open field with lightening had something to do with the go inside.
  6. But it has been worse. Gates opened at 5 and of course I was there. Two mini thunderstorms and then @6:55 it started raining again. Coach called all players off the field and they huddled in the doorways and under cover. At 7:15 they came out to play. It was Ok for a little while but then it poured. Sheets of rain and Coach called them off the field. Poz ran over to where I was seated and gave his gloves to a young girl, signed one autograph and said thanks for sitting in the rain. What a nice young man. The line for buses was extremely long and after 10 mins of rain the players were back on the field for practice again. I do knoe Trent lost the snap of the wet ball once. Sorry, I went home. I felt that I could get home by 10:45 pm and catch the news for once.
  7. Indy's RCA dome was the loudest for me. Tasker told me once it was KC that he felt was the loudest
  8. Mary and I will be there. Tailgate fees paid. And I ask you all who do attend to come to the table under the tent and register, get the arm band, name tag and pay the slight fee that covers the tent, chairs, water, food that we all donate, extra parking spaces for us to gather. It's a great time and very reasonable.
  9. Took old Bessy out for a test drive. I think the ticker will make it, hopefully a few more years. I'll drive to to camp tonight.
  10. I was really surprised to see Jim Kelly at the ball because he was to be in Canton too. He told us that he had a 6 am flight to Canton so he only missed the yellow jacket ceremony, the ball was more important. I sat at a wonderful table who spent about $10,000 on auction items. I informed Jim that they had a few items that they would like signed and he came over all smiles to sign and pose for pictures. Of course I got one for the tailgate auction :wallbash: The entertainment was a local Rochester band and they played well into the night. OT Jill Kelly has a book out so I had her sign one for the tailgate auction too. At camp I asked if our Mr. Cox was related to Brian, he said they are second cousins. I told him that Brian really LOVED the Buffalo fans. The older people around me just laughed. I'll fill our little young Cox in on the story if I get close to him again. My car broke down on the way home. It's in the Dr's office now having open heart surgery.(about $700) It'll be ready at 3:00 hopefully my test drive to Rochester for tomorrow's night practice will go well.
  11. Note to self the 3 shirts were Bluefire's Mike ### ordered and paid for one shirt at camp Please close this thread today Get the payments to me through mail Jack with paypal ASAP thanks
  12. I'm placing the order today Please pay asap to me through the mail or Jack with paypal Also include your wall name mailing address or E-mail so we can make arrangements
  13. here is the answer to the pm about the family tent from my guy in marketing They originally moved the family tent to be closer to the player locker room and exit area from field. The families loved this but ultimately preferred to be closer to the corporate tent - so it was moved back next to the corporate tent. The note must have been based on before the move back.
  14. I don't get the nfl network
  15. Thanks all suggestions have been sent.
  16. http://www.wivb.com http://www.wkbw.com http://www.wgrz.com
  17. I've noticed a few suggestions, complaints and a couple KUDOS for St John Fisher training camp. I'm willing to pass them on to the right people but please do not make this a joke thread. If you want the site to remain the #1 Bills fan based site lets keep some class. I will ask the mods to keep this clean and delete the jokes and off color posts. This will be sent on Monday to the Bills office because I'm off all weekend to the Hunter's Hope Ball and to training camp.
  18. They have a Bus for the wheelchairs - You can enter the camp to the right of the main stairway they have two gate keepers. I'm not sure if they scan the night tickets there but they will accomodate you. When they play on the grass there is a section at the fence for wheelchairs. When they are in the stadium on the turf there are handicapped sections. There is also a portapotty that is handicapped. Go and have fun.
  19. His title is Executive Director of Marketing so whereever that fits in. Really nice guy. E-mailed me today and said that they updated the autograph info on the camp stuff to include the full sessions.
  20. What I heard from the office was there are only 2 full team autograph sessions scheduled. Aug 7th & 17th. I planned on attending both but forgot I have a previous committment. Since my late husband was one of the first to establish this fund raiser for our YMCA I just have to be there. Practice was one of minor injuries. When KO came by I told him to knock off the injuries that was last year. Three guys must have dislocated fingers. You could see they were in pain as I watched Bud pop them back in. JP(God I hope I can get a good Pix of his beard before he shaves) had this hand wrapped with a black device. It didn't look like a cast. After practice he took off his red jersey and was all in black street clothes probably had a date. Our new #10 QB probably won't be here long but he is a HOTTIE. My-my-my does our team ever have the HAIR thing going on. I talked to our new head of marketing for 10 or 15 mins. He peeks in here every once in awhile. Time to go home. I went to socialize. Got to talk to Jeff Burris and get his new cell #. That was #1 on my list. Practice was pretty dull last night but seeing the Wallers was fun.
  21. whatever size she wears in a t-shirt
  22. I will be placing the order soon please place your orders by Aug 1st --that is this Friday all payment due by Aug 15 I will mail to the out of towners not coming to the tailgate link - http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=67635
  23. I'm going this Tuesday and next Tuesday
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