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Everything posted by #89

  1. NICK - are you coming to the tailgate?
  2. sent it out yesterday
  3. I believe that this is the same charity that had Jumbogate. It was something about broadcasting the game I think. Totally stupid on the NFL's part but at least the Bills stepped it up with this Blue Friday and are having many players participate. Sounds like the beginning of bigger and better Blue Fridays to come. The Friday before the season opens. What great timing.
  4. It's called BLUE FRIDAY and is downtown at Fountain Plaza. Players and Alumni will be there to kick off the season. It's taking the place of Jumbogate. I can get more info if any of you are interested it is at 5:30pm
  5. count me out. I might be on vacation the whole next week so I can't use a day again. BUT I'll be thinking of ya.
  6. AND some plan on giving at the tailgate
  7. I love the practice Squad. Jasen E is back (his parents are the coolest down to earth people). Sappe chews these GOD AWFUL nuts from Hawaii that are bitter tart things( I couldn't keep it in my mouth) and I'll stop with the non football thingys when I break my fingers. I think I'll E-mail Drew H. and see if he wants to join us after the game Sunday.
  8. going to reserve the first loft in the bar room 6-ish majority will arrive 7 or after
  9. Thursday there is a show from Jim Ball Chevrolet with many of the players live and public is welcome. You might be on TV 7
  10. He was my favorite rookie. Fast, hard working, had a great personality a really nice kid with a strong family and work ethic. GOOD FOR HIM.
  11. Two nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their habits. After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint naked. In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door. "Who is it?" calls one of the nuns. "Blind man," replies a voice from the other side of the door. The two nuns look at each other and shrug and, deciding that no harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, they open the door. "Nice boobs," says the man. "Where do you want the blinds?"
  12. BIB - send the $ up with Glenn T-bone your mailman hates you. I remember when I sent you a check & you gave me grief and it took a long time to get to you. Now you know how I felt. See pay back is a B word
  13. almost all of the extra shirts are gone. I have 3 left if you are interested
  14. if he stays what will he do without power. NO computer - TV - Fridge - Porn. Guess that settles it he's gone.
  15. deposited them all yesterday
  16. it's 20A and Abbott the Big Tree Bar is there also and a BILLS BAR
  17. Well this request gave me chills. Yes, indeed and good luck with all the stress you and your family are going thru.
  18. even with the Holiday you will have them in time. Please let me know when they arrive BillsDaddy12 T-Bone esjaygee drew Philsbills All others must be picking them up at the tailgate AND I did order a few extras in assorted sizes. First PM gets first choice. They are great. You'll love them.
  19. If you give me an approx. head count I can reserve the loft 6ish and tell them the majority will be arriving at 7
  20. You all never let this part of the tailgate down. This year I haven't heard from that many about items that they are bringing for the two raffles that we do. If you prefer to PM me with this info I would like to know if we are having the High end raffle(Orange tickets Last year) where we had the DVD player and the Coats etc - OR - just the red tickets that were $1 apiece 3 for $2 or 13 for $5 I'm trying to get as much done ahead of time this year so I can mingle and play for the first time.
  21. I'm posting after ICE Mary and I will be there for a little while and return after the game what can I say it's Alumni Weekend too.
  22. Great--that's what I want to hear. Wonder who was working that day? Pm me if you remember the date and time. The person won't get in trouble. Hope it wasn't my shift Although I do go up in the office and work on books but I can see the customers thru the special glass.(that's fun) Guys picking their nose's girls adjusting things
  23. that guest was me. I finally am able to log in
  24. woof woof
  25. well then you should have gone to the Wed morning practice when Willis and travis signed at the fence where I usually sit for a long time. Travis actually went up and down the fence twice. Posey even signed. Drew signed Tuesday all 3 of my friends who were there got his. Josh Reed signed at least twice when I was there. I never did see Eric sign but many kids had his autograph. Many of the Vets are on to the regular kids who are so organized that they KNOW that the cards are being sold to shops and on E-bay. Since this coach only makes the rookies sign the vets are happy.
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