We will use our 1st round pick on Blackmon or next best receiver and the hamster wheel continues. Keep drafting to replace good players instead or re-signing the good ones.
Maybe if we hired a GM, head coach and def coordinator with a history of success in the NFL we would be in the playoffs regularly. Really, a first time GM at over 70 yrs of age and we expect him to succeed? A def coordinator that was never one before and we expect to succeed? We are too f'n cheap with these guys.
I keep hoping we would jam the recievers at the line to break up the timing of the QBs we face. The Qbs also look too comfortable against us as they have all day long back there. Guess Blitz packages are against Edwards philosophy.
Fitz is ideal backup. we need a real QB to dveelop long term. Need also a WR with speed, real OL men, DEs that can rush the passer and 2 OLBs tha can rush as well as play the pass. I fiugure 10 more drafts and we'll be set.
With his attitude we would be attack and aggresive defensively all the time. Woould wake up this area like it has not been in years. Makes too much sense for our front office.
I lioke it when we run the ball great, getinside the 15 yard line and then we go to 5 WRS , open backfield. You think the defense knows we will pass??? Run the friggin ball to our left side behind andy and our new LT, who will be a star.
They refer to Maybin as "Mahem" in nY. The guy switches sides on the line, sometimes stands, sometimes in down stance. Amazing how our coaches could not figure this out. Oh yeah, when was the last time we actually got a sack?
Yeah, Maybin had 0 in 2 years with us and has 5 in like 40 plays with the Jets. You think some defensive coordinators know how to use palyers ti their stregths and others do not? Change coaching staffs and some guys will flourish. The Bils don't tgetthsi and dump the young guys instead.
I originally said 4 wins at minimum and 7 at most so I am about right on at this point so I am not dissapointed. We need better plaers and a new def coordinator.
Looked great rushing up the middle vs the Redskins if anyone rememebers. We just need a betterr rush from the outside and next to him. He is real good and always double teamed.
He was in a vulnerable position and down. Ref shouild have blown whistle but Jets got home field advantage in my mind. Unncessary roughness in my book.
No way we can build with just the draft alone and all it's hits and misses. we need aggresive free agency to get a top notch receiver, a true OLB, a DE that can rush the passer, OL help, especially as a backup C. We need to get true starters in free aganecy and a new coordianotor on defense that can thake this teams strengths and figure a system it can utikize. No more troups or MccRagos and try and make them something they never were in college, ie good players against good competetion.