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Everything posted by #89

  1. OK< OK< OK I do NOT have a homework? I am confused and I think I would have had to ask someone for help but then I would 1. admit I didn't know how to do it. 2. be ready for the flaming of the wall. So I read this whole thing but just glancing and my date this weekend just happened to give me a $50,000 Mexican Bill (he use to work in TX) so I thought hey I can go to the site and see if it's worh about $5 or so. Well I went to the website and didn't know how to do it. Moral to the story - I love you guys but I'll just put the Bill in my hope chest. I like Sue, she is GOOD PEOPLE but a little defensive. The tone was uncalled for. I realize that most were poking harmless fun and some need to get thicker skin. Name calling reminds me of the bullies in your childhood. It's a pain that never goes away.I hope the thread is killed and we can all RODNEY KING (can't we all just get along) without the drugs and drinking). OK wallers let's play ball. A few weeks ago there was a really funny thread that got nuked because of it being too long. This threads time has come and gone.
  2. You didn't like me saying(yelling) "sit down" I would never yell DOWN IN FRONT where is the FUN in that?
  3. but Brian himself said it was NOT A CHEAP SHOT. The hit was clean, of couse that was after the game but he was laughing at the hit and said he was fine.
  4. pin one in your bra. OH sorry
  5. There were several NON calls that the JETS got away with but I'll watch the tape before making more comment.
  6. I think Jay is my favorite seat mate. He cuddles, lets me play with him(no,not there) high fives and cheers The twins were available until the winds got so strong I put my winter coat on. I did ask Brian if he heard the section cheering for him -Moorman MVP he is so humble he blushed and admitted YES. I just can't say enough good things about him. He gives so much of his time to charity, Roswell, schools and kids. I have NEVER seen him refuse an autograph and even came up the stairs to sign and visit after the game.
  7. I'm there
  8. This was entertaining boys. I frankly can not stand clothes around my neck. Most of my tops are V cut or scoop neck. I think it's a look but ask to touch type thing. I agree that girls who are offended by a guy looking should not wear it but on the other side sometimes a gawker is quite annoying to deal with.
  9. But you see BB.com has their own message board now. I'm not saying that they visit and read every post. I got to converse with Kamil Loud's aunt because he saw a post about Kamil that was on here. I'm saying that there are many players relations who come here because their family member plays for the Bills and this is a way to feel closer to them. I use to be more like you but in the past 15 years I have changed to the positive side. Naive, maybe but for the sake of the thread I'll just say. "THANK YOU HOWARD" Being a Bills fan has changed my attitude. I was a half empty and now I'm a half full person.
  10. Dear FAT I met a very nice man and he has been seeing me weekly for 2 months. Should I stop meeting other men? I have dates lined up with 6 new men over the next 2 months. I do NOT want a serious relationship. What's a girl to do?
  11. DO you ever believe anything? I talked to Howard last Tuesday and he was thrilled that I was sending him a TBD T-shirt. He even thanked LORI for the tip on the 37 quarters with no rushing TD. He had an intern make sure it was correct before making a comment on his show.There a few players who read this also. I know that several of the players relations read this board and I cringe to think some of them actually might read some of the stevestojan threads we have once in awhile
  12. THANK YOU THINGY got me
  13. You work too hard for that crap to happen. Sorry to hear it Hammer
  14. Howard - see you never let me make you blush by asking how many Johnsons are in Tampa Bay. Cindy two Wieners wishing you well. You will be missed, but honey I know our paths will cross several more times
  15. Well for one he is always willing to inform the public about sports. He would attend the booster meetings as our media speaker whenever asked. He is a father and needs to support a family so when push comes to shove you do what you have to do.
  16. I MIGHT turn on WGR to listen to HOWARD
  17. The off the street spaces were all gone when Bob and I got there at 8am they did open up around 8:45. If you don't care where you park, it doesn't matter when you get there. I personally leave the pole around 11- 11:30 to go to the fieldhouse and then watch warm ups when the gates open
  18. Orchard Park by the Stadium
  19. That's my favorite but it's not in Lockport.
  20. OH man, excuse me. When I could not get the answers I wanted I took college courses given by the Bills. Football 101 and Women understanding football. Just another lump the "GIRLS" in a group. In my day the girls never learned football in school because it was a boys sport. Things have changed. Phil Hansen taught us Bruce Smiths SWIM move. Then Lori is the most remarkable stat person on the board in my opinion(of course) her mind is like a trap for football. SO the 3-4 and 4-3 defenses and the nickel dime packages might not be taught by men to their wives or girlfriends but there are ways to learn and be taught. OH and we did play a quarter of football not the weekly game you boys did but then look at basketball, volleyball and scoccer
  21. Last year on Canada day there were 4 guys in my section with a real bottle of Royal Crown. Security must be tighter where you sat.
  22. yes THANK YOU
  23. They are confused because they keep coming back.
  24. I guess you can BUT the horse back in NG :lol: besides they really don't bother me. Some complain when we had a GOOD team It's just a way to pass the time. Basically they are all good people. I just can't be as negative as some are with the team.
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