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Everything posted by #89

  1. WORDS WOMEN USE FINE This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. FIVE MINUTES If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. NOTHING This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine" GO AHEAD This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it. LOUD SIGH This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing" THAT'S OKAY This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. THANKS A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome. WHATEVER It's a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU! Send this to the men you know to warn them about future arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology! And send it to your women friends to give them a good laugh!
  2. Let us know how the MT house is doing.
  3. Sorry, I'm very partial to Steve, Sarah and the kids. I have know them for 18 years. He has been nothing but wonderful to me. I told him Tuesday that he was the second most important person in my life. I know that people think that every player OWES the public something but just looking at your comment. Short people don't like to be called short, tall people don't like to be called tall or how is the weather up there. You could have just said I'm a hugh fan of your play extended a hand for a shake and that's that. Maybe you were not the first to bother him on a golf outing that day. Who knows. Just don't judge a person by one meeting. I thought Youboty was quite flip the first time I met him but the second time he could not have been nicer. So you mentioned before that you don't care for Steve. OK, your opinion. He sat and signed 24 books for me so I can share with people who don't get the oppertunity to see him in person across this board. I think that's really nice of him.
  4. I have enough signed books to cover all requests so far. Keep them coming, I'll be able to get more from Steve.
  5. I just brought #10's of wings. Didn't bring other stuff because we always had too much in the past. I'll do more next year.
  6. OK - Danny's ----the room was reserved for 7pm, He had 5 tables of 10 people for family type little birthday parties. They came in at 4:30 and 5:00 all should have been long gone by our 7:00 reservation. When I mentioned to the table of old ladies (retirement party) that we might get rowdy but had the room reserved they simply said that NOBODY told them it was reserved at 7 and 2 people joined them late. They eventually left. I totally enjoy that place but I think if you want to try the loft in the bar next year I will reserve that for you. There is not as much room but you will have all the TV's you need to see football. I plan on being at the alumni charity dinner/ball next year at the opener on the Sat. before the tailgate. Benefits Kelly for kids. The t-shirts were as you all said very nice. I do have a couple extra ones if anyone is interested. $10 /14 if mailed. Just look at Jay Rosen's avatar. Sorry for the secret logos every year but It's how I stay out of jail Was wondering if we wanted to try long sleeved t-shirts but some said the weather is usually too hot for them. Silent auction items. I will limit them next year to 5 items. I guess I was too excited at the ease that I was able to get such great items autographed. Let me know who you want for next year and I'll do my best to get something signed. I'm getting a mini helmet with Andre Reed for the silent auction this weekend.
  7. I want Throwback uni's with the red charging Buffalo ala SUPER BOWL uniform.
  8. It was a great time for me. As you all know I just love any chance to talk with him, he tells the best Bills stories from those glory days. So if any of you want autographed TASKER books please PM me your requests.$25 will include the priority mail to you. The other speakers were the BullDog from WGR radio and John DiGiorgio special teams/LB
  9. liquor is LICK HER in Texas? No wonder you are the way you are.
  10. Actually a heavier Marlon Kerner
  11. I did that before and found that I was a penthose model and porn star or a fitness instructor with videos. I think I'll change my name.
  12. Ok then I'm not bringing the screen tent - Art you are a savior. Really didn't know how I was going to fit it in the car. (I was going to tell Mary she could only bring one suitcase but I had already told her she could have the whole back seat for clothes).
  13. O do have a screen house 8x8 but have never put it up so it is all up to you. I might have enough room in the car for it
  14. Guess I have to start drinking now I could use a raise. but enough about that It's football season.
  15. Will be in Niagara Falls Friday morning 10 am - No Mary and I are NOT going to the ballet. We will be visiting the casinos and taying at the new Casino hotel in the USA. Sat - Red Roof INN - Danny's at 7pm Sunday Perkins at 6:15 + Hammer's by 7
  16. The room is the one off the bar. It is a place to get out of the loud bar for conversation and dinner. You can stay in the bar and pop in and out. I don't think he has a TV for that room but he has new flat screens in the bar.
  17. same as before a 5# bag first thing i'll be there around 7
  18. Maxine is her name
  19. NOT one reply. I have to mail them out Tuesday for you to have them before I let on my mini vacation. Your addresses were erased by a fool.
  20. Since Brian's punts were amazing as usual I vote for Coy's blocked punt. It just does not happen that often
  21. I need your addresses to mail the shirts. Computer glitch - lost them. I request this info last week but got no replys on the WALL
  22. YES, there is the reserved room so you have a place to sit and carry on a conversation. You are free to come and go, you don't have to stay in there. We will not have a limited menu. You can order off the menu. I want to mail out the T-shirts tomorrow but the people who want them mailed have not sent their addresses over the PM. Aussie - Like our conversation BRING the name tags
  23. I'm bringing one
  24. I saw him at the games preseason. He is fine and one of the most Knowledgeable(sp) Bills fans- right up there with Lori. Remember he does have two beautiful girls now and Daddy is a role that he enjoys.
  25. Pre tailgate get together at Danny’s South located on 20A and the corner of Abbott Rd. It is the intersection with the traffic light on the corner by the stadium toward Hamburg. From 7-11 pm. Those who attend can get their T-shirts so you can wear them Sunday. They are very nice I just got them this afternoon. T’s are nice bright Red with this year’s TBD logo over the breast plate. The Big tailgate Sunday 7- noonish ( so you can go the gates for you pat down prior to entering the game that starts at 1:00. Please remember that it takes time to walk to the stadium and get in the gates). You are all welcome back after the game before you all leave for home. PLEASE SIGN IN when you arrive. We will have name tags(not required) Wristbands for all who paid the $6 fee to cover the tent –tables- chairs-water and Gatorade. It’s a nice way for all to meet. Raffles - we have a 50/50 server fund raffle. Then there are several items that are raffled off via tickets. This year 3 lovely ticket girls in their new skimpy pink tailgate T-shirts will be walking around selling tickets or you can get them at the registration table. NEW This year a silent auction. Items are very, very nice items including 3 footballs signed by Mooreman – Tasker and TKO (starting bid on these is just $30 to cover the cost of the balls. There is a Losman signed jersey starting at $65 and a fluorescent Bills bar sign starting at $30. Our live auction is a signed Kelly Jersey at 11:00
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