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Everything posted by #89

  1. Sprained a toe in Practice Wed
  2. Sully's is the best priced. You can find stuff at the Walmarts also. No there still are JC Penneys. Am&A's became the BON -TON. On game day there are stands near the Ralph also. I have a youth t-shirt and youth cap going in the raffle for the tailgate. Sorry I never picked up a sweatshirt. The stores at the McKinley mall will have Bills stuff.
  3. Aaron S
  4. Is this an option for the Bus of Bills fans I'm on I think there are 40 of us
  5. at Hammer's selling their calendars. Was that mentioned before? on the old board?
  6. I reserved the loft in the bar room for 6:30
  7. hey Harriet remember who you are traveling with
  8. some cuddly lovable man. You wouldn't know him
  9. Come on 80 people ordered shirts that's too many for an IC You have to take the ignore off my posts
  10. I called and reserved the loft in the bar. The owner remember TBD because of the New England game and the TV station actually sent him the video. See ya'll there any time after 6:30. I just love this time of the year in WNY. TV programing is full of Bills 4-5pm Steve Tasker and Kurt Schultz talking up Blue Friday. 7-8 Bills show with TKO Spikes, Mark Campbell and Alex Van Pelt then Football Tomorrow 4-5pm Alex VanPelt on ABC and the Blue Friday Rally 5:30 to 9pm Hope some of you are able to see and enjoy part of it while in the area. See ya At Danny's and the tailgate.
  11. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: don't get me started :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: I posted so many shirt threads I thought I had a comission in a sweat shop. It just goes to show me that I'm on your ignore list
  12. 20A and Abbott Orchard Park --near the Stadium
  13. I won, I won You mean we really have to play the season out :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. andre reed Joe D. Steve Tasker T. Donahoe Alex Van Pelt Ed Rutkowski Joe Cribbs .. they are all suppose to come... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Heritage Centers Julie A. Doerr Skalski Louis J. Billittier Center (716) 856-4202 ext. 202 101 Oak Street FAX (716) 856-3312 Buffalo, NY 14203 jskalski@heritagecenters.org www.heritagecenters.org BLUE FRIDAY TO CELEBRATE ITS ROOKIE YEAR Bills inspired event will replace Jumbogate (BUFFALO, NY, August 11, 2004) – Heritage Centers and its fundraising arm, the Heritage-Oak Foundation, working in conjunction with the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Place, have come up with 2004’s answer to Jumbogate. These organizations are proud to introduce Blue Friday, a huge Buffalo Bills pep rally in celebration of the Bills 2004 home opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Blue Friday will take place on Friday, September 10, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in Fountain Plaza, downtown Buffalo. The chairman of Blue Friday is none other than former Buffalo Bills free safety and current Heritage-Oak Foundation board member Kurt Schulz. The rally will also feature several past and present members of the Buffalo Bills organization (including the 1964 -’65 AFL championship team), the Buffalo Jills, local dignitaries and thousands of screaming Bills fans. The Blue Friday pep rally is free and open to the public. “When Jumbogate was over, we were disappointed, and so were many Bills fans in Western New York,” said Michael L. Gross, Heritage Centers executive director. “But now, with Blue Friday, we have an even bigger event, outdoors, offering the Bills faithful the chance to send their team to the home gridiron with literally a deafening cheer and a lot of spirit. We could not ask for a better fundraiser, and we could not have had better cooperation from the Bills - they really stepped up to help us out.” (MORE) Blue Friday will include invigorating cheers lead by the Buffalo Jills, motivating speeches from the podium, dancing and entertainment provided by Universal Grille and much, much more. Also, moderately priced tickets will be sold at the event that can be used to purchase beer, pop and food. Sponsors of the event include Joe Basil Chevrolet, KeyBank, Pepsi, Labatt Blue, Lamar Advertising, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York, Business First, WKBW-TV, WGRF-FM 97 Rock, The Martin Group, xpedx, National Fire Adjustment, Parkview Health Service, K.D. Supply Corporation and Try-It Distributing. All proceeds from Blue Friday (through sponsorships) will benefit the Heritage-Oak Foundation, supporting Heritage Centers and people with disabilities. Parents founded Heritage Centers (formerly the Erie County Association for Retarded Children) in 1951 at a time when services for the disabled were limited. Now, the agency has evolved into a $27 million nonprofit that employs over 800 people locally and serves over 3,000 individuals with disabilities and their families each year. Services offered include educational, vocational, legal and advocacy and residential. # # #
  15. I got it right away too for those who don't. I can't wait to see you all again.
  16. you made us very happy. We can try to get it out of our heads now.
  17. thanks
  18. Night Terrors Symptoms: Sudden awakening from sleep, persistent fear or terror that occurs at night, screaming, sweating, confusion, rapid heart rate, inability to explain what happened, usually no recall of "bad dreams" or nightmares, may have a vague sense of frightening images. Many people see spiders, snakes, animals or people in the room, are unable to fully awake, difficult to comfort, with no memory of the event on awakening the next day.
  19. suishi - I bathe daily thank you very much. Who needs Fabio when you have that hunk LA
  20. This Rally is from 5:30 - 9 PM It is free. Food and beverages are avail. for a fee. They have 23 Alumni signed up so far and will E-mail me the press release to post later. You can park at HSBC and do the Metro rail to the site.
  21. Marv - I have loved all our conversations - he is so entertaining.
  22. I'm gonna win your contest but it will cost you more than $150 to fly here and serve me dinner
  23. Just got the information for the Winter Ball. If anyone else wants to join our table. Tickets are $200 each and well worth it. It is Black tie and the date is Friday Nov 26th. Yes, the day after Thanksgiving. Once again it is at the Adam's Mark hotel in Buffalo.
  24. BOY are you people OLD. My secret NO kids to show just how old I am. It's nice to read that you guys are that close to your kids
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