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Everything posted by DasNootz

  1. Buddy just stole the show with his Oakland comment.
  2. Gailey, "Maybe some coaches have personal reasons why they don't want to come to Buffalo... Great, that allows me to be here".
  3. Yes... we can finally start drafting for character.
  4. The girl in the green is hot.
  5. Someone is dropping mad f-bombs... "Is this a f'n rock 'n roll show now?"
  6. I think the reporter closest to us is on the StadiumWall.com right now, looking for updates.
  7. Are you right or left handed? I'd put the underwear in your dominant hand side... because that's what you'll put on first. Socks go in the opposite.
  8. scooby
  9. Didn't Bo Jackson get injurred in the previous round against the Bengals?
  10. I actually saw a mock that had the Bills taking Haden... over Williams, McClain, Campbell, Davis etc http://www.nfldraftdog.com/Mock-Drafts/201...mock-draft.html
  11. Can you throw a football or do you have any coaching experience?
  12. If you didn't enjoy the Hangover... I don't want to be friends with you.
  13. Choosing to be a fan of a team is more sacred than marriage these days. Would you leave your wife if you went through a 10 year cycle with no nookie? If the answer is no, your moral fiber is what keeps you loving... hating... and resenting the Buffalo Bills.
  14. the fake background is annoying me too. If you want people to think that you're actually on the field, film the show on the field level. When Lou Holtz crew is talking, the band members behind them look freakishly large, because they're playing the video on the green screen.
  15. I think he looks smaller today.
  16. How much do you want to bet taht "re-evaluate" is code for "inject with Cortizone".
  17. Did anyone else see Cowher and Nix sitting together? I bet they're scouting our future LB or QB together.
  18. I think Alabama will come out shakey... My bet is they open with a run that gets stuffed, followed by a false start and subsequent sack. Third down will be an incomplete pass followed by a fake punt pass for an interception. Just a hunch.
  19. It probably has to do with firemen. The hook and ladder are popular symbols used in fire department seals, so people got used to the terminology. The brain tries to quickly interpret what it hears, and sometimes we "hear" what sounds familiar rather than what is actually said. "For all intensive purposes" is another one that bugs me... rather than (For all intents and purposes).
  20. McNabb had 4.8 seconds to release the ball to Jackson last night. If any Buffalo QB could have that time, Evans would be a long ball threat again. We didn't take Jackson because he served the same role as Evans, stretching the field, and we lacked a big Red Zone WR.
  21. What's to gain by losing? We end up paying more money to a future "handcuff"... We haven't shown any ability to team changing solid first round picks, and the players eat up salary. Lets let some of our young guys get experience, and maybe get a taste of playing winning NFL football.
  22. I would have liked it if you put Cowher in the middle of the group so the results would look like Ralph's middle finger to all of us Bills fans.
  23. 3-6 isn't where they'd like to be... but their attitude is great! - Ugh
  24. Dick is now out
  25. a female just asked "Is Dick coming out any time soon"... which brought on round of childish laughter.
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