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Posts posted by saundena

  1. Don't blame A&M, blame the asinine trademark laws that allow "The 12th Man", or "Threepeat" or a host of other such nonsense to be trademarked. But since A&M has the trademark, they have to pursue cases like this to keep it. That's how it works.


    But that aside, any sympathy for this guy goes out the window when he starts using his handicap as a reason why A&M shouldn't enforce it's rights. I thought people with handicaps wanted to be treated just like everyone else? I'm not buying that he could create this whole site yet now suddenly it's an unmanageable burden to change it.


    In no way is his use of the 12th man impacting A&M's bottom line. It's not as if UT is using the "12th Man" as the name of a new section of seats or a restaurant in their stadium...


    And further to your remark about protect it or lose it; if A&M really wanted to, they could grant him rights for a nominal fee seeing as how this particular Bills fan is using the 12th man in a way which would not cause any financial loss to A&M

  2. I live in Houston and many MANY of the A&M folks I've met are honestly mouthbreathers; so this comes as no surprise. I better be careful though, they may have trademarked "Mouthbreather"


    Also, how would this hold up in court if there is no financial or commercial harm coming to A&M.... and if The 12th Man can be trademarked, why can't Quarterback, pigskin, gridiron, etc all be trademarked.

  3. This is just awful. Truly awful. It has the look and feel of 2 day old guacamole.


    First, why would we want to trade up to number 1. If it were Andrew Luck in this draft, then maybe. Even if the Bills trade up to number 3, or or wherever OAK is picking, we will be able to get a bluechip, impacting player.


    Also, swapping onces and trading away our first, Dareus, SJ and Hughes (solid to very good player) in addition to two 2nds is just ridiculous. I get it. SJ talk is worse than his bite and Dareus behavior is frustrating... but would we trade three proven NFL starter for picks. SJ maybe, but not the others.

  4. This is just not smart. Regardless of how you think our EJ (or any athlete for that matter) is going to do, you as an owner of Athlete X shares have no power whatsoever. When you buy stock in a company you (most of the time) are also purchasing a voting right for each share you own. Don't like the direction of the company, guess what, you have a voice and the means to do something about that! Maybe you and I as little people don't have much sway over a large company like Boeing for example, but institutional investors do and if a company is performing poorly, then large institutional stockholders have the power to make things change


    Contrast this as an owner of an athlete's stock. You have no power what-so-ever. If EJ is trying to come back from a nagging injury and could potentially be ready to face the team with the worst defense. Do you have the power to make him play (as it is assumed he would help his stock value by tearing up his opponent's weak defense)? Of course not! That power is held by the team and the teams trainer ultimately.


    Also, what is to stop athletes (or entities purchasing shares on the athlete's behalf) from betting against (ie shorting) their own stock once they get later in their careers. Athletes are the only people who truly know how they feel and have a pulse on their own longevity. A guy who's performing at a high level at 30 years old may feel his performance and reboundability slipping before anybody else does and could potentially buy short positions in his stock over the following two years.


    Does anybody know how well regulated this will be?

  5. Did you hear Mike and Mike about three weeks ago when they had Jim Kelly trending in less than 5 minutes? I forget what they asked ppl to post (I think it was #getwelljim) but immediately, it was the leading tweet world wide. Let's hope they pick it up tomorrow!

  6. I'm not always good with this stuff, but something shirt, easy to remember, and conveys the basic premise seems to be the most effect way. Maybe something like #JK4Madden2014. I'm sure there are better ones but something along those lines might be good.


    Oh and make sure to get the Bills Mafia on it, if they aren't already.


    Just copy and paste what I wrote above:


    @espngreeny@espngolic@mikeandmike We want @jimkellyinc on the next Madden cover. Need your support! #kellyformadden

  7. I know Mike & Mike are good friends with Jim Kelly and have a real respect for him. Perhaps we can all tweet the following:



    @espngreeny@espngolic@mikeandmike We want @jimkellyinc on the next Madden cover. Need your support! #kellyformadden


    If enough of us do it, they may start talking about it on the show and who knows where it will go from there! At the very least, JK will know that he's got lots of people pulling for him



    Edit: I just tweeted the above note!

  8. Minor point: Russ is the team president - Doug Whaley is the GM. Did they have Russ playing the GM? (and that's Doug Whaley, not Frank Whaley, thank you NFLN imbeciles who've been calling him "Frank" in their crawler since yesterday)


    Thanks for the review! I'm pretty picky about my rare trips to the theater to see something, but I'll make a point of catching it on cable at least.


    Correct you are. DW is our GM!


    Not sure what role Russ was playing. He only had 1 line and it was in response to something Costner said. I get the feeling that he was one of the GM's high-up assistants because one of the other guys in Buffalo's office did most of the talking (I think his name was Alec or Alex)... But then again, it was Russ was the one seated behind the desk which I assume would be the GM's office... I guess it's not really important!


    It was OK. The whole premise of trading before scouting was just silly.


    Not quite... They did mention that they DID scout him but just didn't do a 100% thorough job since they didn't think he'd be in a position to draft him.

  9. In the movie trailer, they had Costner deliver his line saying "every year someone comes out of this thing looking like a donkey" then they immediately showed your aforementioned shot of Buffalo and the Ralph. I had to LOL even though it was an obvious quick shot at Buffalo for blowing their chance to get this movie.


    I don't remember seeing that but yeah, it's kinda funny.

  10. Whats up friends? It's been awhile since I've posted.


    Anybody get a chance to see Draft Day yet? I went today to see it and I thought it was very good. I'm both a Kevin Costner and Ivan Reitman (see my tag) fan so I was probably predispositioned to like the movie. I believe this was the movie that was originally intended to be about the Bills GM but we unfortunately lost out the Cleveland.


    Russ Brandon had a small cameo in the movie. I'm not sure if the other people in the room with Russ in that scene were Bills people or not; but I thought it was cool to see our GM in the film. They also had a nice poster / painting of Jimbo behind Russ's desk.


    I was also happy to see that Reitman did a nice job of showcasing each of the cities / stadiums that were involved in the story line. When Buffalo was introduced they did a nice sweeping shot of the stadium and the ritzy waterfront areas of the city. I'm not from Buffalo so I wasn't sure which area this was, but it looked nice.


    The only person who looked like a fool was the fictitious JAX GM.


    In Summary, this is a very good movie and it kept me guessing as to who CLE would select. You're all football fans so I think you'll like this movie

  11. This is dumb.


    Comparing stats of qbs is dumb.


    Stats do not make a franchise qb.


    Jimbo was the unquestioned leader from day one. EJ is just trying to fit in and get by and improve.

    Jimbo was trying his heart out to make plays all over the field. EJ is trying not to mess up

    Jimbo was trying to be the greatest QB in history, from day one. EJ is trying to do his best or something.


    You can tell when you have a real franchise QB, even in his rookie year. And you can usually tell when you dont.


    Couldn't have said it any better.

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