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Posts posted by saundena

  1. What you are talking about is arbitration. Arbitration is a legal means of settling disputes where a 3rd, neutral party (the arbitrator) takes all the facts into consideration and tries to make the best decision possible. The arbitrator's decision is final (unless there is some exotic means to overide). Often in union environments where there is a labor dispute, both sides will agree on using an arbitrator in order to come to some type of resolution.


    I'm assuming that the same would apply to the NFL's labor dispute

  2. Your plan reenforces the problem of leaving being worse then staying. If they leave it's rare they get caught for DUI unless they get pulled over near immediately. Once they dump the car, they are golden on the DUI. Now not only will they have the legal reason to run but a full years salary in addition to the stigma of a second year out of the league. Granted I agree the punishment needs to be harsh, but you have to think about what you are incentivizing a person to do once the accident occurs, and hitting the gas is the worst possible


    But if they run, they are out for a year, so they have to stay and face the music. You could also make DUI's 1 year suspensions too. That way people players will think twice and hire a cab before they drive!

  3. Here is what the NFL/R. Goddell should do (in my humble opinion) for cases such as these. If a player is convicted of leaving the scene of an accident then he would be immediately suspended for 16 regular season games with out the chance to play in pre/post season games. Should the conviction happen x games into the current season, that than player would be suspended for remainder of the season and n number of games in the following season so that the suspension is 16 games total.


    Convicted of DWI- your ass is grass for 2 full seasons!


    Leaving the scene and DWI- Forget about playing for 3 seasons


    If they don't get tough on the players the NFL will end up like the NBA. Goddell needs to kick some ass. Yeah yeah, I know; "but that's too hard on the players". Bull Shite. Wether they like it or not, players represent the organization and kids look up to them. If a teacher, lawyer or Doctor did something like that, their careers would be in serious jeopardy.

  4. I've been a Jets fan for a long time now. I'm trying to temper my expectations.


    I remember these days all too well...-> :bag:


    One thing I'll say is: I really like Rex and think the guy is a defensive genius. (and so far, there's been no indication that he needs to cheat to win)



    On the offensive side, it's pretty much up to Sanchez's progression. History says that most QBs regress year two. That's the big question. The other concern is getting rid of Thomas Jones. I was a big TJ fan. Still am. The single biggest strength TJ brought to the field was (is) durability. Shonn Greene hasn't shown the durablilty to be a full-season back, and LT is on the wrong side of 30.... and I can see this McNight kid pissing me off. The running game is almost certainly going to fall off. Let's see how far it falls.


    Yes, we lost Faneca, but that doesn't concern me as much as the loss of TJ. Faneca was steadily slipping all last season. He simply is not the player he once was. Matt Slauson was targeted by Bill Callahan (our o-line coach) after he worked with him while at Nebraska. Vlad Ducasse might start too. Either way, the guy who's there is going to be sandwiched between two pro-bowlers. I think the line ought to be fine. It's the backs I worry about.


    Nice Bellicheat zinger! I competely agree with your RB situation. What was once a strength of the Jets is now questionable at best. Thomas Jones was a reliable workhorse. LT is a fading star. It's almost as if they ditched Jones and brought in LT because they thought it would help to sell more seats (I hear they are having trouble selling the seat liscences-- too bad this is what it's come to). ANYWAY, with a 2nd year QB who was carried by the D and the running game, I don't think it was very wise to jettison T. Jones and Faneca. The Jets might win the AFC East, but I think they will struggle to score points which is why I feel Baltimore and Indy are the teams to beat in the AFC.


    I think we'll see our secondary matched up more one on one this year - and that might be good for them and increase their interceptions - due to the pressure on the QB, or, it might make them look worse than last year.

    I know it's possible that our defense goes through some transitional trouble this year, as some people think it will. But, I'm holding on to the hope that it will actually be better. For one, there's the secondary - which, as I said, should get more opportunities to make plays or get burned. Then there's the linebackers. Davis, Mitchell (who I like, and who has played 3-4), Poz, Maybin (who could be pretty good as OLB), Batten, Coleman, Moats, and Kelsay. Those guys are plenty big enough to stop the run. Sure, there's some question with Kelsay, Maybin, and Batten - but, on run downs I think Kelsay will be a strength. Now to Stroud, Williams, Troupe, Carrington, Johnson, and Edwards - rotating them in and out for stamina, and I see a front seven that shouldn't have trouble holding up against the run. That group looks like a 3-4 defense to me.

    So, as I see it, even if we don't come out and tear it up, we should at least be decent, which is better than we've been. I think we can be a top 10 defense.


    Well said. I don't think the transition will be as bad as some think. Sure there will be some blown coverages, but I think when the money is on the line you will see 2 things:


    1. Our D will make critical stops on 3rd down.

    2. We won't wear out in the 4th quarter.


    There is no way we finish worse than 8-8!

  5. You guys do have a helluva secondary. I think your defense's ceiling is going to be dependent on the contributions of one particular rookie: Terrell Troup. Nose tackles make or break a 3/4. When we first switched and had Dewayne Robertson, we stuffed the run like a sieve. It was awful. Kris Jenkins made all the difference in the world. You need two things to make the 3/4 work: stout guy up the middle and a good play-caller. Other than that, I'd say you guys have a pretty good D, I'm not so sure how effective tampa-2 LBs are going to be in a scheme where they're taking on guards, but I've seen some undersized LBs excel in a 3/4. We'll see.


    WHAT! A sensible reply from the enemy?!?! Maybe you can teach the Dol-Phag Trolls how to post on other teams message boards. You're ok in my book!

  6. I was reading the Brown article on our 3rd nickel cornerback this year, and it jumped out at me how deep our secondary is. Safety is really solid with Byrd and Wilson as two ballhawks, and Whitner and Scott as real good against the run - and then you've got McKelvin, McGee, Florence, Youboty, Corner - and even Seargeant and Lankster at cornerback.


