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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsMagic1

  1. Not even a great KO returner in my books. too tentatative
  2. Doug Hogue and Derell Smith would be nice pickups for our LB corps maybe in 3 to 5 th rounds. They have been solid against the pass and run at Suracuse this year. Hogue, a converted tailback and Smith I beleive was originally a FB would give us tougness and skill as well as speed compared to what we have now in our Kelsay led guys.
  3. Doug Hogue and Derell Smith would be nice pickups for our LB corps maybe in 3 to 5 th rounds. They have been solid against the pass and run at Suracuse this year. Hogue, a converted tailback and Smith I beleive was originally a FB would give us tougness and skill as well as speed compared to what we have now in our Kelsay led guys.
  4. no staters out of draft and #9 pik that is not an everydown guy says "bust". if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, gues what it is????
  5. Didn't we play the lowly Jags and got killed???
  6. Why so much negativity? I can see how improevd we are inthe first year of our plan can't everyone else?
  7. Gruden to run the show and coach as well. He's dealt with Al Davis in the past an also been a winner.
  8. I thought Wangton was a T in college. Why did we draft another guard when we need Tackles? Do we ever draft Tackles that can actually play tackle on this team? I don't get it. We draft Cs to play guard(Wood), tackles to play guard( Wang and Levitre) and don't drfat any Ts to play Tackle? What is this all about. We only use non-drafted or Fas to play Tackle?
  9. We have that Mangold type Center but we decide to play him at Right Guard.
  10. Parcells would gut the front office, coaches and players and in 2 years we would be winners. The third year he woul dleave in a hissy fit.
  11. I think our scouts do this to make it seem like they know more than other evaulators and if they get one out of 10 right they look like "geniuses" to RW. Wood should be the C on this team like Mangold is to the Jets. No reason to move him to guard whatsoever. Hartencrapper sucks.
  12. Then let's get him back on the good stuff and mask it correctly!
  13. I say 90% of his passes will be less than 7 yards and he will get sacked in key times on 3rd downs.
  14. Trueer woprds never bbeen said. We try to out smart the experts and our commopn sense goes out the window each year on drfat day/
  15. We got rid of Schobel as well and Trentless who I did not know were black and signed Andra Davis and Spiller and Troup and Carrington for tons of money and I thought they were black. Guess I am color blind on this one.
  16. Heck if we beat Pittsburg Saturday everyone would be 100 % on the Orange Bandwagon as well. Go Orange!
  17. This is classic...LOL He and Denney make Kelsay and any of our other DEs look like grade school kids playing amongst men.
  18. I say prayer in a house of worship might be our staff's best approach this week.
  19. Jets are succesful on defense beacsue they blitz 90% of the time and dsis=guise it so you klnow it is coming but not from where thus focing the offense to make quick decions on line and at qb and wr. I'd like to see us do the same.
  20. makes like 1/2 of Kelsay and we willpass on him for financial worries i bet.
  21. Denver has no DBs left. Can we say Magee or Corner or maybe one of our 10 safties???
  22. Seems to me the 60's unis with the nice blue and standing buffalo was the best. We won 2 AFL championships with that uni and looks great, I say go back to when we were champs of something at tleast....
  23. my thoughts exactly, let's stay positive!
  24. Put him on the Jets or Ravens and he will be an all world outside LB . I say re-sign the guy as we have novbody better. Is injury prone but maybe best for outside LB in a 3-4 or a 4-3.
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