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Posts posted by saundena

  1. I think what we lack in overall talent, we'll make up with our physical and mental toughness. I look at teams like Houston and think how good they could if they only had a half way decent coach. The Texans have so much talent, but lack discipline- the fault of their coach- Gary Kubiac. Houston is a team that plays to the level of their opponents; but put a guy like Chan in Houston and they'd be playoff bound!


    I admit that I wasn't on board with Chan in the beginning- but that was then. It's so nice to finally think that we'll have a tough, disciplined team!


    Get ready for week 1- 'Fins your going to get a beat down!

  2. 1. Where would you watch the game if the Bills were in the Superbowl?



    2. If the Bills won the Superbowl - in which district of Buffalo would the most rioting occur?



    3. Would the city of Buffalo be the same ever again?



    I would like to hear your opinions!


    1. By myself. I'd be too nervous and anxious. No one would want to watch the game with me. Besides, if they lost, I would probably cry.

    2. I don't know Buffalo all that well.

    3. Would change for the better

  3. Screw that prediction. This should be posted in the Bills locker room on every locker.


    Hopefully it is posted, along with the other so called "expert" rankings. We beat the fish by 10 as long as we stay heathy. As I've been saying, we finish 8-8 +/- 1


    Go Bills!

  4. In light of Jackson and Lynch going down, Spiller will now be the #1 RB, as we all to well know, coaching staffs seem to all have a 3 yr plan to prominence. That being said, could Spiller being here already, point toward Jake Lokker next year? Maybe? With Spiller having what will be a year of experience under his belt as of next season, that would take alot of pressure of a rookie QB, especially if Spiller has a great year. Not taking a QB this year seems to be puzzling everyone, as well as a stud LT, why they didn't take one of those is a mystery? Could it be that CHIX has a master plan to build a rock solid foundation that will be successful for the long term?, we shall see... Year one in a rebuilding process always comes with its share of growing pains and this year should be no different (barring a miracle that is), the 3-4 Defense will be more defined next year and with a few more pieces that could be added along the way, could be very good. So the key word for this season is Patience!, Yell and scream at the TV if you want (I will be), but do it knowing that its still a work in progress...


    just a thought.......?


    I still think is was more the fact that they didn't really like any of the QB's or LT's that were left. Face it, Tebow was surely a reach (a HUGE REACH for a tight end :D that is ), and if other GM's had any faith in McCoy or Claussen, they would have been taken much higher that they were. Spiller with a year under his belt will surely be a boon for any rookie QB (should we end up drafting one), but we chances are very good that we'll need a LT too. Which do we pick first.


    I doubt we take a QB in the top 10 (whether we pick in the top 10, or trade up). Another thing to consider about Locker (at least according to what I read on the TSW) is that he might decide on baseball?


    I dunno what the future holds- but hopefully it has us with a winning record sometime soon

  5. Trent already was outplayed in the 1st preseason game. Fitz produced two touchdowns (1 passing 1 rushing while he was at QB) and had a 97.6 QB rating. Trent produced 1 interception and a FG while at the helm and had a QB rating of 29.2. Trent got schooled. The reason Gailey did not play Brohm in game 1 was twofold. 1. 3 of the Bills' starting OLinemen were injured and 2. it was the first preseason game and things were certain to be awful. Trent got the temporary starting job because of seniority and experience which is also the reason Fitz got the 2nd spot. Brohm will come in this week after Trent puts up another dismal performance and probably play at least as well as Fitz did if not substantially better. then Gailey will knock Trent down to 3rd if he doesn't just cut him. He puts Brohm as 1 and Fitz at 2 and Brown at 3. No reason to elevate Brown to 2. He looked to raw last week to put him in as a backup in a potentially critical spot.



    Great Post, I agree 100%! Makes sense not to put an unknown like Brohm into a situation where 3 O-linemen are out.

  6. Right now I would assume Ralph and Brandon have ceded some of their decision making responsibilities to Nix and Chan. I say this because Nix was one of the few holdovers from the previous regime and was allowed to bring in his own HC. Now, consider the upcoming game on Thursday. . . . If the team craps the proverbial bed once again- What are some indicators that might suggest certain people are meddling in Nix's business-- assuming of course that Nix/Gailey are really calling the shots?


    My thought is if TE has another performance like he did last week; regardless of how the other QB's play, Gailey would move to replace him. Chan worked with less talented QB's in the past and yet has gotten much more out of them. I think our coaching staff would much rather see a QB with a pair of ballz lead the team than watch in agony as a Nancy armed QB leads us to the pits of 0-16.


    I was pulling for Trent as much as anyone, but after last week's game I lost 90% of the confidence that I had left in him.


    So if Trent has a bad game, but the Bills continue to stick by him throughout preseason and even game 1 of the regular season, is it safe to assume that Wilson or Brandon are pulling for Trent?

  7. Come on, you have to enjoy Ryan's optimism. He makes it more fun.


    He reminds me of that kid in school who though that everything was Gods word just because he said it louder and with more conviction!


    ALTHOUGH, I would have rather had him as a coach last year- rather than the walking deal that held the title last year.

  8. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast


    Summary- Today during signatures, Welker accompanied his autograph with a message "One game at a time", presumably a retort to RR's proclaimation that the Jets will win the next 40 SB's


    Don't really like Wes that much as a player (he's hurt us too much in the past), but I like what he did here. Really, it highlights the way that the Pats* have operated during much of past decade. Play one game at a time (and don't get caught cheating).


    I can't wait to see the Jests blow up this year. I hate them. Their QB is an even bigger sally than ours!

  9. Let's be honest.....The Jets are a fine looking team heading forward with a QB that can play his ass off.





    Let's be honest.... The Jets have a fine looking defense and overperformed last year. They won in spite of their QB and replaced their workhorse RB for an aging primadonna.


    10-6 at best.

  10. I was happy to hear what Chan said about Chris Ellis in today's presser! He said that when camp started, that Ellis looked AWFUL (gotta love Chanman's honesty), but since then has made a lot of progress and as of today- can "go out on the field and play"!


    This corroborates what some of you have reported in your camp reports. It's quite a relief to see that one of our higher round draft picks- someone who we all though was well on his way to being labeled a "bust"- might just work out!



  11. Link


    A review of the radio interview of Chan Gailey by Tim Graham. Don't know if its been posted yet. Liked what Chan had to say.


    Then Tim let this one fly "The Bills would need to break out of an organizational funk to reach the playoffs, a feat that might be more miraculous than the Dolphins rebounding from 1-15 to win the division in 2008."


    Man he is a hater. I mean its like he thinks "well obviously the dolphins could do it, but no way the bills could ever rebound like that." I'm not saying we are gonna turn around and win the division, but I mean it is in the realm of possibility if the dolphins could do it.


    I can see where he's coming from though. Sure the Dolphins had a miserable year, but they had recent success prior to that 1-15 season. Unfortunately, losing has become an institution here in Buffalo with the all of the GM/Coach changes we've had.


    With that being said, I really feel Nix & Gailey are the right people to bring respect back to this franchise. It might take a year or two (and releasing AS is sure giving the haters all the ammo they could possibly want) but we will improve.

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