    With all this talent - we could let these guys play a lot more man-to-man coverage this year and have a defense similar to the Jets. I think we're going to be able to devote a lot more personnel packages to stopping the run and blitzing - because our secondary is so good. What do you guys think?


    Agreed. On paper, I believe that our secondary is better than the Jets. It's just that taken as a whole, the rest of the Jets D was much better than ours last year- not to mention, the coaching. Let's just hope that we can be at least average against the run because with our Pass D, I believe we will be a top 10 unit!

  7. For a while now i've wanted Trent to grow a set and show everyone up. Perhaps it's not meant to be. Give him a chance under the new offense and see what happens before lambasting him. In my opinion he's on a short leash, but don't skewer him just yet. Everyone needs a chance under a new regime. If Trent fails I think Gailey will be quick to turn to the next qb and see what he has to offer. I really doubt Gailey see's SB potential in any of the qb's we have this year. He's just working with what he has and maximizing his current talent. Nothing wrong with that.

    Well said. There is only so much we can do in a given offseason. Chan will get all he can out of these guys.

  8. Our qb situation is what it is- unless one of our guys has a breakout season or Levi is lights out in camp/preseason then qb will remain as a position of need. That being said, I feel thigpen brings more to the plate than Fitz. Sure fitz has some scrambling abilities and has shown that he has a set of balls, but thigpen has been more impressive given his set of circumstances.

  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5290404


    I did not see this posted anywhere (so maybe nobody cares) but as expected Fat Albert is a no show in Washington and demanding a trade. This is one Snyder mistake that will keep paying dividends for the Redskin's opponents for quite some time. It will be interesting to see if Shanahan can actually instill some team first attitude with the rest of the players. Haynesworth is the epitomy of the problem with this team for years. Not Bills related really (unless someone thinks we should trade for this turd) but kind of funny given last year's hype over the signing.


    Phew. I though this was going to be a "lets trade for Albert" post. Agree with everything you say. Sure he would rather play the position that he's fit for, but London Fletcher is right- This is a team sport and he should be there with his team.

  10. Trump is not someone you'd want anywhere near the Bills. To be honest, I wonder how welcome he would be as an NFL owner considering his history in pro football?




    I agree that he may not be welcomed back into the NFL- no arguements there. I just think he is Jim Kelly's Ace in the Sleeve. Trump is a Bill fan. He and Kelly go way back. Now consider the the allure of a new stadium and casino located in The NY side of the Falls. . . . All irresistable things to the Donald.


    I'll welcome anyone- regardless of their history- as a Bills owner as long as they promise to keep the team in Western NY

  11. Lets looks at the first 4 weeks of the season in the division. All 4 teams have a very Tough beginning of the year.


    Buf.......Miami, @Packers,@ NE, Jets.

    Lets hope we beat the Fins at home. Might be our only win to start off. I think all these games will be close. We don't know the Spiller effect yet but I will say 1-3 with a mild chance at 2-2.


    Fins.....@Bills, @Vikings, Jets, Pats.

    If they don't beat us at home they could be 0-4.


    Jets.. Ravens,NE, @Miami,Bills

    They could win all 4. But I doubt they will. Best case 3-1 with a loss to the Ravens hopefully. 2-2 is not out of the question either.


    Paties... Bengals,@ Jets, Bills, @ Miami.

    They could win all 4 also but not likely, they never play well at Miami, who knows what the Bengals will be like but they were a playoff team last year. 3-1 most likely but 2-2 is not out of the question.



    After 4 weeks I see. Pats 3-1

    Jets 2-2

    Bills 1-3

    Fins 0-4


    I think your right. Jets and Pats could be 4-0 but I have a feeling that it will be pretty tight in the AFC East with the Jests and Cheatriots on top. I will say this though. Hopefully Billecheat figures out how to pick apart the Jests Defense...

  12. Chemistry, it can be a B word, especially with a Ryan at the helm.


    +1. I've been saying this for a while. It also remains to be seen how his LapBand procedure will affect him. Rex Ryan might find that he lacks the energy and drive to effectively coach a football team....

  13. I'm kinda sick of talking and reading about the draft. So I was sitting in the BUF airport and it struck me how incredibly awesome it would be to have a longer NFL season- say perhaps 18 games. Of course it's unlikely that this would ever happen because players would want more money and football is taxing enough of a players body, BUT the league would generate more revenue. This is what I was thinking:


    The NFL regular season would begin the week following pre-season (like usual). After every 6 games, a team would get a bye week and so the regular season would effectively be broken up into 3rds. Now, half of the NFL teams (16 of them) would begin their season two weeks following preseason. That way the bye weeks would not all happen at the same time and would be staggered. It might not seem fair to start the season earlier, but since these teams would end the regular season early, they would have an extra week to prepare for the playoffs should they qualify!


    I would also propose one of the extra games be an out of conference game assigned by the league, and the other game be an out of division regional game decided upon by the owners. I think it would be cool to play teams like CLE or PIT every year!


    What are your thoughs? I'm I crazzzzzy?

  14. Great weapons but no QB to throw them the ball and no O-line to open holes. 3-13.

    I'm sorry, but your outta your gorde. As I (and many others on TSW) have said, we had the perfect **** storm working against us last year (Jauron, bad luck, injuries, fired OC) and still managed 6 wins. Considering the NE and CLE games, we easily are 8-8.



    There is no way that we finish worse than we did last year. NO WAY. I actually have faith in Nix and Chan. Maybe we won't have the best O line in the league, but I have to believe that they think our O line is good enough to keep us in games. Spiller will mask a lot of our woes.

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