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Posts posted by saundena

  1. I heard that also. The only thing I can think of is Kelly played for a team Donald Trump owned in the USFL and they remained friends so it's possible that he's in the "group" Kelly speaks of.


    I have been advocating this theory for a year now. I really think Trump is the man behind the "group".

  2. I think most BB fans will now admit that it's time to shake up the coaching staff, the front office, Trent perhaps. . . Maybe even more. But, how can we get Ralph to listen to us or at least aknowledge our pain and suffering? People have suggested starting a petition, but they are meaningless and actually require the signers to do something other than sign their name to a piece of paper (for example refuse to buy tickets, merchandise, come to games, etc).


    Here is what I say we should do. At the next home game, and each one there after, Bills fans will need to bring something other than their love and passion for the team with them into the stands. That something is Bic Lighters. Follow me here. Rather than staging a walkout (which we know will have no effect-- remember Cincy and Detroit a few years back), which would only reduce what little power the 12th man has left, I suggest that when the game is over, everyone who brought a lighter into the stands should then leave it behind for the cleanup crews to deal with. Creative people might even want to right FIRE on one side, and JAURON on the other!


    Here is what this will accomplish:


    1. It will prove that Bills fans are creative and have a firey passion for their team.

    2. Such a creative statement will surely get national attention and put even more pressure and focus on Ralph.

    3. FINALLY & MOST IMPORTANT- It will create a mess and I'm not talking about the kind of mess that you can sweep up after the game. A mess of this type will be costly to clean up and will hit Ralph in the pocket book. Think about it. If each of the 54,000 season ticket holders brings 5 lighters and we assume that each lighter contains .5 fl oz of butane, then Ralph will have over 1000 gallons of butane strewn about his stadium. Although I might be wrong about this, but such a large quantity of discarded butane would probably be considered hazardous waste, and would have to be taken care of accordingly.


    This idea will only cost each participant about $5 and would allow us to still support our team with out leaving the stands. Hell, I myself would be more than happy to bring 20 or 30 lighters-- as many as I could "sneak in" if it would somehow aid in bringing Ralph to his senses.


    Flame away (no pun intended)....

  3. Here is what I would do if I was Ralph.


    1. Demote Jauron to D coord- I think Jauron would do fine at that job, if only for the year. At the very least, we'd retain his services for the rest of the season and then figure out what to do with him when the season is over. Doing this means Fewell would be fired and I'd be very happy with that. I don't think our defense would be any worse.


    2. Propmote Bobby April to interm HC while continuing to look for a replacement. I would place a lot of effort on briniging in guys like Shanny, Cowher, Gruden, Marty etc. If I could land one of them during the season, great. If not, we'd at least know if April can handle the position.


    3. Put the screws to Russ. Modrak and Co. need to go, and Russ has the power to make that happen.

  4. Some of these posts just verify the fact that you don't need to know anything about football in order to be a fan


    So your happy that the Bills QB is a game manager rather than a winner. Our team has massive problems... Jauron is one of the biggest. But ****, if we had a decent QB, one who wasn't afraid to throw the ball, maybe we be 2-2 right now. Trent won't ever get it done in this league.


    TRENT IS A CAREER BACKUP. Please, someone with an affinity for statistics, tell us how many games Trent has won against teams above .500?


    To have ANY CHANCE at finishing above .500, we need Fitz and a bally head coach.

  5. Look we all know Trent took Fred Jackson first overall in his Fantasy Draft and Derek fine in thbe 4th round. Lee and TO went before Trent could grab them too. This is just simple fantasy stratagy at its finest...I applaud Trent for this forsight



  6. Ok guys..... I am still way too frustrated to be sitting here and expressing my feelings about this game. However, there are 2 things that were perfectly clear in this game that basically will not allow us to take the next step as a franchise. Sure, there are others, but these 2 things are very obvious and the most crucial to the success of this franchise:


    1. We will never win anything with Jauron as our head coach. DUH! I know, we all know this one. We have seen it time and time again, but his coaching decisions in this game were absolutely awful. 4th and 1....down 2 scores with about 7 minutes left. PUNT. That was the moment of the game you either give yourself a chance or you take yourself out of the game. Fact is that punting there takes you out of the game for good 99% of the time and it did today. Sure, they could have gone for it and not gotten it, but at least you tried and did whatever you could to win that game. ANOTHER CHICKEN CALL BY A CHICKEN COACH. We will never win anything with him making the decisions.


