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Everything posted by chaccof

  1. Birthdays too! Don't forget them.....
  2. 20,000ish was about what they got during the dark years of 84 and 85 wasn't it? At least that's what I recall it looking like.
  3. Didn't Brady just turn 43? That SOB may play for ever....Earl Morrall played until he hit the social security retirement age or something like that.....
  4. I think you're right. And if someone or a few players test positive on a particular team before the deadline I think that will increase the numbers substantially.
  5. Its hard for me to believe that the owners won't force some sort of a season, no matter the quality of the product on the field. Unless they have some sort of business interruption insurance they stand to lose a ton mu-la-la if there's no season. They'll do something, player health be damned.
  6. Best move Ron Wilson ever made was bringing in Lou.....Never understood why they didn't get along....
  7. "Nobody goes there any more, its too crowded..." - Yogi Berra
  8. Boy, "thorn in our side" is a bit of an understatement considering the Bills were 0-1970's against the Dolphins.....but point well taken. Didn't his last playoff game as a HC result in a loss against the Bills? Or am I thinking of something else?
  9. Now see, I didn't even remember that '82 was a shortened season and I do remember the Skins winning the SB because I lived in Tampa at the time. It seemed like from what I recall that there was a heck of a lot of hoopla related to the SB in the several weeks leading up to the event. Guess what I'm saying is - I would feel great.
  10. Went to Wegman's in Richmond, VA last week to get Weber's mustard and Sahlen's hot dogs and the place was a zoo. Gonna have to do without both until this crisis clears up or the vaccine comes out. I'd personally be hard pressed to go to any sporting event, theater, movie house, etc. until more is known about transmission and measures taken or a vaccine comes out.
  11. I feel certain my dad took me to a game or two at the Rockpile but can't recall specifics. I know he and my mom went to the '64 championship game and my mom got hurt when they ran on the field after the game - she tripped and fell and hurt her ankle. I don't think my dad took her to too many games after that.....?
  12. That is quite a collection of Bills video's. I had to laugh at the 1965 highlights and how well the crowd was dressed and just the flow of the game. I can't imagine wearing a suit and tie to a game today. Even if I was in the owners box.
  13. A football players football player....if you watch what he did after "the hit" and compare it to what would happen today you'll be shocked. He walked back to the huddle. That's it - he made a fantastic play, which he felt he was expected to do, and he got ready for the next play...no taunting, no dancing, no nothin'.....They don't make 'em like that anymore.
  14. That period may have been the worst of the worst of all time. Even worse, in my mind, than the Oh for the Century years of 2000-2016. At least during that period they had some times when they looked like a real team. Not much of that other than '74 during the time you mention. The only playoff appearance was in 73-74 when they lost to Pittsburgh at Pitt. The bright spot was of course OJ's 2003 during the 73 season. Otherwise it was a tough time to be a fan. But heck, it was literally the only game in town until the Sabre's came, then the Braves. Cousineau and that other clown were drafted in '78 and one of them went to Canada. Can't recall what happened to the other one. The Bills did have several #1 overall picks between 68 and 85, including OJ and Bruce Smith. That tells you a little about how much they sucked.
  15. The revenue lost by say 10% of the fans of a team that gets flexed and are pissed about it and no longer spend money with the NFL is pretty small. Back of napkin math - figure 10% of 70,000 fans X 8 flexed games X $200/fan that they will no longer spend on the NFL = $11.2M in lost revenue. I'm not counting ticket sales because you have to figure thats a sunk cost and someone else will buy those tickets up locally. Then figure back in the additional money the new fans who buy up those tickets spend - lets assume $100 each - now you're down to less than $6M in lost revenue. The NFL will more than make that up if, by flexing, they're in theory getting a better game that more people will watch. Just my two cents.
  16. Boy, at my age either can happen and both can be exciting one way or the other....
  17. That's what I thought too....Ha
  18. I was there too - fantastic game and the last game that my dad and I went to see together....I remember sitting in the airport seeing some pretty glum looking KC fans walk by...and felt bad for them for some reason.
  19. Can you imagine Sammy Watkins getting a SB ring and Andre Reed not having a SB ring? Wow...just wow....
  20. Bingo...VT just lost their long time DC, Bud Foster. They'll replace him of course but in the event the new person doesn't work out, and he's friends with the coach and has pro experience would seem like a good fit for DC role. Assuming he doesn't screw anything up.
  21. As a long time suffering fan who has the T-shirt that says "Just One Before I Die" I vote for winning the SB no matter how its done. Not sure there are extra accolades for winning with a home grown team. I mean, if the Bills go out and sign a bunch of one year wonder FA's and that takes them to the SB for a win I'm all for it. I just want to be able to buy a bunch of over-priced championship merchandise like a commemorative SB toilet seat, all the hats I can get, a bunch of t-shirts, etc. etc.
  22. Yes, starting in '88. Thurman Thomas was a rookie, Bruce Smith had been there two years, Kelly two years, I believe Reed was in his fourth year, on the line Kent Hull and Will Wolford had been there two years, Cornelius Bennett and Shane Conlan had just finished their rookie seasons. Pretty good core and very young.
  23. It will be really interesting to see how next year unfolds. The Bills had the 24th hardest schedule this year based on win percentage (according to TSN). I completely get that you cannot compare the coming schedule to the current teams as much can change. Having said that, on paper, and based on this years records, next years schedule could really tell us what kind of team the Bills have. I'm usually pretty doom and gloom having rooted for them since I was 6 years old in 1966 (my earliest Bills memory and the year my dad took me to my first game). Generally not much to cheer about except for the late 80's, early 90's. This has a real feel to me of how things felt in '88 and to an extent '89 minus the bickering Bills crap. I'm excited. When's camp open?
  24. Didn't Tony Dungy get a SB with the Colts? Wouldn't that make him a Championship Coach?
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