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Everything posted by #89

  1. I would give the prizes to the top two or three in each pool. survivor - pickem- whatever else. Super Bowl with the closest score to the actual score
  2. he even said it on the news. Then two days later they call a press conference.
  3. 1. If the Pats go to the Super Bowl it will be hard to watch. (Hopefully we get drunk and fall asleep) 2. The message on my answering machine from Marv Friday was nice but after getting two from Lee Evans it getting a bit much. Just do not increase the cost of going to the games and I'll renew, 3. Older is better at least for me. 4. I miss BIlls football
  4. Jim lacks the discipline.
  5. thanks, my man Jay has one to share
  6. on tape or DVD?
  7. I'd come and nurse you back but I can't stand the sound, smell or site of puke. Good luck.
  8. may he never change it. It is NICK
  9. googled it and finally found Scott McKenzie Once in awhile you guys are faster than google but not this time thanks
  10. that song if you're going to San Francisco -----flowers in your hair?
  11. http://www.downloadlab.com/chickenandeggs.html
  12. Q: What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl? A: The Buffalo Bills Q: What do the Buffalo Bills and Billy Graham have in common? A: They both can make 80,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ". Q: How do you keep a Buffalo Bill out of your yard? A: Put up goal posts. Q: Where do you go in Buffalo in case of a tornado? A: To the Bills Stadium - they never get a touchdown there! Q: What's the difference between the Buffalo Bills and a dollar bill? A: You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. Q: What do the Buffalo Bills and possums have in common? A: Both play dead at home and get killed on the road!
  13. Our current players have too much good character. We need some loud mouth, cry baby, drug user, killers out there to win. was not MY IDEA Well I'm off to bury the ashes. Yes, in a sleet storm that is in the area but not quite here yet. It's 20 miles away. I bet about the time we get there and the Rev opend his mouth it will come. Can you tell I don't want to go?
  14. Holiday Inn express across from the airport. New (last couple yrs) the most comfortable beds, extra pillows, nice indoor pool etc.
  15. Tom These people don't know how far back we go. You totally made me smile and laugh. Coming from you, this was so funny. If it were a stranger it would be different. We are doing quite well. I just got back from the funeral director and of couse it was the same as Larry's - going for the same service - It is Saturday at 1 and by 3 I'm heading to Orchard Park so I can lift a couple drinks in his memory and be close to the room for Sunday.
  16. It was a blessing that he went so quickly. Thank you for all who wrote when I said something Thanksgiving time. See you all at the game this weekend. It will be my last for the year. Yes, that is what Roger would have wanted. He and his son where the special type of man that were so giving of themselves. Larry cried in his hospital bed when I went to visit him and the Bills were playing Miami that day at home. Rogr just came out and told be to get my butt to the stadium the team needed me more than he did.
  17. don't you know women always lie about their age. Maybe I was suppose to go the other way
  18. So many good people are called home at Holiday time. Stay strong.
  19. Well a few things. I was born in '53 so I'm 53, pretty cool to be the age of the year you were born. Last night I went to the hospital to visit my Father-in-law and asked him to not die on my birthday but if he chose to let go I would understand. Selfish maybe but before I asked he told me he was in NO pain. I WAS hoping for a win against Miami but I had a feeling with the great start that they would stall. The never let me down . I only listened to the game because I had to work the store all weekend. I'll watch it Wednesday night. They best B/D gift I will get I'm sure is seeing The Big Guy for the game Sunday. Pack your long John's Bob it's suppose to be 37. Of corse if NYS lets me win the KING KONG lotery today that would be the best gift.
  20. #89


    This was a PM that I could not delete. You know how it is when ya just get trigger happy and poof it was sent to the wrong place. It was said at the booster meeting about JP playing out as the starter. Along with how people think Adams went home because he was upset about not playing. We were told that they did not have him medicaly ready with swelling on the knee. Even with the swelling being down he did not practice Wed Thurs some on Fri and if you can't practice you are not likely to play. I was hoping that Lori posted Booster info.
  21. It was said at the Booster club meeting too
  22. My father-in-law is now following my late husband. We have been watching him fight his battle with cancer and we are thankful that he made it to Thanksgiving. We do not know how much longer he has but he promised Mary that he would make it to today and he reminded her that he kept his part of the bargain. I sold my tickets for $50 and gave that $ to a family for food so I can watch the game with him Sunday. Enjoy your time with your loved ones. He looks so much like Larry now that he is ill. It's going to be extremely hard on us. Larry died Dec 10th 1999. GO Bills
  23. It was not as sad as I thought it might have been. Jill Kelly is the most beautiful person in all ways. I don't think I've ever met such a warm giving person. They passed out a CD to everyone with a song that all sales benefit Hunter's Hope. I'm not a country western fan so I can't remember the singer's name. The other entertainment for the night was Montergery Gentry. I had never heard of them either. All I can tell you is they were loud and played for about 90 mins straight. Bills that were there(most of them sat at the next table) Lawyer, Sape,Trey, T. Anderson and Alex VP. Jim signed the Gambler's jersey for the next tailgate raffle.
  24. We have blue skies and sunshine too.
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