    2. After a gazillion years, we are still looking for our QB of the future. Trent can't cut it. I liked Trent. I really did. There was a time last season I was sure we had our guy. But something happened somewhere along the way and all he is now is a scared QB that has no idea what he is looking at on the field. He has shown it in other games, but today especially that he just can't make the plays necessary down the field. Now, I am not talking about the 50 yard bombs or whatever. I know he can make those throws (he didn't today, but I know he can make them). I am talking about the 15-30 yard throws down the middle of the field or along the sidelines to his WRs. I was at the game today and saw Owens and Evans getting open on a fairly regular basis and they didn't get the ball at all. Not only were they not getting thrown to much, but on most occasions Edwards NEVER EVEN LOOKED IN THEIR DIRECTIONS. He immediately looked for the TE or RB ALL DAY LONG. The WRs were an afterthought all day and to Trent, were really not a thought at all. I know there was pressure all day. I know the line had trouble today. BUT THERE ARE EASY WAYS AROUND THAT! The quick slant was there all day and only thrown once that I can remember. The CBs were constantly backing 15 yards off the WRs and instead of just getting the ball out to them quickly and letting them try to make a play or just hitting the slant, Trent constantly ignored the WRs and went to is RBs and TEs all day. I did not see 1 crossing pattern to Owens to get the ball in his hands. I know AVP is calling the plays and some of that is on him, but Edwards is right there and can audible at any time. WE CAN SEE IT. I am just afraid Trent can't. Somewhere along the way Trent got scared and is now a mirror image of his head coach. WAY TOO CONSERVATIVE AND SCARED TO TAKE ANY CHANCES EVER. We will not win anything with a QB not willing to get the balls to the WRs.....not even looking at them most of the time.


    Anyways, sorry to rant guys. There is so much more I could get into now, but I am still so frustrated with this game today and where we are as a franchise. Can Trent get whatever he lost back? I don't know.......Can DJ lead this tam anywhere? Not a chance.



    1. Agreed


    2. Mosty agree. I think Trent is fixable. With the proper coaching and a little sucess, the problems that we currently see with Trent (Lack of balls, Jekyl and Hyde performance) would largely disappear. It's obvious that the guy has tallent, it just needs to be developed a little further. QBs far worse than Edwards have taken their teams to the playoffs. ****, trent Dilfer won a SB! Fix 1 and 2 WILL improve.

  7. guys, they played a top 15 team today. this is the way the titans, colts, jets (x2) , pats games are going to go, compete, but come up short... now that's 7 losses right there.. this is a 7 win team, best case. just get used to it and hope they are at least a bit more entertaining when they lose to these teams... this is not a top 15 team.. just not there.. sorry..



    So true- We made it look good in week 1 by nearly beating the Pats*, and rolled the hapless Buc's-- but we can't beat upper echelon teams. It's not a question of tallent. It's going on 4 seasons now and we continually get beaten by better teams. Every once and a while the underdog should win. We don't


    The Jet's look like the real deal- they might beat NO next week and just might be the #1 team in the league. Rex Ryan will have them ready to go. I don't have very much confidence that Jauron will have the Bills ready to play the Fins in Miami. I fear a 1-3 start. If so, I think Ralph needs sharpen his ax and make the heads roll

  8. looking at the first two games...


    in new england fred jackson is avg 16 yds a catch but only saw 5 catchs


    he doesnt run enough screens or play action passes


    one of the few times the bills ran pa them had evans and owens open down the field and he ran 1 screen yesterday after alot of success running screens in new england


    the offense has put up 17 in ne and 26


    fails to give jackson enough breaks and fear of using omon imo


    Well ishouldbegm, I'm glad that you aren't the GM. Even if you think that AVPs performance leaves something to be desired, consider that this is ONLY his 2nd week on the job. All things considered, he had a great gameplan against NE and the Bills O racked up over 400 yards against TB. Good defense or bad defense, rolling a team for 400 yards is impressive.


    The O hasn't looked this good since 98 during Flutie's first games, or when Bledsoe was tearing up the field.


    Go AVP!

  9. Should beat NE, and I think if that game was in BUF, we would have won. With the Jets shilacking of the Pats today, we could have been tied for first.


    Of course that would not change the fact that the Jets Defense looks FEARSOME; and whats worse, they still have 2 staters out.


    I think the way that the Bills have played so far (today and even last week) but the Jets might be the team to beat in the AFC East. How can we face their defense? I don' tthink we can. right now.

  10. Not saying Tim but too many journalists look at the wrong things. Can you get chocolate shavings on your mocha frappachino? Is there a pirate ship or hot tub in the end zone? How far a walk to the sushi bar?


    RWS is what a football stadium should be...a temple of crazed fandom. Every seat is good. Unbridled tailgating is allowed. Regular people can afford a ticket. THAT is what makes a stadium great.


    Sure they could improve the concessions a bit. But I don't go to RWS for the cuisine.





    Well said. In fact, the only thing that I don't like about the Ralph (other than that the Bills seem to lose there a lot) is that there are not enough bathrooms-- both in the stadium and in the parking lots

  11. Gotta disagree. I cant see New England missing the playoffs. With that in mind, the Jets are legit contenders for the playoffs. At this point in the season, I root for any NFC team, those AFC teams who I "KNOW" are going to the playoffs (i.e. New England, Pittsburgh, Indy), and those AFC teams I "KNOW" are going to miss the playoffs (i.e. Kansas City, Oakland, Cleveland). I root specifically in that order.


    Not that my rooting has any effect on the outcome, but seeing those middle of the road teams lose is good news this time of the year. it clutters the middle of the pack, and gives the bills a better chance at making the playoffs at 9-7 or 10-6 (maybe even 8-8).


