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Everything posted by saundena

  1. Personally, I've always wanted to see an all red uniform like the one from this week, but a with a BLACK helmet. I think that would be sharp. Black helmet with the blue buffalo and red stripe. Can anybody photo shop this
  2. 1. Yes, but with help. But they could have screwed the pooch so I'll give you that one. 2. I don't see a franchise QB yet. They drafted an incredibly raw player who needs a considerable amount of refinement before we can be considered even a middling qb; and, they brought this raw QB onto a team with practically zero offensive talent so it's basically impossible to properly evaluate him. 3. I don't believe we are a top 10 defense. Stats may say it, but it doesn't pass the sniff test. Just about any time we've played a top qb, we've folded like a blanket. We're probably in the 13-17 range and after yesterday, I'd say we are closer to 20. The Colts lit us up like a house on fire. Our ranking is most certainly the result of getting lucky bounces and turnovers. The D can win us games, but ultimately not good enough to stop the better QBs in the league. 4. Yes they have. But do you trust their eye for talent? I don't. Not yet at least. I certainly don't trust them to weight talent in par with "the process" when selecting players.
  3. I've thought the same thing. I don't trust these guys to select OL or WR esp considering the consequences of wasting a low draft pick
  4. I was against getting rid of Whaley!
  5. Yeah, it will be a 9 oo 25 blowout ratio after Monday. Another national stage trainwreck
  6. I've been slow to criticize and cast too much doubt on McBean le given the talent that comprises this team. I've been a "trust the process" guy since after the Atlanta game last year. Being in a position to get into the '17 Playoffs even if we had a lot of help makes we want to give McBeane the benefit of the doubt. But, I'm finding that hard to do any more especially when looking at their body of work as a whole. Including the playoff game last year, they have been the head honcho for 24 games. 8 of those games have been blowout losses. Seriously, 1/3 of of all games that we've played in since last season have been horrific losses where we look totally outclassed and I'll prepared. That's on Beane and McDermott. Yes, we don't have a lot of talent, but part of the reason why that is is due to the personnel decisions we've made. Although I agree with some of their moves, it does seem like they put character and mindset above raw talent in many cases. It's just so unbelievable how Jekyl and Hyde we are. We look so prepared for MIN, let look like a bunch of clowns playing grab@ss in GB. They talk about the Process as if they have significant experience doing this, but really they are greener than "Crayola Green" in their respective roles. I think we could see management decisions forced on McBeane at the end of this year if we continue to be blown out in such spectacular fashion (ie forcing a new OC, hiring a football czar... something). Both are safe this year, but if we don't make the playoffs next year, I think they are both gone. PS any of you stats guys/gals care to take a look at the ratio of points for : points against for all of last year up through today? I'd be interested to see where the bills are at. I bet we are last by a wide margin.
  7. "you're so far away" dire straits
  8. This is what happens when you give carte blanche to a first time coach and a first time GM. They either need to fix "the process" and figure out what works, or they will be gone. (The process, by the way, always pissed me off, as if together McBeane had so much repeatable success in the past that they could demand such conformity to the system as if it were a magical pancia). If they win 6+ games they will be given a 3rd season. Winn less than 4 games, especially with several blowout losses then I think we will have another change in management unfortunately
  9. Hey OP, can you tell us how many minutes into a four freaking hour video we should jump to?
  10. Wow. If Miami takes Rosen we are in trouble. Bottom feeder for the next 15 years.
  11. Eff this mcbean will be done in 3 years
  12. You mean you've heard BUF wants Mayfield from day one? If so, from who? While this is my hope, Jets at 3 will nab him
  13. Well then, hopefully that is indeed true!
  14. Not Baker really, IIRC. He's my 1A. Rosen is 1B.
  15. Agreed. He's the best interviewer we've seen in the modern media age.
  16. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000905763/article/oakland-raiders-to-hire-tom-cable-as-oline-coach
  17. Any way to get these stats broken down by season?
  18. I love Romo. I'm the guy who doesn't really notice commentary-good or bad, but I notice Romo and he is excellent- enthusiastic, entertaining and explains things well
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