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Everything posted by #89

  2. don't forget defending stevestojan
  3. That was the BIGGEST BONER yet. Leave stevestojan alone. That is such a great subsitute. It's better than reading !@#$ and trying to think of what 4 letter they are saying because billsfanone has too many letters. Belinda got so upset she never came back. See how smart the filter force is. I don't think my name will be used in the filtering because it's 20 numbers too high. I'm safe
  4. well I guess I better get to CVS for lunch and drop them off.
  5. This is like a Dear PENTHOUSE------------------ but I'm not drinking,I promise
  6. yes and the funny part is when you type C_R_A_S_H you get Rosen even when not talking about computers or servers
  7. It wasn't a complaint. I blotted off as much sauce as I could and still was sucking on ICE(ha ha) to relieve the burn. Blotting my lips with napkins. How can you guys eat that stuff so hot? Probably burns the next day too.
  8. TOO HOT- my mouth is sensitive
  9. I am and when are you coming? Maybe I can get a couple players to meet your son before or after the game. Make the experience even more special.
  10. NO, we love this stevestojan
  11. next year they are giving us the banquet hall. I asked for reservations and who was coming to Danny's. The replys were 25-30 people. SURPRISE we had almost 60. Many just came anyways and that is a good thing. We met a 3 year lurker who came up with the Wall name POP-UP so MS. Lurker jump in and get your feet wet. Remember when the guys find out you are a girl they will answer your posts.
  12. that's OK if he flys in for a game I'll buy him dinner
  13. Excuse me!!!!!!! You have been lurking here for years and it surprises you that Bills fans make negative comments about the Bills. THAT IS TOO FUNNY. Welcome to the board
  14. Bill, GOD bless you all and you KNOW I'm here for you. PM or call dear I have broad shoulders and am a good hugger even long distances.
  15. I'm sorry. I listened to the game with Alex VanPelt and John Murphy doing the play by play. I taped the game and will watch and listen to Tasker tonight while you all watch Monday Night Football. You can say what you want about Steve. I just am to personally involved to make judgement on a man who has been so important to me since at least 1990. When I use to tell him that the officials are to much against the Bills or the announcer cut us up too much he would tell me that I'm to sensitive to the remarks. Thus he trys too hard to not be bias.
  16. 8-6 proves that I don't know football
  17. Who did you know? Glad I never knew what was happening, I did get to see Lori play the name game.
  18. GUS was one of my husband's nicknames. There is a coffee mug with GUS on it in the cupboard. Everytime I see it I think of our "twobillsdrive" GUS Thanks BIB we just don't mention him enough
  19. I told Harriet that I'd blow his little machine but the troopers just waived us by.
  20. You know at least in the final two mins when the coach can not challenge Some offical had the balls to call for a review of the play so that there wasn't all the doubt about the finish. It wasn't just let him have it like in the New England game. so I might as well and my QUARTER INTO THE POT OF 2 CENT POSTERS. Drew played a MUCH smarter game than last year. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: (you know who you are) Nate always was and will be a showoff "look at me" kind of player. Travis is still a better full out strong runner. Willis will get many carries. Defense had great containment just not for the WHOLE game. TOO MANY veteran errors in the heat of the moment. We'll get them next week. because I said so.
  21. They were closing it up when Cablelady and I drove thru East Aurora. I think I would have passed. it was hours after I drank the 4 cocktails If it was right after the game I never would have been driving. Drunks do not belong on the road.
  22. I don't know where you sit the whole firat have my section was screaming when the Jags had the ball. Lawyer was waving his towel for noise and we were giving it to him. Are you in the reserved RED ZONE seats? I sat in there for the second half and kept excusing myself for saying OH stevestojan. There is nothing like the noise of section 131 high 5-ing after big plays-when the D stops them on 3rd down. The season is not over yet
  23. Hope the next one misses you too. I'll take the snow any day. This Western NYer won't move.
  24. for the perfect season. The big first loss. All the gloom and billsfanone good grief. There is still lot's of football left. The tailgate was wonderful hope you all get home safely. I got 9 hours of sleep last night (caught up for the last 3 days) The TBDers never fail to amaze me with their friendship, smiling faces, drinking abilities and humor. SDS this is the best thing about being a Bills FAN. Having a place to share. Even ICE was nice
  25. I'm her limo. Have you ever known me to be late. Well for a Bills event not my period :( TMI I think I've gone thru the change
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