    Agreed 110%. Plus as another poster said, I'm already sick of Dirty Sanchez and that bloated gas-bag of a coach that they have.. I'd actually love to see BB put Rexy in his place.

  12. The fumble was just the worst play of a very bad night. In all the excitement we should not forget that the Pats opened with a 50 yard KO return and Mckelvin fumbled an earlier return.


    Probably worst ST performance in 5 years maybe a decade though they were awful in the late 90's and early part of this decade.


    I noticed this too. I know pre season isn't exactly an indicator of regular season performance, but we looked shakey then and continued to look as such last night...

  13. No...I don't feel better. It's clear there's a fear of losing in these players, and they'll never win big games that way.


    It's a joke for the fans and the players.


    So true. . . There was good and bad tonight, but until we stop playing scared (why the F*$K did we go exclusively to the prevent in the end FEWELL), we wont make the playoffs. Jauron needs to Kick Fewell in the ass

  14. I'm going to try and stay composed, even though my blood pressure is sky hight and I'm seeing red.


    The good news is that Jauron had this team ready to play. Maybe something finally clicked with him. If McKelvin dosen't fumble, chances are much greater that the Bills win this game


    First the Bad (Besides Leodis):


    Injuries to Kelsay and Poz- Not good

    Soft underneath pass D- Why do we always give up the under pass. We had decent pressure on Brady, but come on. We let them march down the field too many times. Someone needs to have a serious hear to heart with Fewell

    Clock Management- Wasted too much time in deciding if we should take the time out. . . before we finall took the time out.

    Long Passes- Not enough.

    Lee Evans- Where where you? You alwasy seem to go aaway in big games.



    The good:


    Trent- Looked sharp, unfearled his arm a but more often as the game progressed

    The O line- I can't want to see what this unit looks like in 3 weeks.

    Freddy- <_<

    Tight Ends- Who misses Royal?

    Offensive play calling- For the most part (considering EVERYTHING that has happened in the past 10 days) trent and AVP did well. I liked the screens!

    Shoebel- Pretty good game


    Considering all of the changes hese bast few days, AND the fact that we missed Kelsay and Poz for much of the game, I think we did OK. If McKelvin would have just gone down, chances are pretty good that we beat NE on the road.


    These losses are just so crushing though. . .

  15. People keep bringing up Gruden as the next potential coach of the Bills.


    I understand Jon, but Gruden? are you serious? That would set us back another 5 years... Just because he's famous for scowling on the sidelines and being nicknamed "Chucky" doesn't make him a good coach. He beat his own players after he got to Tampa. Who Built that team? Not him..... I want Marty. Is he old.? yes. Does he build winners? yes. Does he have a history? yes. Does he have Bills ties? yes. Has SD been the same since he left? NO. Has he won in the playoffs? no..... Can you blame Byner fumbling on the goal line on him? no. I'm just saying Marty is our best bet. Has the game passed him by? Ask Joe Paterno. Ask Bobby Bowden.


    Come on folks. Football is blocking and tackling. Everything else is about how to put your players in a situation to do that best.....It's not brain surgery



    You forget, Gruden took a Tampa team that could never put it all together-- and won a SB with them. The Iggles dominated TB in the NFC playoffs before "Chucky"

  16. Well - let me tell you... if its a bad season... Buffalo will need another big name to improve ticket sales...


    no person better than BILL COWHER OR MIKE SHANAHAN.


    My thoughts exactly. If we are going to be doomed to another crappy season, I hope it's so bad that heads role. I think then Ralph would finally hire a decent HC-- or else face an angry mob weilding torches and pitchforks. The Bills need a tough, bluecollar coach. My order of preference would be:


    1. Gruden- Like his attitude and his offensive prowess. He's a tough coach who gets the most out of his players


    2. Marty- Proven winner who just happens to have no luck in the post season. He would acually be my number 1 pick, but he's getting up there in years.


    3. Shanny- Would be a great pick, I just think a Jon Gruden team would be mentally tougher.


    4. Cowher- Probably the most blue collar of the 4 mentioned here. Would build a team that is tough in the trenches and one that can win when the weather goes bad. Suffered through some below average seasons in P-burg.


    Note: I'm not a big Holmgren fan. Never liked him very much. I think if he were to come to Buffalo he might net us a few more wins/year (he wouldnt lose us games like Jauron)- but I don't think he's nearly as capable as any of the 4 I liste above.


    I will cautiously say that I "like" Fewell. Statistically, our D is middle of the road. I think with a good pass rush, our D scheme could be sucessfull.


    Thoughts, criticisms.... Fire away

  17. Do you think it's possible that if NE blows us out of the water (something like 55-3) on national TV and we go on to start the season 0-3, that we could get a new coach by week 4 (coincidently just in time for Lynch's return)?


    This is going to be a terrible year. I think the Bills FINALLY take the next step when we clean house and bring in a new coaching staff. Edwards played very poorly, but I can't help to wonder if he would do any better if we had Shanahan, Gruden or someone like that.

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