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Everything posted by saundena

  1. He resigned from the board, so I don't think he has any involvement in the Casino's any longer. They just bare his name.
  2. So, for the longest time, I truly though that Donald Trump might have been one of the people in Jim Kelly's possible ownership group. Kelly and Trump go way back, and The Donald is rumored to be a Bills fan. Yesterday, the news broke that Trump is now considering running for the POTUS! Of course none of us really know if it's just shameless self promotion or not. If he's serious and he really were to win the general election, chances are slim that he's be involved in any ownership venture should Ralph pass... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_M_nlb6DVA&feature=related
  3. TO the OP: What is this happy horse Shite! Team Newton? Are you friken kidding me! I don't have any problem with Newton as a player, but my God, your post's title is terrible. It's further proof that we live in a "Twilight" generation. What if we don't draft Newton? Will you go back to supporting Team Jacob, got a bunch of his posters in your room do ya??? Or maybe your aligned with Team Edward b/c Robert Pattinson has such nice hair.
  4. Doesn't work for me
  5. How can I watch the SB in a foreign country now that ATDHE / Channelsurf are gone?
  6. Well said. the ONLY thing the Ralph needs (besides a competitive team) is better bathrooms. Seriously, it shouldn't take me 25 minutes to piss. I wouldn't care if they lined up a bunch of porta-potties next to the bathrooms- quite frankly, it might add to the blue collar feel of the place. I hate the corporate, Sally-boy feeling that you get at some other teams' stadiums- but I digress. Face it, we tailgate hard and after a morning of drinking and eating, some of us might need to bleed the lizard a few times during the game. Until peeing on Pats/Jets/Fins fan is legal, we'll need a bathroom fix
  7. Thats what I'm hoping for too. Going into the draft, it's nice know with some degree of certainty which players can make the transition to the NFL. Most Coaches and GMs don't have a chance like this to see what players are really like. This can only be a good thing for the Bills!
  8. You better believe that teams interested in Cam will hear this....
  9. This- plus the Steelers are my number 2 team
  10. I'm surprised that it's blocked in the US. I don't think I've ever seen a youtube music video blocked in the US! I posting from Brazil which is surprising. I have so many issues here with copy write restrictions-- it's maddening. I can't use Justin TV, Hula, etc. Pandora and Netflix streaming also won't work over here either! Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the 1990's! ANYWAY, thanks for the info... I knew it was an early 80's team, but you have good eyes (and a good memory) to pick out the team year.
  11. Well, here is the Youtube link. This should work. EDIT- This is the last time I ever try posting a video. The first time I used the "insert media button". The second time I just copied the link text into the posting area. I don't know why Youtube is not accessible for you all
  12. Neat factoid, GREAT song! Check out 40-41 seconds into the video. The colors are Bills colors and I think I can see a Buffalo on the players helmet. The stadium certainly is RWS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd9TlGDZGkI&ob=av2em Go Green Bay!
  13. Doesn't mean anything.... yet. He could be playing a potential Cleveland offer against ours.
  14. I just want to vent my frustration to TSW faithful. I hate the Jets more than any other professional sports team. My feelings toward them have intensified since Rex Ryan became the head coach. Unfortunately, I believe that their chances to go to the SB are very good-- for a number of reasons: 1. The Steelers are hurting on the offensive line... too many injuries. The Jets defense is fierce. Big Ben can extend plays by moving around in the pocket, but he can only do so much. I think he's going to get the snot knocked out of him. 2. The Jets will be confident. And why shouldn't they be. They beat Manning and Brady. They've already beaten the Steelers in the regular season (and I believe it was in Pittsburgh). 3. The Steelers play sloppy. During the regular season they were averaging something like 100 yards in penalties per game. They had a few big ones against the Ravens too. Playing a good/opportunistic defense means that the chances that they have to score will be limited. They have to make the most of EVERY drive and limit turnovers. I think the Steelers will be the underdog, but this is why they play the game. No one expected the Saints to loose to 7-9 Seattle, or the Jets to win on the Road against IND and NE.
  15. I think it's just me & my computer. ATDHE was working fine for me last night for the ATL and GB game. I have all the plugins and what not. Thanks Promo. I found a good link on the page you suggested.
  16. I'm overseas and ATDHE is not my friend tonight. Anyone know of any other quality feeds that are running tonight?
  17. Mel Kiper discusses possible landing places for Kevin Kolb on ESPN Insider. Not that I have all that much respect for what Kiper things, but I am curious. Would anyone with insider please care to summarize? Thanks!
  18. I agree with both things you said. Certainly this will drive his price up, especially considering how SD knows that Chan and Wanny are friends and go back a ways. ACH it will be. If their defense still reeks next year, I'm sure there will be an off the record agreement between Chan and Wanny that Edwards will be let go and he will get the DC position and still keep the AHC
  19. Can't disagree more. The Colts were a hurting team offensively when they played the Jets and they still scored 16 points. The Patriots are playing at home and have many more weapons. Also, whats the weather forecast looking like? NE is great in the snow, whereas Sancheez blows. If the Pats* get out to a 10 or 14 pt lead, there won't much that the Jets can do. Their offense is too 1 dimensional. They won't trust Sancheez to throw the ball against a Belicheat* defense so they will be forced to run and throw short passes which ultimately will lose them the game. The Jets have 1 or maybe 2 more good years. Sancheez is good for a clutch play or too, but the defense carried that team. I think in a few years, the Jets will be looking to replace Sancheez. Patriots* by 17
  20. Ha, yeah. Speaking of blowing it, Payton's record in the playoffs is pretty poor. They said he's 9-10 all time. Not that I wouldn't take that and all if it were the Bills, but considering that He'll go down as one of the greats, his PO record is not too hot.
  21. I live in Rio de Janeiro
  22. Can someone please post sites that will have RELIABLE & WORKING streaming feeds of tonight and tomorrows games. I usually have to use ATDHE but the quality is never good and buffers every 20 seconds. Thanks GO BILLS
  23. Hey, anyone found a good live stream other than the usual suspects like ATDHE? The local MIA feed last week was very good....
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