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Everything posted by #89

  1. yes, but to make the OT board work WE ALL have to put the OT over there and not have the MODS do it. Unless you want the idea to fail? yes, that's it You really want all the OT in with the football stuff to drive the people complaining about it nuts.
  2. You were right SDS Some people just can't keep it football only. SO The uniforms that they wear do not matter as long as they can win. We are not Doomed with JP. and Yesterdays banning reminded me of ICEd Spiked Lemonade
  3. I love weiners in the natural casing, none of those fake plump when you cook 'em things.
  4. When did you resurface.
  5. I must have a hundred tapes waiting for me to find the time. NO, I won't stop - I try to catch up in the summer reruns. OH, crap the new season is here. Did Gilligan ever get off that island? Who shot J R.
  6. or is everyone saying the same thing? After a loss I think I will only be here. How many doomed JP sucks threads can a person read? Good grief. oops a football reference.
  7. Well the did show the EGGS but not how they were concieved. BUMMER...no Hummer --commercials that is.
  8. Sea Monsters, Glad I stay out of the ocean.
  9. I think GHost had a list. I remember that the Bluebird Motel was a NO GO. Filthy
  10. Well there are always the best pizza, wing etc. Maybe a little info place titled places to stay and eat if coming to a game pinned on the main board. After all it is Bills related if coming to a game. I have an extra ticket for the Atlanta game. Fly back
  11. No sweetie. Pest control. My sister bought a book like that but I think it was health related. I'll ask her.
  12. made me laugh Can you imagine breast feeding with the cost of gas these days.
  13. I think Mrs P has the bigger problem. sorry
  14. Before the Tampa Bay game on TV I heard "a Cadillac can't run with a SPIKE in the tires" Too bad that wasn't true. Post game "Cadillac gets good mileage on Bills' defense" just because I wish it wasn't true
  15. I think the tailgate East board should keep the hotel info(list of all the hotels around the staduim) pinned for the whole season. There are usually people looking to stay over near the stadium during the season when they come up for a game.
  16. at the casino so I made a date with Ken. I could not believe how many people were at that little casino last night. It had to be a fire trap. All we wanted was to go to dinner and play a few slots. The waiting peroid for the buffet was 2.5 hours. Every machine was taken and people standing in the aisles behind thae machine to be next. Those poeple on their little rascal carts were at a stand still. Spent the few hours we were there were spent in the smoking section killing my lungs. The good part I didn't lose any money and the best part Ken's company.
  17. So now you can do the college tassle dance. Good for you or really good for Melissa:)
  18. So do you think JP should have been pulled? I think it was a good wake up call. I love JP Just wanted to see if talking footbal make a thread move to the main board. Love ya Scott
  19. Well there goes JSP's Let's dream we are sleeping with this Babe Thread. I think we do have way too many OT posts but sometimes the are so much fun. Do what you wish fearless leader. Anything is worth a try. Poor MODs are really going to earn their Salary now. moved, moved, moved. GO BILLS
  20. something like 35 of ya still hanging in there.
  21. Beef and Barrel :( It would take me an hour to drive to PA smart A$$ bragging again.
  22. OH look, The wall has turned into the Zone or the Range. :(
  23. in Olean it's Renna's for the thin NY style. The sauce isn't that thick dark red paste. All homemade.
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