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Everything posted by #89

  1. The silver buffalo are just the everyday tickets not the seasons. I was told they held up the print time to get more ticket sales because the numbers were where they wanted yet.
  2. just to add Bill's XL here in the thread
  3. The messsage just came and said being mailed out the first week in Aug US priority Mail
  4. OH, Well I have the Ball at RIT Friday night so I might have to leave the afternoon one early. I hope to leave here at 5am and go to The college for the bus
  5. Just got the final design logo and they are awesome. this year the shirt is red
  6. but I thought there was a camp session in the morning that I planned on attending.
  7. You guys are so easy to piss off
  8. 17 in a row and at lest 6 days each with some double sessions. I think this will be my last with that many visits, I'm getting toooooo old.
  9. Subject: Prayers - female and male FEMALE PRAYER Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door, Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?" I pray that this man will love me to no end, And always be my very best friend. Amen. MALE PRAYER I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs Who owns a liquor store and a fishing boat. This Doesn't rhyme and I don't give a sh--. Amen.
  10. One girl in my office has bought 4 cars off E-bay and another has bought 2. They have had no problems but both have always bought from dealers not individuals and traveled to pick them up. I guess it is a reasonable way to buy inexpensive cars for your kids. That's why they've done it so often.
  11. A hot spot, the vet will give you meds
  12. just wait. CITI bought my mortgage this year and promptly raised it $70
  13. OK, OK I'll vote for you. Are you happy now?
  14. got all my ticket via tickermaster.com I'm good to go for the first 3 sessions. Have 4 extra tickets for each just in case. $1.75 x 3 orders
  15. this place has gone to POT. The youth movement, bahhhhhhh. The only choice is 50+++
  16. I don't know either one. Guess I'm not around much anymore
  17. I'm starting the orders for the 7th anual tailgate You do not have to come to the tailgate to buy a TBD shirt details on the 2006 tailgate board.
  18. I'm starting the orders for the 7th anual tailgate You do not have to come to the tailgate to buy a TBD shirt details on the 2006 tailgate board.
  19. last year we had royal blue and they were really nice This year is going to be just as nice if not better. Must pay in advance(prior to me ordering) They are $10 if you pick them up- $14 for them mailed sizes adult small --xxxl baby doll s-m-l MUST HAVE YOUR $ BY AUG 15 PM me for my mailing address
  20. good grief he's a outtie
  21. once again they will be a great asset to the ticket sales
  22. NO, but I can be tricked into reading it if there are a couple hundred views.
  23. You didn't post when it was 89 days
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