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Everything posted by #89

  1. if the players do not execute the plays TD, MM or who ever can't catch, block, run and tackle in the game. Players have to play. For the record I do not LOVE DREW, but it is NOT his FAULT 100% you can not blame this season on the QB. They are trying new thing. Justin B played off and def. it's just taking a little too long for success. Rosey says we can still win 9 more if all the bounces go our way :lol:
  2. ICE Calm down. If you think that I'm not a very understanding person you have no clue to the real person I am. We all DEAL with the board as a board. You have so many times in the past (maybe you have changed with your new return I don't know yet) gone off on a subject just to blow a comment in the opposite direction the next week or day. Thus someone kicknamed your type(not you) a weathervane because you are always spinning in the wind and changing direction. My statement just states that when it come to the Bills I am a Bills fan 100%. You will not hear me rip the team. I do get disappointed when they play like stevestojan but I'm not going to hog the bandwith with a couple hundred posts to thatta boy myself for attention. Keep the faith ICE better days are coming. I do know that you know football I just enjoy the game for that. A game, pure entertainment value for my $.
  3. I love the BILLS team no matter what. I prefer to win but I'm not going to put down my team when they lose. It is not all Drew's fault there are many balls thrown to receivers that bounce off hands. Totally able to be caught. I would love for him to be more mobile and never be sacked. I also remember when Jim Kelly was struggling at the end of his career people were calling for his head. This is a board set up so everyone can say what they want but in my lifetime I have never seen so many WEATHERVANES and BANDWAGON jumpers. Every team struggles. It is going to get better because it can't get much worse. Have Faith and SUPPORT your team. Positive thoughts people. If you have the rose colored glasses I wear just put me on your ignore list. I can not hate any Buffalo Bills player and even after they leave the team they are still a Bill in my heart.
  4. ICE, you are just like Coach Dickerson. You know a lot about football but you just love to stir it up. You go away and pout then when your needs to feel satisified are not met you come back here for more. Then you complain about the rest of us. Well dear have fun with the board again. I guess I can finally use the ignore feature. GO BILLS
  5. ICE, do you actually call yourself a BILLS FAN? Sorry dear, I think NOT.
  6. yet another football thread gone a STRAY to the kitty cat
  7. I hate them both can they tie
  8. so you are not coming to the Jets?
  9. HEY, ICE is back. Are you done pouting now? I was told you left us for BB.com.
  10. Glad you made it back safely. You were the highlight of the weekend and BOB of course
  11. I'm breaking out the winter coat and Miami teal poncho. I will not freeze this week. I need a break - Miami Cold high wind(snowed) Ravens rain no wind Cards cold wet windy I love the game not the weather
  12. never met stevestojan
  13. then you stopped coming
  14. well - do you attend the games? There were over 60,000 there. It was WET and COLD the wind was whipping the rain and it stung. I left with 5 mins left in the game because I was shivering and didn't want to get sick. After removing the two layers of costume I probably should have had a winter coat on too but that said. Grown up, we paid for the seats if we sit there for 3 and a half hours or just three. Then there is always the two hour traffic jam to deal with. Yes, I love the people that NEVER go to a game and critize the people who do for not sitting there the whole game.
  15. What a great time! Started out Saturday night with dinner and conversation. The NYC guys, Bob Lamb, Lori and I at a very nice wing bar. Then the NYC men needed their rest and the three of us went to a costume party at the jolly jug. An early night because there was a BIG GAME to get ready for. Arrived too early and circled the stadium for an hour a few mins earlier and we would have been off the road but I was the first car not to fit. What you go thru to get a good parking spot at the pole in lot one. I dressed as a witch and went to the tunnel to say hi to the team as they arrived. Thought I would have some extra fun because the Cards buses were not there yet and thus the players can hear better. I started with DREW and when he arrive I yelled to him" Drew I kissed a frog last night to lift the curse you will have three touchdowns for a win this week" he gave me the thumbs up and I told him that he is still loved. next Mike Williams " Mike I kissed a toad and the cursed is lifted you will have an error free game no holding. on with Eric and say the same no drops and three touchdowns. Then in the stadium I said I'd wear it every week if it worked.(NOT) but what the heck. The weather turned for the worse and the feathers on my hat were getting wet so on with the Poncho and off with the costume. Now I was COLD and wet but still cheering my Bills on to a victory. It was a great time in the stadium when the fans have something to cheer about. To see that it can be done. Even if the Cards are not that great of a team, heck neither are we lately. I hope that Josh Reed is OK and that we can continue to win. There still is time to win 10 we can hope.
  16. if you want to see the game you need row 10 or higher. You will see many players butts and hear the coaching staff yell sometimes.
  17. I think I am but do not want to be alone.
  18. I'm thinking about wearing a black wig/cape/nightgown/and witch's hat with feathers. You might be able to find me
  19. since we will be shut out of TV in this area FOX
  20. well sometimes when you are drunk you don't remember to P before you leave the bar.
  21. Can someone tape the game for me? VHS please
  22. He likes the outdoors. I've actually gone to see the Elk with him and Black Bear before long He'll have me fishing. I don't think I can bait a hook with these nails. I use to fish when I was young.
  23. Two women friends had gone for a girl's night out, but had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers. Incredibly drunk and walking home they needed to pee, so they stopped in the cemetery. One of them had nothing to wipe with so she thought she could take off her panties, use them and throw them away. Her friend however, was wearing a rather expensive pair of panties and did not want to lose them, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on one of the graves, and she proceeded to wipe with that. After the girls took care of business they proceeded to go home. The next day one of the women's husbands phoned the other husband and said "Listen, these damn girl nights out are gonna stop. Would you believe my wife came home last night wit! h no panties?" "Tell me about it," said the other guy, "Mine came back with a Card stuck to her ass that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station. We will never forget you!'
  24. some balls with sauce meatballs
  25. It came up in a conversation with someone Tuesday night and we go out Friday night. I've only gone to warmer places on cruises. They have 4, 7 and 10 day trips. I think 10 days is too long but 4 might be too short. Anyone? He wants to go to Glazier Bay(sp)
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