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Everything posted by saundena

  1. Good for Jauron. At least his miserable performance with the Bills didn't keep him from getting another job. Not a bad guy, so I'm happy for him
  2. Add ARI to that list. Sure, they play like Jeckle and Hyde, but when it comes to the Playoffs, Warner is a gem.
  3. Any chance of this now that Dicky is gone? I think maybe, esp if fewell is the HC.
  4. That movies looks so dumb. I can't believe people will waste hard earned $ and 2.5 hrs to see that rubbish. Then again I waste each Sunday watching the Bills play amature hour football. Who am I to judge.
  5. Unless the Bills make it to the Holy Land (playoffs), then Jauron is gone and I feel Ralph hires someone to head football operations. Wether or not that person is any good remains to be seen.
  6. So we all know that Trent is probably not the QB of the future. Maybe he stays in Buffalo as a backup or maybe he leaves- whatever. . . . What would you think about trading for Brady Quinn with a 4th round pick. The upside is that you know what you would be getting- A QB that has potential but certainy one that needs work. Now, lets also assume that Ralph fires Jauron and hires somone like Gruden (who can develop a QB). Maybe then could it be a good idea to consider a trade like this? I have to think that Quinn, Gruden and an Oline that has played together for a season would certainly be better than the offensive offense that we have now. My fear is that we draft a QB who is either a 1st round bust or another 3rd disapointment like Edwards was. If we had smart people in our front office, then I would say draft a 1st rounder, but I don't think the Bills can risk spending millions on a bust. What do you think. . . .
  7. "our" not "are". Sorry, grammar Nazi here
  8. what does $500k have to do with anything? Dont tell me he was asking for more $
  9. Do you think 10-12 Tackles, 2 sacks and 2 momentum shifting plays (FF, FR 4th down stop etc) is too much to expect for a 1st round project? It's still early in the season, but I think he can finish strong.
  10. "So Far Away" by Dire Straits.
  11. Excuse my ignorance, but who's Mr. Larry? I guess if this is true, then it's somewhat of a good thing. . . . At least Ralph was willing to pull the trigger. If the Bills keep on losing, then at some point I would have to assume that the Old Man will blow. . . . and heads will roll.
  12. Yeah, the buzz of flies flying around both Cleveland and Buffalo. Does it really matter who wins, bot teams are pretty much dead meat
  13. I don't think Trent has one. . . or at least the equipment that a groin should house.
  14. Don't know if this is brilliant, inventive and perhaps it's already being done-- but here goes. Perhaps in practice, Trent should should face and extra pass rusher or and extra corner back for a few hours a week. Although it wont help our defense any, I have to think that by making his practices extra tough will ultimately make an actual game a little easier for him. A while back (circa '99), I remember Kurt Warner said that the reason why he made such quick decisions was that the Area League forced him to think quicker, and that when he got into the NFL, even though the quality of the opponent was significantly better, the game seemed a bit slower to him.
  15. Rocket boots... Why throw the ball when he could just take the snap and fly in for the TD. Seriously though, I think he'd look much better with a healthy line and a coach with some history of actually helping struggling qb's
  16. I have been advocating this theory for a year now. I really think Trump is the man behind the "group".
  17. That may be, but don't tell me that it wouldn't get Ralph's attention!
  18. I think most BB fans will now admit that it's time to shake up the coaching staff, the front office, Trent perhaps. . . Maybe even more. But, how can we get Ralph to listen to us or at least aknowledge our pain and suffering? People have suggested starting a petition, but they are meaningless and actually require the signers to do something other than sign their name to a piece of paper (for example refuse to buy tickets, merchandise, come to games, etc). Here is what I say we should do. At the next home game, and each one there after, Bills fans will need to bring something other than their love and passion for the team with them into the stands. That something is Bic Lighters. Follow me here. Rather than staging a walkout (which we know will have no effect-- remember Cincy and Detroit a few years back), which would only reduce what little power the 12th man has left, I suggest that when the game is over, everyone who brought a lighter into the stands should then leave it behind for the cleanup crews to deal with. Creative people might even want to right FIRE on one side, and JAURON on the other! Here is what this will accomplish: 1. It will prove that Bills fans are creative and have a firey passion for their team. 2. Such a creative statement will surely get national attention and put even more pressure and focus on Ralph. 3. FINALLY & MOST IMPORTANT- It will create a mess and I'm not talking about the kind of mess that you can sweep up after the game. A mess of this type will be costly to clean up and will hit Ralph in the pocket book. Think about it. If each of the 54,000 season ticket holders brings 5 lighters and we assume that each lighter contains .5 fl oz of butane, then Ralph will have over 1000 gallons of butane strewn about his stadium. Although I might be wrong about this, but such a large quantity of discarded butane would probably be considered hazardous waste, and would have to be taken care of accordingly. This idea will only cost each participant about $5 and would allow us to still support our team with out leaving the stands. Hell, I myself would be more than happy to bring 20 or 30 lighters-- as many as I could "sneak in" if it would somehow aid in bringing Ralph to his senses. Flame away (no pun intended)....
  19. The sun does not have enough mass to supernova... Silly in all seriousness, I hope it's #4, but it will prob be #1.
  20. If Tenn. continues to bomb out, maybe Jeff Fisher will get fired and we can grab him. I always thought he was a good coach.
  21. Here is what I would do if I was Ralph. 1. Demote Jauron to D coord- I think Jauron would do fine at that job, if only for the year. At the very least, we'd retain his services for the rest of the season and then figure out what to do with him when the season is over. Doing this means Fewell would be fired and I'd be very happy with that. I don't think our defense would be any worse. 2. Propmote Bobby April to interm HC while continuing to look for a replacement. I would place a lot of effort on briniging in guys like Shanny, Cowher, Gruden, Marty etc. If I could land one of them during the season, great. If not, we'd at least know if April can handle the position. 3. Put the screws to Russ. Modrak and Co. need to go, and Russ has the power to make that happen.
  22. Buffett would be sweet, but remember Donald Trump is a Bills fan-- He and Kelly go way back. I still say Trump is Kelly's ace in the hole
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