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Everything posted by Chuckknox

  1. 1. A very good back QB that can compete with the gloved one asap 2. A great possession rec (or tight end) to complement Josh Reed 3. A few defensive ends They must part ways with a few long time players to change the locker room attitude again (and clear some $$ )
  2. Ralph really needs to invest in improving his program. Bills used to have one of the best programs, they used to get stronger as the season progressed - but not in the last 10 years.
  3. Schobel $8.7 million, time to cut him loose and move on. Sign Peters now, if we can afford him and he's willing to take just a little more than the other Oline men. Who else can we cut to get more room to make a few moves?
  4. Hargrove would be an excellent addition. He plays with a nice mean streak and is very fast. He made a lot of big hits with limited playing time. Track that man down and sign him up asap.
  5. Some aggressive penalties would be welcome AND should be encouraged next year.
  6. Where are all the mean players? Why does Pitts & Balt seem to find them?
  7. Who are you fooling with the fake if they know you are not willing or able to throw deep patterns? The safetys are moving up 90% of the time to help with the run support of help with the dump off passes to the RB. You have to be able to pass the longer patterns to take advantage of a defense that is moving up towards the LOS. We are much better with a 2 tight ends (that can catch the ball) and run the ball mix with TE strong points - the ability to hit the fast short patterns. Let the tight ends help with the 8 in the box defenses team love to use against us. We really have not figured a way to use Roscoe's skills yet, but it's tough because the defenses are not afraid to crowd the LOS against the Bills. If the Bills want to keep Trent as the #1, the have to make some adjustments to hide his weakness (not able/willing to look down field) and design more of west coast offense (may not be good for winter games) or power run offense .
  8. 99% of these people who post would not know how to coach a pee wee football team, much less try to organize the locker room in a NFL organization. All the negative comments on the poor play calls - GET OVER IT ! If the plays work they are great plays, if they fail everyone crys. Think about the calls that work. The fake punts & field goals, if they do not work everyone would cry -they did work an they were great calls. If JP does not fumble against JETs and completes the pass or runs for a first down, he's a hero, the coach is great, etc... If Matt Cassel get his 3rd down punt blocked, their coach is a stupid for trying it, he get a good punt and he's smart. Just let the Coach coach the team and try to support the effort the players give on the field. Hopefully we will get a few better bounces next year.
  9. get ready for a great off-season soon...............
  10. Are any of the current members of the inner circle afraid of losing their jobs or does Ralph really trust these guys to the end?
  11. If they can bring in a few good coaches, he will be a great HC. He has earned a look and he can be the quick decision maker on game day we need. I am sure he can coach a few surprises for the pats, jets, fins.
  12. The front office, scouts, etc... have been losing for 10 years. What is this, GM or Ford??
  13. As I watch the FINs & JETS, they both seem very good compared to Bills. Not too encouraging for the next few years.
  14. When the offense is on the field, Turk should be managing the clock.
  15. Too risky to start over again, when this team is not that far off yet. A few plays (missed FG, JP fumble, TE int vs Jets) and we could be in the playoffs. DJ is not that bad and the team is almost always competitive recently.
  16. He would be a reasonable option in terms of $$$, because he wants to be a HC again. Who cares if he is a little crazy as long as he can put the Bills back in some winning seasons again.
  17. Marv will accept the job, because that is what he really wanted - not the GM position. Keep DJ as the Defense coord if he wis willing to accept the role. After 3 years under Marv, give DJ the team back.
  18. 1. Pass to Jackson down the sideline was a great call and executed perfectly. 2. Offense seemed to have a sense of purpose, kept defense off balance. 3. This team played very good and will be fine next year with a few additions. 4. We have a lot of very talented DB's. 5. DJ gets credit for keeping his team focused and moving forward despite some bad breaks this year. 6. A very young team that will get better and be a force soon.
  19. Let's get one of the old retired super coaches out of retirement for a few years. What names are still alive and able to coach the mess back into shape fast?
  20. How much Cap $$$ do we have for next year?? Who should we cut to get more $$ to spend?
  21. JP thought he had a chance to make a play, he did not think anyone could be behind him that fast - who was suppose to block that man?? JP should of just faked the hand off and run the bootleg, if he did not even look to pass he would of gained 10 yards. Overall the team seemed ready to play and should be proud of the effort on the road, they really played well - except for the fluke at the end. If the pass worked it would of been a great play call.
  22. Hopefully they can build on that great Oline RB performance for 2009, that would be awesome if they can play like that in winter weather next year . Too bad they gave the game away at the end, but at least they improved their draft pick status. Bobby April should definately be considered if DJ gets bounces - April's special teams are just always ready to play. That is the Marshawn we hoped for the whole year, man he was unstoppable. What's with the defense on every game opening drive???
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