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Everything posted by thepizzaking

  1. Hasn't Williams been an injury liability anyways the last couple seasons? He didn't make it past the halfway mark this year if I recall correctly.
  2. I don't want to weigh in on this current debate, but how was Tim Graham run out of here? If I recall correctly, someone challenged him with the likes of "I don't believe you, unless you reveal your sources." He took that as the most offensive insult in the history of man, and just left because of that. I may be remembering it wrong, but I do remember clearly thinking at the time "wow, that was pretty sensitive." Not that he had to reveal his sources or anything, but he could have just said "no thanks."
  3. I'm beginning to think Chan wants the spread to succeed cause it's his baby. Anything else cuts against his pride. There's no other reason to abandon the run in the 3rd quarter, especially when your defense was at least preventing more points from going on the board. Same thing with the Miami game. First drive we looked awesome, then he would NOT give up with the shotgun even though Levitre couldn't snap for crap. It just makes no sense from a football perspective, so something else has to be going on here.
  4. It really wasn't though. They allowed huge time gobbling drives that culminated in points. How is that amazing?
  5. Honestly I think the offensive play calling has gone to mush. I don't mean to say Chan is an idiot, just that any attempt at misdirection is gone. If you come out in the I formation and only ever run it, then they'll KNOW THAT. If you come out with 5 WRs to pass, then THEY KNOW THAT. When we were moving the ball earlier it was cause of play action out of the same formations we had been running it in. We consistently go AWAY from this and to this stupid 5 WR crap with guys who can't catch. WHY? Spiller was having a great game!
  6. Why is Chan so in love with this 5 WR set? Wasn't Spiller looking pretty good or was it just me?
  7. Yeah I don't see how he could have gotten down, but then again that's when the refs blow the whistle for forward progress....at least that's how it usually goes.
  8. Dude Searcy just laid down some lumber... Also, remember when everyone said Byrd wasn't physical enough? Kid loves to hit now...
  9. I'm so confused by when forward progress applies and a play stops and when it doesn't.
  10. BOOM! Finally a sack!
  11. Did you guys miss the part where we were on our own 2 yard line? With 30 seconds left? What's to be gained by doing anything there?
  12. Damn that was set up perfectly, doubt we'll get it that wide open again
  13. Arm was clearly under the ball the whole way...
  14. Good stop. This game is still wide open!
  15. Smith earning his paycheck again, love it.
  16. I simply do not understand why we continue to run the shotgun at this point. Levitre cannot snap the ball.
  17. Wow Fitz looks absolutely horrible. Did he just skip practice this week?
  18. Can someone explain to me why we run formations without a running back on second down? There is no attempt at misdirection at all. It's embarrassing for Gailey.
  19. You know I actually worked with Sanchez for a couple summers while he played at Mission Viejo high. Given the pedigree of that high school's program and how well he did there, it was no secret he was going somewhere special for college, and at USC, especially at that time, it was no secret he would do well either. I'm not sure it's too far fetched to consider all angles given that.
  20. You never heard anything because it was just as likely that the girl involved was making it up as it was that Sanchez did anything wrong. No charges were filed b\c a preliminary investigation (iirc) could not establish that there was any element of force involved, or something to that effect. Anyways, as quickly as it came it went away.
  21. Honestly people always complain that we take the pedal off the gas all the time and don't play 4 full quarters. These guys need to learn to play the whole game every game. I love that Chan has them in there still and they're still pushing like it matters. It's a quality they have to have if they want to hit the playoffs and do anything when they get there.
  22. Ball security I imagine. I'd rather they do that in this situation and lean on the D then have another forced throw.
  23. Why does Fitz force throws all the time? Inside the 20 just take the 3 points if it's not there.
  24. Yes but teams (and the eagles game today was a PERFECT example of this) only found running yards by going AWAY from the interior. Why? Because every time they tried to run between the tackles they were stuffed at the line, hard.
  25. This team has a ton of grit and a ton of heart. Our defense might give up yards but they get the ball when they need to, can't ask for more. 4-1 is 4-1, doesn't matter how we got there either!
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