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Everything posted by #89

  1. Ken
  2. Beef n barrel --- Olean NY
  3. There were handcuffs, drinking, sex Nope never arrested.
  4. Well at least you get to draw your own conclusions to the thread. 1 is she constipated? 2 have the rea? 3 watching the NCAA 4 missing Drew 5 lack of Kitty play 6 trying to drive you guys crazy 7 mad because Spring isn't here yet 8 cabin fever 9 needs a man 10 just misses Bills in Spandex
  5. I think I'll just wait a couple week before saying my favorites. I do like BO but not for the next Idol. He has stage abilities that the others do not. The music teacher has a great voice but that song last night sucked. I only like two of the girls and 3 of the men.
  6. There was an old Bills Cookbook with Tasker and Biscut on the front This is similar but no players pix - or the cost would be much higher I've answered all the pm's so far.
  7. I have received several requests for information about the cookbook I know there are recipes from Kelso and Ray Bentley, Rusty Jones and Bud Carpenter some others from the Bills in there. The majority are from the Booster Club members It is about 135-140 pages $6 for the cookbook and then I can 2 day mail for $3.85 You can PM me for my address to send the check
  8. I'm trying to tell you all to live life to the fullest. You never know. Sorry for you loss
  9. Sun shine and in the high 30's suppose to be in the 40's next week
  10. I sent it in a PM so he is the disappearing post I love being old I posted Friday - Looks like beerball ate T-Bone's avatar I stayed off the wall this weekend and played video games on the computer. What a waste of time my boyfriend got me hooked on a few puzzle and arcade games. Ken is fine Then for E-bay -- I bought a couple games and you had to use paypal so I did they were not expensive. Well the guy just sends an e-mail download and a name and password to fill in. He has over 8000 sales and this can't be legal. I went to the casino and finally won a few $
  11. goof grief I have to learn how to post again. I think I pm'd my post to someone in this thread. old age. Anyway - I posted Friday - played games Sat and Sunday. Went to the casino and finally won a little $
  12. Rich, I think they are trying to keep you away. No sense in coming for a Wednesday meeting unless you want to.
  13. With TD several coaches and possibly draft picks or a few players will be held on a WEDNESDAY this year due to a prior committment of TD. Wednesday eveninging the 27th of APRIL at the Fieldhouse. They are also Booster Club raffles and Cookbooks available ($6 and a few recipies from some former players)
  14. Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was getting yelled at with that huge 89. That is one stat I will never have
  15. I heard last night that there is NO Draft day party for Club seat holders maily because of there being NO first round pick. I had fun last year waiting on you guys and the party at Lancaster Steves after. OH well, hope that isn't how the whole season goes.
  16. I hate when the wind picks up and the carts slam into cars.
  17. NO, but Jeff Nixon told me that he told his wife that I grabbed his butt at the last Booster Club meeting. I reserve that for SPECIAL guys. Don't think I would do that to Coach Mike
  18. I usually do not talk Football with the guys off the field. I think that's why I get along with most of them. David Hack was there and I really wanted to talk to him. I remember he was from Holland, NY and I think he only made the team for preseason in the late 90's. But he left before all the soeaches were over. Beat the Champ - God yes, I remember that. This was for the ILLIO DE Pallo scholarship thus the old wrestling and the Bills/ Bisons that were there.
  19. At the benefit I was at last night many of the coaches were there. Coach Mike and his lovely wife were there. The crazy group I was sitting with introduced me to his as Easy. I blushed and he asked what my first name was. His wife instisted on me having my picture taken with him. He is so easy to talk with and very personable. Later I asked if he would sign my program and he asked if I wanted that to Cindy or Easy. I know he will forget the name by today. Then for the OLDER crowd - The Destroyer was there. Remember the masked Wrestler - watching him on B/W TV? He hit me in the chest by accident as I was walking by and then I told him I use to watch in on TV when I was a young girl. He has his own bobblehead and website. www.thedestroyer.com It was a fun night. They had invited Bruce Smith but I don't know what ever happen to that. He wasn't there or in the program.
  20. Count me out - the only cold salad I like is tossed and I do not drink beer. Guess that means I'm NO FUN at a tailgate. Heavy sigh
  21. banana was my husbands nickname for me As a kid just Cindy or Cinderella
  22. why didn't anyone call 911 I would have been killed because I never just stand there and do nothing
  23. The POPE can't yell at you with the pipe in his throat made me do it
  24. has stated that he loves it here in Buffalo and wants to stay. My question is--- then why do they ask for all the money( that breaks the bank and ruins the cap). If they want to play then have them step up and accept a lower salary.
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