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Everything posted by saundena

  1. He seems to have potential... Very good hands. Since injuries happen all the time, why not work a guy into the lineup during a game that we should win ON PAPER?
  2. All the more reason why we should play him. That was probably the only drop that he'll have this year
  3. Was Roosevelt playing last week against the Pats? I know we brought him up from the PS so I figured that he would get a catch or two. I really like his hands and I think he could a boon for us especially if we spend some time developing him. I'm hoping that Chan puts him in there this week.
  4. Guess they haven't seen him getting pancaked by a RB
  5. Has there been any movement in the supposed contract talks with Stevie, Freddy and Fitzy? I don't think it's a necessity that they all get worked out at this very moment, but I'm surprised that we haven't heard anything yet.
  6. I saw that earlier today. Good stuff. I actually picked Detroit as the NFC team that I would root for this year during the preseason. If we don't make it to the playoffs, I'm rooting for them. ALSO, TMQ needs to check his math. Mathematically speaking, an overtime game can't possibly end with only a 1 PT differential! I had Smarties for breakfast today! The bit he wrote about Team's Wine was pretty funny too!
  7. I wish Buffalo would begin selling the Chris Berman WAGONS jersey. I hafta believe that the Bills merchandise department is aware that people want these...
  9. +1. Jones frustrates me to no end. He does make some great plays (even on defense stripping the would-be INT from the Raiders)but he needs to get better hands. Too many dropsies from him. But for today, it's all forgotten. We are 3-0!
  10. Personally, I prefer A. Train Anthony Thomas, but Freddy is pretty good as well
  11. I won't give you an Amen, but I'll give you a Hallelujah!
  12. Actually, yes. But considering today's win FANTASTIC, destination Andrew Luck does not register very high on my concern-o-meter
  13. Completely Agree. Although I think Chan already had credability in the locker room, no everyone in the leagues has to respect him. Only blight on today is the injury to Aaron Williams
  14. Hope Aaron Williams isn't too bad off. That was really the only blight in todays game
  15. Sorry, just had to do it We gave up yards and points, but our D made it count when the money was on the line. When the ticked down to zero, I let out a scream more "questionable" than Fitzy did last week! Great job BUFFALO!
  16. Who is down?
  18. Jones is dropping EVERYTHING
  19. DEMOTE GEORGE EDWARDS. Quick, let's pool our money, rent a sign on the Thruway so we can get this done!
  21. Although choosing between the Jets and Pats* is kinda like deciding if I'd rather have diarrhea or kidney stones, I guess I do share you sentiment. I'd rather have the Pats NOT win the AFC E again. The Jet/Raider game should be pretty good. OAK is likely smarting from their loss in BUF last weekend. I think these teams match up very well against one another!
  22. I've been watching a lot of X-files episodes lately (bought the complete series on DVD on ebay- if your a fan of the show or the genre, I suggest checking this out) and I noticed the our Bills are referenced more than one would expect on a SciFi TV show. For instance, the show's main antagonist (the cigarette smoking man) is asked if he has any preference for which team would win the Superbowl that year. Now, if your not familiar with the show, this was a shadowy character with lots of connections and therefore quite possibly had the power to rig the games. His reply was anyone as long as it's not the Bills because he hates them- thus implying that he had a role in their 4 SB losses. There was also an episode where Mulder and Scully had to meet an informer. Although they didn't know what the informer would look like, they were told that he would be wearing a Buffalo Bills hat. I also noticed Bills posters and banners in the background on several episodes. I wonder if Chris Carter (X Files director, not the receiver) was a fan of the show? Just wondering if anyone else noticed these things. Anyway, GO BILLS! Hopefully we'll be 3-0 tomorrow
  23. I second this. I watched the last QTR of the Raiders game tonight and it's funny, it's so easy to get caught up in the euphoria of winning that you overlook "what could have been". That's not to say that we didn't deserve to win; because we certainly did, but the fact of the matter is that game could have just as easily been a loss for us. Fitz can't play risky like that against NE unless our backs are to the wall. In his defense though, the near INT that Jones broke up in the end zone resulted from poor pass protection. Fitz had NO time to get rid of the ball. Overall, I feel confident though, especially b/c they have some injuries on their D line!
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