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Everything posted by chaccof

  1. This is so awesome.... I imagine he'd be fined today for this....
  2. I always liked him as a coach and a TV announcer. I loved the line that the OP put in his post. What a scream. RIP Sam.
  3. I lived in New Jersey then (South Jersey thank God) and we had another couple over who were from WNY. I had to leave the room, couldn't watch, and then afterwards I just laid on the kitchen floor and moaned. It was very awkward for my wife. She got over it, I didn't.
  4. Fantastic video. Golden Wheels was awesome as a player and a person. He lived in Williamsville, a couple of streets over from us when I was a kid - we'd see him quite a lot and he always said hello to us - and I think he stayed in Buffalo after his playing career ended. Also, this video was apparently Joe Namath's first game as a professional - the narrator called him the "Jet's $400,000 quarterback...." Too funny. $400 G's is about what the rookie minimum is now, or maybe below it.
  5. I was too! My mom was there and she was 8 month pregnant with me....
  6. I was born shortly after the Bills first game back in the fall of 1960. I believe the song that is referred to is the song that was played when Buffalo had a team in the old AAFC. Here's a wiki on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Bills_(AAFC)
  7. This season reminds a great deal of the 1988 season. The Bills had finished 7-8 in '87 and I don't recall much excitement coming into '88. Out of nowhere they go 12-4, win the AFC East and then end up in the AFC Championship - basically out of nowhere. I can see this team winning their first game and likely not much further. And then next year things could really take off positively. Particularly if Brady retires. As other posters have noted, Brady, as much as we all hate him, has the Bills number. Sometimes it's just like that.
  8. The problem with defensive football is that, unlike a good old fashion blow out where I can get up, go to the bathroom, hit the fridge, not have to where my hat a certain way, etc. I have to sit there, nearly peeing my pants, making sure not to change my position in my chair, all in hopes of not causing the Bills to lose.
  9. I screwed up and signed up to serve at 5:30 Mass this Saturday. I was going to try to get a sub but felt like that might be a bad omen. I wonder if I can rig up a small ear piece and feed the Sirius XM feed while at Mass?
  10. I'm pretty sure the guys on CBS said that Raven's players were taunting McD in the tunnel.
  11. Been a long time since a very late Dec. game was this meaningful. I know, two years ago they had to win to have a miracle mean anything. But to have a shot at the division, against the vaunted Pats is very excited. They need to take care of business next week though.
  12. I was wondering about that too...the team has 9 wins entirely against teams with losing records (okay - technical Dallas had a winning record when they played the Bills but have more or less been exposed) and they've lost three games to teams with winning records and one game to the Browns...Of the three key aspects to football, the defense has clearly outclassed the offense and special teams this year. Maybe next year will be the year. Will be interesting to see how the team does in the wildcard game.
  13. Van Miller was the quintessential announcer in that he called a great game that you could follow easily if you weren't watching the game, he was a homer but not an over the top homer (IMHO) and he was fungible - could call basketball, football, probably dog fights if asked to....
  14. So happy to eat crow on this one....What a terrific win.
  15. Give me a SB lose any time. Who remembers who lost the AFC championship? Plus, as other posters have pointed out, its a pretty fun week. And I think, because of the Bills history, many folks would be pulling for them much like they did for Denver when they went to their 5th SB.
  16. Yes, '84 and '85 were the low point of the Bills many seasons....but because of those suckfests the team was able to draft Bruce Smith so that was nice...
  17. Heading to Raleigh for dinner at my sister's house. Neither she nor her husband are Bills fans. Thankfully they have a big house and lots of TV's and we will have eaten by then so my son and I can sneak off and watch the game. She was smart, she married for money the first time!
  18. Ok, so how'd you make out? Inquiring minds want to know...
  19. Don't wear sneakers....if you have hunting boots or something similar wear those and if you can, get a pair of those heavy felt insoles that protect your feet when they're sitting on cold concrete.
  20. I think the NFL wants to nip this in the bud and it will be for the remainder of the season, including playoffs if there are any for Browns
  21. Yes, I do - I've seen it with my own eyes, and several times over the life of the team....late 60's, mid to late 70's, mid 80's......but we all get the picture. If you're a native of WNY you get ingrained with it. Win or lose, its fun to tailgate and go to the games I think (I only get to do it every few years now since I don't live in the area). And its equally as frustrating as hell to not see progress. We're now approaching nearly 25 years since the Bills last SB appearance and for anyone who was old enough to remember 1988 to 1993 it was what Patriots fans have experienced the last umpteen years minus the actual win of the SB. I never felt the Bills would lose any games during that time. I was genuinely shocked when they lost. That feeling is long gone.
  22. Really, the teams record hasn't really changed much since the Music City Miracle loss. They've averaged slightly over six wins and slightly more than 9 losses every since since. They're 127-177 over that time period and made the playoffs once due to what can only be described as a miracle. They've had 9 HC's, with Dick Jauron lasting the longest at slightly more than 3.5 seasons. Basically they've been in a rebuilding cycle for the last 19 years. My point here is what's really changed? The names and faces, but that's about it. So, no I don't have reason to think the current group is any better. Sheer odds say that there has to be something like a 20% chance they get things turned around.
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